ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ‘Mishima’ takes ‘provocative* look at artists’ confrontations An artist dunces with a friend in a gay bar at night. The friend makes a Joke-abopl.t hear- . list's flabby shoulders Ihstjmd of telling the friend how hurt ho fuels, the man leaves him «nd gees home. Thu fri.und phonos him and the artist arranges.a rendezvous'll* front of liis house Them he lolls h'is.friond that he can not. bear , to look at himself in the mirror, so displeased is he with.his own appearance...' Such confrontations' between people are the stuff «tf which Paul.Schrader's "Mishima" is made ' ■' . /Mishima' * treats .the. life of the pro-.. • vocaljv'e Japanese writer.and celebrity Yukio. Mishima. The fl.ltol itself is extremely pro -vocative.-Any large spectacle .that its adverfls- . mg in.ight load-uno'-|d expect is absent. Indeed, . \lhe filftv is veryintimate People talk,.foel helpless.' .-Pinke (lei isioqs and. carry out s ° actions/-„ ' ".. . '.Three‘‘ main narrative levels extend through,.the film simultaneously-: .vignettes-' ', from the .artist's life."filmed in black and' / whbef scenes-from three of his novels' filmed. • • in. loud colors on-stylized set ft;aiuilhe events / of the last day of-Mishiina s' life, filmed 'In routed Cptork; in' which’ he and officers- from" • Ills private arinv.' entered the lapauese A'rim iloadquarters, tied up tlie i.oiiunaiide'r, and ad-. • : dressed the garrison from- .the roof.-: These-:* • soldiers refused to listen, and Mishima i dm f milled ritual suicide.. . ' .' ; ' . « • The charac ters in the.fiction, As vveH- afi-. . Mishima Himself. a re. loners This is consistent \\ till other Schrader tilms. ini hiding;-"Tax l*. .. IJfly'er.*'. which he scripted. / Aiiierii aivV tiigold' and "Cat People." In ' Mishima."'■the main characters all perform, destructive acts.-/ but these acts are presented as being the result _ .. Jit a constructive private’sean ii not of dfistnic- .. '. . iiiye social pressures • /•''*' -Thus-in the first fictional episode .live'.' young' temple acolyte Mizogui hi. stuck, in a' world that has neither horizon nor. skv. is en tranced and paralv/.ed by the beauty’nf the ■ golden pavilion where he works. Deciding to hum.ft down. h'e.loses his .stutter and breaks through his claustrophobic universe. In fHe second episode, the narcissistic; Osarnu is bored with his friends' discussions about the wounds of art . Dissatisfied also with sex. he resolves Uotii problems by first building up the muscles of bis body, and then by letting liis new girlfriend tarnish his beauty .by lacerating it. . • In the third episode, the focus.of the film shifts from (he-individual's relation to beauty andarj-to the indivfdual anil political action, isao. a young "cadet.‘ leads a group devoted to ' overthrowing Japan's capitalist leadership and restoring. th«! country ' the .Kmpiiror., thus restoring’, the sun to ils proper place.. Isao, assassinates the most powerful capitalist. Tie'. fhen runs to tl\e. ticean's. edge and commits "hara.kiri-as the'(pin rises." ^ *; , ■ The past.of theaf.ilm deals with Mishinia'jo ait tempted jmilitaty takeover.anil suicide ; Ip 'the ■standard*'-' I ife of an artist'" film, (hear-- •. 'Hit's vtoi'r'ksVreJpfesetited as' lieing'lhe fruits of '. • his life^lh "Mishima.’.' however. theclimax of” • ihe.artist's .life tiecomes a'fourth" stprS’ . * : before see mg tliefil|fi..l was afraid that thiVV ■"irtusicfybyI'h.illip XJtas.sf and* thg sels.wotdd ■; draw toojimcii attention.-Nut a°t ail.The nip sic* is resiraintid, .-and’d'Mishima.'s'-' -'orijjy, Ihealficalily is not really-in the sets, bid ‘iii the., .■imporfimcc-'given to decision, an'd-.actipn. ' •.''Sim e - ''•fvii'shima'" concerns, itself with ; Hcftlifitti. Hess. than what the p’roper relation '' shinijif be lietween art and action .Words and \ . the body*. Urn film takes .high aesthetic ri.sks .Th'e'r’isks pay off liecausc t he-abst rai l co'ncerjVs Irom the • iiiimediuey" id the ; .Tinman.r.eiiUiouships ;'•Mishini.c' is'woith see • • • ., iiig.s’ey lira I. tunes• ' Tvtisiiima" is currentlV showing at the Ui 'jo.ti ’'ihhJugh Thursday*. • y••. .*•• . V ' ~ ' I * By Michael lames Trial (kintinuwi from Pag« 1 "I don't see him on a social basis now." block said. "I thought lift was a super athlete He was always running, and I understand he was training for the Olympics." Block" said. "Now he's focus ed on school, like he was before with his running."-. Donald Prickell. director of rehabilitation for the Center for Neuru-Kdueational Therapy in Kugene, told the jury that examinations and reports . indicate Rosier suffers cognitive and psvcho-soclal deficits Prickell said Rosier will need about 10.years of cognitive rehabilitation Costs for rehabilitation would be about $2,000 in month for' the first two;years;, he Safd. It js obvious Ko.sier is .compensating lor his deficits, Pricked said. "It was veryClear to me that.this is riot an in dividual who'can process a large amount of infor mation;- he's- easily distracted,-'' he said . ‘‘An in ability to plan, organize and follow through can become a problem,*', . Continued on Page fl uun i FORGET WEDNESDA Dining Room Special! Pizza & a Pitcher s5.50 “Chicago Style” Pizza Calzone and Paata 652 E. Broadway • 345-4114 Csrry-oul or OaHvary DRINKINGAis/Tj" DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP. 7 jA Ap .... German I AUTO SE Ft VICE VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA tollable service >or your Q AQ QQ4 A 20?5 franklin Blvd foreign car since 1963 OtT4.*fcv; I 4 Eugene Ore 9/403 V. LTD "WHERE ADVENTURES BEGIN" 1M W. Broadway. Eugono Downtown 683-5877 . 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