Sports_ Open Continued from P.iri* 8 Javelin throwers I aula Hi’rn who is nisi 14 inches shy of the 168 6 qualifying mark, ami him ilyatt. whoso host is an ini presslvt: 167-1 will look lo qualify as well Th«< man's 400-mater relay tram whose MCA A qualify ing hid at Ifie 1’ai III meet was sntiiihed after the team was ills qualified for a lane violation will not run due to a hamstring injury to Davon Russell, who posted the team's best 100 me ter time of the year at 111 at) In addition. i.tton meter steeplechaser Ruk Mi stier will attempt to best tile \i AA mark of 8:48.00 with the help of lei low steeplei baser Damn Lo pe/. who rail a season best .it tile Par-10 meet with 8 i'l 7 1 hlaus VVeigeldt. whose at tempt to qualify at the I’ai 10 meet was squelched by the sw irling winds and ari bait track of Stanford Stadium, w ill take one final shot (possibly two) at the NCAA 400 mark of 46.20 behind sprint coach George Walcott, who will set a fast pace for the first too meters and leave the rest to Weigeldt who has a season best of 46.47 U'eigeldts situation resem tiles that of Duck graduate as sistant com ii Pal tanning, who made two gallant attempts to i|u•-.!i nl m ill i il thr I)in k> 11 giiinrs .tiul ,i rri iml iil -II 11 vv illi .ini’ c.iriinl mn .iveraxc ,i U irsc If(1 (he I'.ii 1(1 in i irlu.illv I'Vriv pit' Ii ini' t .itr^niA mill now mvns nr,ul\ .ill thr ( )rrmin pit* hum rri nr<1 s r»*rr\ (Jiirpriilrr «»t ! rrsno Male . i! 1 < i \li( lirlr Smith »>t ( )k 1.)tuiiii.i Stair v\ err thr nlhn first tram pit* hris -i Graduation Cakes—10% off! \ Arc you stumped, trying to buv u gift for your best friend? Boyfriend or girl friend? favorite teacher? Fall ('.reek Bakery has the solution—Graduation (lakes! Order hv June 1st and you'll receive 1 ()"•> off vour purchase! Brices start at $7.1)5, with discount. Order your cuke today! yVWJVVWWVWWWVVVSAiWAWW/iMVVS/VWVAWVWVVVWS/VWWWWVW HHIK nth I l (.I M 's STr-,,,, FALL CREEK BAKERY Sal. H t Haul- 'I