Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1985, THE Friday EDITION, Page 7B, Image 14

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    C A L E
For the week of May 3-9
“The Good Fight,” with Bill Bailey
In person after the showing. EMU
Ballroom. 7:30 p.m. $2 and $1.
"The Yellow Submarine” 150
Geology. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $2.
Cinema 7: "Secret Honor” 7:30
and 9:30 p.m. $3.50.
“Eating Raoul” 180 PLC. 7 and 9
p.m. $2 and $1.
Cinema 7: (See Friday's listing)
"El Norte" 180 PLC. 7 and 9:30
p.m. $2 and $1.
Cinema 7: “Secret Honor” 2,7, and
8:50 p.m. $3.50.
Cinema 7: "Secret Honor” 7 and
8:50 p.m. $3.50.
Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Film-Video Art Show. Dad's Room,
EMU. 8 p.m. Free. Call 886-4373 for
further info.
Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing)
Friday, 5-3
Taj Mahal. Community Center for
the Performing Arts. 8th Ave. and
Lincoln St. Doors open at 8 p.m. $8
advance, $9 day of show. All ages
welcome, wheelchair accessible.
Adult refreshments available with
l.d. Advance tickets available at EMU
Main Desk, Balladeer Music, Cat’s
Meow Jazz and Blues Comer, Earth
River Records, House of Records,
Literary Lion, and the CCPA office.
Call 887-2746 for further info.
Ben:e<fit Dance with The
Startighters, directed by Caleb Stan
dafer. Playwrights Hall, Eugene
Hilton. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. $5. A dance
contest will also be held. Benefit for
the Eugene Ballet Company. Ad
vance tickets available at Backstage
Dancewear and the Eugene Ballet
Office, 795 Willamette St. Call
343-4312 for further Info.
Fiddlin’ Sue, Uncle'T and Johnny.
Emerald Valley Forrest Inn. 8:30 p.m.
Lone Star Flasher. 9 p.m. Cover.
Shllo Inn: Smash. 9:15 p.m. Cover.
Saturday, 5-4
Saturday Market. On the East
Stage: Balkan Tones, playing
Macedonian gypsy music at noon,
and Sandunga, playing Latin music
In honor of Ctnco de Mayo at 2 p.m.
On the West Stage: J. Christian
Miller Band playing reggae and Jazz
at noon.
Student Recital: Steve Kuske,
horn. 198 Music. 8 p.m. Free.
Senior Recital: James Caldwell,
composition. Beall Concert Hall. 8
p.m. Free.
Toto, with special performance by
On The Edge. Silva Hall, Hult Center.
8 p.m. $17. Call 887-5000 for reserva
tions and further Info.
Fiddlin’ Sue, Uncle T and Johnny.
(See Friday’s listing)
Lone Star (See Friday's listing)
Shilo Inn: (See Friday's listing)
Student Recital: Pam Birrell, flute.
198 Music. 4 p.m. Free.
Master's Recital: Ann Applegate,
piano pedagogy. Beall Concert Hall.
4 p.m. Free.
Senior Recital: Gary Long, percus
sion. Beall Concert Hall. 8 p.m. Free.
Dinner Theater Show: Hoedown
Showdown with Fiddlin’ Sue, Uncle
'T' and Johnny, with Brian Swingle.
Treehouse Restaurant. 5 p.m. $19.50
for dinner and show. Reservations
only, 485-3444.
Inspirational Sounds. Soreng
Theatre, Hult Center. 4 p.m. $6. Call
687-5000 for reservations and further
Lone Star. (See Friday's listing)
Shilo Inn: (See Friday's listing)
Women’s Choral Society. Beall
Concert Hall. 8 p.m. Admission to be
announced. Call 886-5678 for further
Lone Star (See Friday’s listing)
Shilo Inn: (See Friday’s listing)
Faculty Artist Series: Charles
Dowd, percussion, with Dean Kramer
and Victor Steinhardt, piano, and
George Recker, trumpet. Beall Con
cert Hail. 8 p.m. University students
free, $3 general, $1 other students
and senior citizens. Call 686-5678 for
further Info.
Lone Star (See Friday’s listing)
Shilo Inn: (See Friday’s listing)
University Song and Dance Troupe
Spring Show. Beall Concert Hall. 8
p.m. Free.
Tuba Ensemble. Hult Center Lob
by. 12:15 p.m. Free.
Lone Star (See Friday's listing)
Shilo Inn: (See Friday's listing)
"Come Back to the Five and Dime,
Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean" by Ed
Graczyk. Arena Theatre, Villard Hall.
May 9-11,16-18, and 23-25. 8 p.m. $2.
Call 686-4191 for reservations and
further info.
"Of Mice and Men" by John
Steinbeck. Stage Two Productions,
South Eugene High's Lab Theatre.
May 3 and 4.8 p.m. $2.50 and $3. Call
342-2616 for reservations and further
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"The Doctor in Spite of Himself"
by Moliere. Lane Community College
Main Stage. May 3 and 4. 8 p.m. $5.
Call 726-2202 for reservations and
further Info.
"Live Matinee” original comedy
and music. Cinema 7. May 3 at 7:30
and 9:30 p.m. $3.99. May 4 at 2 p.m.
$2.99. Call 687-0733 for further Info.
“Side by Side by Sondheim” per
formed by Mainstage Theatre Com
pany. Dinner Theatre at Washington
Abbey- May 3,4,10, and 11 at 7 p.m.,
May 12 at 3 p.m. Dinner and show are
$20 general, $15 senior citizens for
evening performances, $12.50 and
$10 for afternoon performance. Call
883-4368 for reservations and further
"Gigi” national road company.
Silva Hall, Hult Center. 8 p.m.
$22.50-814.50. Call 687-5000 for
reservations and further info.
The Wallflower Order presents
The Wallflower Dance Brigade per
forming "Resistance! Love in a Bit
ter Time" Community Center for the
Performing Arts, 8th Ave. and Lin
coln St. May 9 and 10. Doors open at
8 p.m. $5 advance, $6 day of show.
Tickets available at EMU Main Desk,
Balladeer Music, Cat's Meow Jazz
and Blues Corner, Earth River
Records, House of Records, Literary
Lion, and the CCPA office. All ages
welcome, wheeichair accessible.
Adult refreshments available with
l.d. Call 687-2746 for further info.
KWAX-FM, 91.1: Weekdays
Legislative Update at 6:30 p.m.
Weekends Morning Edition at 6 a.m.
Momingsong at 8 am. All Things
Considered at 5 p.m. Friday: Univer
sity Street at 4:30 p.m. 20th Century
Music at 8 p.m. Music from Europe at
9 p.m. Saturday: Richard Strauss'
’‘Arabella” performed by the
Chicago Lyric Opera at 11 am. The
Empire Strikes Back: Episode 5 at
4:30 p.m. Oregon Bach Festival at 6
p.m. Carnegie Hall Tonight at 7 p.m.
Cleveland Orchestra at 8 p.m. Sun
day: San Francisco Symphony at
2:30 p.m. Lord Peter Wimsey: The
Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club,
Episode 3 at 4:30 p.m. Insights at 6
p.m. Jubilee at 6:30 p.m. Monday:
The Oregon Story at 4:30 p.m. Ex
Libris: folk tales told by Jackie Tor
rence at 7:30 p.m. Music In Oregon:
Eugene Symphony, conducted by
William Mtfxlaughlin at 8 p.m. Tues
day: Keeping Current at 4:30 p.m.
The Philadelphia Orchestra at 8 p.m.
Wednesday: Art Access at 4:30 p.m.
The New York Philharmonic, con
ducted by Zubin Mehta at 8 p.m. A
Night at the Opera at 10 p.m. Thurs
day: Community Focus at 4:30 p.m.
Chicago Symphony at 8 p.m.
The Third Annual Full Moon
Festival. C.A.T.E. Auditorium, Con
don School, 18th Ave. and Agate St.
8 p.m. Featuring "The House on the
Point" an original play in four acts.
The festival continues through Sun
day with presentations of many art
forms. More than 70 individiduals —
painters, sculptors, poets, dancers,
singers, musicians and actors — are
involved. Call 484-2529 for further
Continued on Page 8B
! This |
Oregon Pepsi Relays
May 3 & 4
Hayward Field
UO Students $1.25
11:30 High School Invitational
6:30 Men & Women’s Invitational
9:30 Men & Women’s Invitational
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one of two Honda Spree Scooters
Sign-up at Saturday's Competition.
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Honda of Eugene
and Theissen Motors.
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