Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1986, Page 5A, Image 5

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‘Mishima’ takes ‘provocative*
look at artists’ confrontations
An artist dunces with a friend in a gay bar
at night. The friend makes a Joke-abopl.t hear- .
list's flabby shoulders Ihstjmd of telling the
friend how hurt ho fuels, the man leaves him
«nd gees home. Thu fri.und phonos him and the
artist arranges.a rendezvous'll* front of liis
house Them he lolls h'is.friond that he can not.
bear , to look at himself in the mirror, so
displeased is he with.his own appearance...'
Such confrontations' between people are
the stuff «tf which Paul.Schrader's "Mishima"
is made ' ■'
. /Mishima' * treats .the. life of the pro-..
• vocaljv'e Japanese writer.and celebrity Yukio.
Mishima. The fl.ltol itself is extremely pro
-vocative.-Any large spectacle .that its adverfls- .
mg in.ight load-uno'-|d expect is absent. Indeed, .
\lhe filftv is veryintimate People talk,.foel
helpless.' .-Pinke (lei isioqs and. carry out s
° actions/-„ ' ".. .
'.Three‘‘ main narrative levels extend
through,.the film simultaneously-: .vignettes-'
', from the .artist's life."filmed in black and'
/ whbef scenes-from three of his novels' filmed.
• • in. loud colors on-stylized set ft;aiuilhe events /
of the last day of-Mishiina s' life, filmed 'In
routed Cptork; in' which’ he and officers- from" •
Ills private arinv.' entered the lapauese A'rim
iloadquarters, tied up tlie i.oiiunaiide'r, and ad-. •
: dressed the garrison from- .the roof.-: These-:*
• soldiers refused to listen, and Mishima i dm f
milled ritual suicide.. . ' .' ; ' . « •
The charac ters in the.fiction, As vveH- afi-.
. Mishima Himself. a re. loners This is consistent
\\ till other Schrader tilms. ini hiding;-"Tax l*.
.. IJfly'er.*'. which he scripted. / Aiiierii aivV
tiigold' and "Cat People." In ' Mishima."'■the
main characters all perform, destructive acts.-/
but these acts are presented as being the result _
.. Jit a constructive private’sean ii not of dfistnic- ..
'. . iiiye social pressures
• /•''*' -Thus-in the first fictional episode .live'.'
young' temple acolyte Mizogui hi. stuck, in a'
world that has neither horizon nor. skv. is en
tranced and paralv/.ed by the beauty’nf the ■
golden pavilion where he works. Deciding to
hum.ft down. h'e.loses his .stutter and breaks
through his claustrophobic universe.
In fHe second episode, the narcissistic;
Osarnu is bored with his friends' discussions
about the wounds of art . Dissatisfied also with
sex. he resolves Uotii problems by first
building up the muscles of bis body, and then
by letting liis new girlfriend tarnish his beauty
.by lacerating it. . •
In the third episode, the focus.of the film
shifts from (he-individual's relation to beauty
andarj-to the indivfdual anil political action,
isao. a young "cadet.‘ leads a group devoted to
' overthrowing Japan's capitalist leadership and
restoring. th«! country ' the .Kmpiiror., thus
restoring’, the sun to ils proper place.. Isao,
assassinates the most powerful capitalist. Tie'.
fhen runs to tl\e. ticean's. edge and commits
"hara.kiri-as the'(pin rises." ^
*; , ■ The past.of theaf.ilm deals with Mishinia'jo
ow.ir ait tempted jmilitaty takeover.anil suicide
; Ip 'the ■standard*'-' I ife of an artist'" film, (hear-- •.
'Hit's vtoi'r'ksVreJpfesetited as' lieing'lhe fruits of '.
• his life^lh "Mishima.’.' however. theclimax of”
• ihe.artist's .life tiecomes a'fourth" stprS’ . *
: before see mg tliefil|fi..l was afraid that thiVV
■"irtusicfybyI'h.illip XJtas.sf and* thg sels.wotdd
■; draw toojimcii attention.-Nut a°t ail.The nip sic*
is resiraintid, .-and’d'Mishima.'s'-' -'orijjy,
Ihealficalily is not really-in the sets, bid ‘iii the.,
.■imporfimcc-'given to decision, an'd-.actipn.
' •.''Sim e - ''•fvii'shima'" concerns, itself with
; Hcftlifitti. Hess. than what the p’roper relation ''
shinijif be lietween art and action .Words and \
. the body*. Urn film takes .high aesthetic ri.sks
.Th'e'r’isks pay off liecausc t he-abst rai l co'ncerjVs
nryordetf.nl Irom the • iiiimediuey" id the ;
.Tinman.r.eiiUiouships ;'•Mishini.c' is'woith see • • •
., iiig.s’ey lira I. tunes•
' Tvtisiiima" is currentlV showing at the Ui
'jo.ti ’'ihhJugh Thursday*. • y••. .*••
. V ' ~ ' I
* By Michael lames
(kintinuwi from Pag« 1
"I don't see him on a social basis now."
block said.
"I thought lift was a super athlete He was
always running, and I understand he was training
for the Olympics." Block" said. "Now he's focus
ed on school, like he was before with his
Donald Prickell. director of rehabilitation for
the Center for Neuru-Kdueational Therapy in
Kugene, told the jury that examinations and
reports . indicate Rosier suffers cognitive and
psvcho-soclal deficits Prickell said Rosier will
need about 10.years of cognitive rehabilitation
Costs for rehabilitation would be about $2,000 in
month for' the first two;years;, he Safd.
It js obvious Ko.sier is .compensating lor his
deficits, Pricked said.
"It was veryClear to me that.this is riot an in
dividual who'can process a large amount of infor
mation;- he's- easily distracted,-'' he said . ‘‘An in
ability to plan, organize and follow through can
become a problem,*', .
Continued on Page fl
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