Regional Board to request more money for legal defense of the poor SALEM (At*) — The state Indigent Defense Board says it may disband if the Legislature does not provide it with more money for legal defense of the poor. The board estimates a deficit of $H million to $10 million in the defense fund the Legislature for 1083-87. ° \ • Members voted Saturday' to • present documentation of defense costs to. the legislature’s Emergency Board in September. If the Emergency Board fails to approve more money, the defense hoard will cancel all its con tracts for indigent defense. . .. • The defense hoard then will tell the state’s circuit' judges, "The hall's in your court.? said Richard Forcuij), a Bend lawyer who proposed th .• « •Corrections Dept. •City of Eugene: Purchasing COMPUTER RELATED •AlphaHealthCare PUBLIC RELATIONS •WISTEC •Red Cross •United Way COUNSELING RELATED •Corrections Dept. Position Descriptions are in 221 Hendricks Hall, sign ups begin May 5. Spraying begins this week to eradicate gypsy moths PLEASANT HILL (AP) - This year’s battle against - the gypsy moth in, Oregon is scheduled .to expand to a se cond front this week, w'hen helicopters Ijegin spraying a biological- insecticide over much of lane County. Aerial spraying, of Bacillus thufingiensis. or II.t.. began last week over several hundred acres near Glide in Douglas County. A total of 5,000 acres is scheduled to be* spraved in Douglas County, but weather conditions limited spraying there last week; On Tuesday morning, the first of 105,000 targeted acres in Urne County am, scheduled to lie sprayed with ILL;. weather permitting, spokesman Mike Hursotti said Sunday.., The spraying had been scheduled to begin there Monday, but was postponed because uf expected rain. The _fpMage-eating gypsy , l moth caterpillar is considered a threat to Oregon's iimber in dustry It was first.found in Oregon four years ago in the Salem and Portland areas; This year's spray program, at a cost of $H 4 million. hi1 the second-largest eradication effort undertaken using B.t. ex clusively. officials say Mast year's program in Oregon was the largest. HI. a naturally occurring bacteria, grows in moist soils and in the tissues of infected in sects r Real Greek Food Deliciously Prepared Still eating Still drinking Still being merry STILL HERE . . . for another whole year! rkmd Tiwadijra V 675 East 13th Eugene J Who loves you, Baby? Y£fcl Juff d>,Kf +0 ?Af 5ohe yoOy/M UH iff PAsf-to £