Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1986, Page 7, Image 7

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Board to request more money
for legal defense of the poor
SALEM (At*) — The state Indigent Defense
Board says it may disband if the Legislature does
not provide it with more money for legal defense
of the poor.
The board estimates a deficit of $H million to
$10 million in the defense fund appropriated.by
the Legislature for 1083-87. ° \ •
Members voted Saturday' to • present
documentation of defense costs to. the
legislature’s Emergency Board in September. If
the Emergency Board fails to approve more
money, the defense hoard will cancel all its con
tracts for indigent defense. . .. •
The defense hoard then will tell the state’s
circuit' judges, "The hall's in your court.? said
Richard Forcuij), a Bend lawyer who proposed
th<! plan.
"If there is no money and no one does,
anything, then our job (9 done." he said.
The board's vote was a rebuff to a proposal
from Oregon Chief justice Edwin Peterson, who,
appointed members of the independent board.'.
. Peterson -proposed canceling indigent defense
contracts .and scrapping the existing "case unit"
•defense system;‘ire which law firms take on a cer
tain number.of eases for a negotiated fee.
PetersonX proposal -had been criticized by
' t *|f tins.' iformihgg .''director1' of .Metropolitan Public:
liefenders Service .Inc.,' the state’s largest.
'. criminal defense contractor/ '
- • • •• . • - • ■ ;.. ■ ■ .* . *
Nader says SAT fails to test students
PORTLAND (AP) — Standardised,
multiple-choice testa are causing U S. educa
tion itself to become standardized, consumer
activist Ralph Nader says.
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SATJ does
not test students* aptitude, judgment, ex
perience and wisdom, Nader told the
Northwest regional council of the National
Council of Teachers of English on Sunday.
Nader said the SAT also fails to test
students* idealism, imagination, persistence,
stamina and creativity
Nader was critical of the New jersey-based
Educational Testing Service, which distributes
the SAT. Colleges use SAT scores to help
determine whether a student has the potential
for academic success.
Because the service is a non-profit, tax
exempt service, it has an unregulated monopo
ly on student testing nationwide, he said.
In addition. Nader said, students who
prepare for the SAT are not required to analyze
or criticize life around them !■ .
"Students can go through 16 years -of
education and at the end they don't know
anything about negotiating their dollars in an
economy for health, safety and economic
value; they know nothing about studying City
Mali; they know nothing about how to
negotiate their civic rights through a process of
change and challenge in the government. They
know nothing about anything that counts."
Nader said
Me suggested that tear hers start a "civic
skills" curriculum, "so by the time they get
out of high school, (students) have some of the
civic skills that are indelible in their own out
of-school experience as well as what they
learned in books and what they observed in the
courts and in the legislature.
He urged educators to spend time with
their students to develop talents that cannot be
displayed in a multiple-choice test.
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Spraying begins this week
to eradicate gypsy moths
This year’s battle against - the
gypsy moth in, Oregon is
scheduled .to expand to a se
cond front this week, w'hen
helicopters Ijegin spraying a
biological- insecticide over
much of lane County.
Aerial spraying, of Bacillus
thufingiensis. or II.t.. began last
week over several hundred
acres near Glide in Douglas
County. A total of 5,000 acres is
scheduled to be* spraved in
Douglas County, but weather
conditions limited spraying
there last week;
On Tuesday morning, the
first of 105,000 targeted acres in
Urne County am, scheduled to
lie sprayed with ILL;. weather
permitting, spokesman Mike
Hursotti said Sunday.., The
spraying had been scheduled to
begin there Monday, but was
postponed because uf expected
The _fpMage-eating gypsy , l
moth caterpillar is considered a
threat to Oregon's iimber in
dustry It was first.found in
Oregon four years ago in the
Salem and Portland areas;
This year's spray program, at
a cost of $H 4 million. hi1 the
second-largest eradication effort
undertaken using B.t. ex
clusively. officials say Mast
year's program in Oregon was
the largest.
HI. a naturally occurring
bacteria, grows in moist soils
and in the tissues of infected in
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