C A L E For the week of May 3-9 N D A R FILM FRIDAY, 5-3 “The Good Fight,” with Bill Bailey In person after the showing. EMU Ballroom. 7:30 p.m. $2 and $1. "The Yellow Submarine” 150 Geology. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $2. Cinema 7: "Secret Honor” 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $3.50. SATURDAY, 5-4 “Eating Raoul” 180 PLC. 7 and 9 p.m. $2 and $1. Cinema 7: (See Friday's listing) SUNDAY, 5-5 "El Norte" 180 PLC. 7 and 9:30 p.m. $2 and $1. Cinema 7: “Secret Honor” 2,7, and 8:50 p.m. $3.50. MONDAY, 5-6 Cinema 7: "Secret Honor” 7 and 8:50 p.m. $3.50. TUESDAY, 5-7 Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing) WEDNESDAY, 5-6 Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing) THURSDAY, 5-9 Film-Video Art Show. Dad's Room, EMU. 8 p.m. Free. Call 886-4373 for further info. Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing) MUSIC Friday, 5-3 Taj Mahal. Community Center for the Performing Arts. 8th Ave. and Lincoln St. Doors open at 8 p.m. $8 advance, $9 day of show. All ages welcome, wheelchair accessible. Adult refreshments available with l.d. Advance tickets available at EMU Main Desk, Balladeer Music, Cat’s Meow Jazz and Blues Comer, Earth River Records, House of Records, Literary Lion, and the CCPA office. Call 887-2746 for further info. Ben:e