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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1983)
Classifieds *■ FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Cafl Paula Demong - 4*4 9405 <58:tfn TYPING/EOITING Call Judy or Sara 886-0739 228HFM PROFESSIONAL TYPING Reasonable Rales IBM Correcting Selectric Call Patrice 342-5238. __144 tin FAST accurate, editing included Close to campus 883-3868 Carol._5-18 t.75/PAGE Get higher grades with my IBM typing 345-1464 5JI7 ELECTRONIC TYPING PROFESSIONAL EDITING AVAILA BLE 345-8844 682-2125 Instruments FENDER BAND MASTER S275 or best, call 244-6216 eves Books 80,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% ott list prices New Books-Text Books-Clifl Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 7M East 13th Recreation UO RECREATION INTRAMURALS FRISBEE GOLF TOURNAMENT Join us tor this Doubles Tourney 9 or 18 holes with 2 men, 2 women or 1 man and 1 women teams Entry deadline is Mon day. May 16 5 pm Play begins Wednes day. May 18 Contact 10? Gerlmger 150 5-16 DO IT BEFORE FINALS 171 5-1? Bicycles MAY SALE AUSTRO-DAIMLER MAXIMA 15-speed louring bike REG. $355 SALE $299 through May ?1 863 EAST 13th 343-7066 Mon-Frit 3 Sat 0-8 FOR $1.50 YOU CAN SELL YOUR HOT PINK CLUNKER & MAKE MONEY! II you buy and Emerald Clasaltied tor a Monday or Tuesday issue You pay $1 50 lor 16 words instead ot 10 That's tive tree words to help you sell the banana seat beauty and get a sleek racer Run your ad Monday and Tuesday and pay only $2 70 Ads must be paid tor in advance and placed by 1 pm Friday at the ODE office, ?00 EMU. UO Bookstore EMU Main Desk Offer ends May 17 4-11 TWO MEN'S 16 SPEED Hikes 24" A/uki 1100 26" 175 Call 68? 2668 5-1? RALEIGH RECORD ACE l adles 11 70 negotiable includes lock and bike light ?45-4?72 5-1? Blcychi Tira Special Buy a tke get a 12 50 tube free or 12 60 off other tubes Merry pads avwtabia (or commuting touring, and racing Come CYCLE-Cl RE 17*3 W 11 ) A Cars & Cycles 1976 BMW R90 Full touring, 22,500 original miles One owner Stored 1978-1982, perfect condition Asking $2,200 This is a motorcycle to own tor the rest ot your life 484 1054 5-12 2‘72 DATSUN S10 Sedan 4 dr Engine, drive tram, body Very good $1,250. 245-2175 evenings_5-12 1991 HONDA C70 Excellent condition Female owner Under warranty $575 firm Call 242-5550 eves or before 8 am __IM2 1991 HONDA EXPRESS Great condi tion $200 firm Call late evenings or early morning before 9_ 686-6645 5-17 CLASSIC HONDA 550-4 Perfect ever ylhing new. 10,000 miles Stored, must sell $695 cash 244-2128 5-12 MUST SELL Subaru 4x4, 1976 New tie rod ends, head gasket, carburator $2,200 245-9262 or 686-2941 Jim Auto Repair SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL Honda, Oatsun, VW. Toyota, Volva and others Includes tune-up complete, valve ad justment, oil change/tilter $25 plus parts Call 345-9073 tor appointment J.S. Fry Auto Repair. MWF.5-13 TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your car the "personal touch" in the privacy of his own home workshop! Single parent responsibilities for two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership |ob to bring you real savings on quality work for Volkswagen and Alfa Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger, 344-4906._ 270:UF EXPERT REPAIRS For less All cars For estimate, Harry 485-6296 5-12 Wanted Need Money Wanted distributors tor NOVA Nutritional Products 30% Commission plus bonus More information call 345-5580 6-6 MOTORCYCLE WANTED Small, inex spensive street bike No junk Helmet too? 345-5220 ,_ 5-13 I AM LOOKING FOR lovers of classical music, pre-bop jazz, and Shakespeare records who wish to exchange discs and Mpaa. Gary 343-3539 5 16 GRAD STUDENT NEEDS reasonably priced one or two-bedroom place to sublet for summer Very responsible Please call 344-3128 or 688 7842 5-1? Opportunities HAVE YOU GOT the summer |Ob blues ' If you can work hard & relocate for summer, you may be interested Aver age student earns $1300 a month For interview call 726-188? 5-19 Help Wanted Survival Cantor THE SURVIVAL CENTER is now accepting applications lor the 1983-84 staff If you are tnteiested in the preservation and proteclton of our environment and would like to gam experience working with an energetic group, pick up an application in Suite One, EMU Staff positions are Director Assistant Director Legislative Coordinator Media Coordinator/Advocate Editor Wildlife Coordinator WitdtendS Coordinator Energy Coordinator Recycling Coordinator Budget Coordinator The Survival Center * an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer Women, minority, and the hen dmapped are encouraged to apply _ 082 5 10 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD 'I now accepting applications for all staff positions for 1983 84 Applications are due May 20, 198? at 5 p m Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald office. EMU Suite 300 Staff positions are Assistant News Editor Editorial EdWor Photo/Graphics Editor Sporla Editor Assistant Sports Editor F ntertammenl Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor Features Editor AaaocMNa EOtor tor Higher Education Associate Editor tor Department* and i Editor tor ASUO f tor Community The Oregon OMy Emerald • an mm actton equal opswrturtfyH AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Need ed Part-Full time No experience or selling required Earn up to $400 a week taking snapshots in your area Wnte to Atlas Systems P 6 Box 9250 Whittier, C A 90608 5-16 BUSINESS MANAGER For 40 person housing cooperative 20 hours per week For job description bring resume to Kevin Lamb 1648 Alder St., 10-4 Mon day-Friday_5-16 Now Accepting Applications for Fall Term Employment Oregon Daily Emerald Production Department The following openings are part-time student positions (15-20 hrs/wk) Per sons applying for any ol the positions must be enrolled in at least one class per term Work Study is preferred but not required All persons applying must be available to begin working August 8. 198? Applications close May 25, 1982, and will be filled by June 1. 198? Starting pay for all positions is $? ?5-$? 55/hr depending on exper ience The positions open are Advertising typesetter - 2 positions - morning and afternoon Darkroom lech - 2 positions - afternoon/evenings alternating Job stork assistant -1 position Night paste-up tech - 2 positions - evenings Special protects coordinator - 1 posi tion - 2 full days per wk at least Special protects assistant -1 position - 2 full days per wk at least File Clerk - 1 position - morning, work study only For more information or list of |Ob de scriptions talk to Victoria. 200 EMU Production Dept or 686-5511 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Affirma tive Action/Equal Opportunity Em ployer_ 5-20 DECISION RESEARCH needs college students as subjects tor experiments in judgement and decision making on Thursday and Friday of this week Native English speakers only $5 for about an hour and 1 /4 Those who participated in March need not apply Call 485-2400 trom 9 am to 5 pm._ 65:5-1? BEGINNING SUMMER TERM Intor mation Receptionist and Tour Guide positions, work-study only Apply by Friday, May 1 ? at Admissions counter on second floor of Oregon Hall, ask for Tim or Becky 90 5-1? MULTICULTURAL FRIENDSHIP COORDINATOR to coordinate activites for Multicultural youth in Eugene Sprmgtield Experience working with minority groups, knowledge, familiarity with minority community, organizational administrative and public relations skills necessary Apply at YWCA 841 E 18th, before May 2?_133:5-1? VWCA STUDENT DIRECTOR lor 198?-84 to coordinate use of the YWCA facility and activities with other women s groups Education and experience with women's issues organizational, admin istralive and public relation skills Apply at YWCA 841 E 181h before May 2? LOOKING FOR MANAGEMENT EX PERIENCE WHILE GOING TO SCHOOL The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has an opening lor an Oflice Manager Responsibilities include staff supervision, administrative skills, pro gram procedures, public relations, oflice management, weekly meetings policy making, etc Compensation options include a monthly stipend, credit and work-study negotiable Application packets are available In the ESCAPE office (32/ EMU) Completed packets are due by 5 pm Friday. May 20 For more information, contact Rilla or de Shauna ai 686 4351 This la a great oppodunity lor a sell motivated person wanting personal/professional develop ment in a field studies program ESCAPE is an Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor tunHy Employer 162 5 12 The New ASUO is hiring a lew more good people lor the following positions Executive Assistant. Editor for the new ASUO newspaper. Assistant Dir for univer sity Affairs, and Administrative Asms tant for Student Events Job descnp lions available In Suile 4 EMU Ap plications due by 4 pm Saturday 514-8? The ASUO * an equal op portunity /affirmative action employer 1115-13 VENETA POOL AND RECREATION The City of Veneta seeks qualified per sons to work m the Cay summer swim g mtng and recreation programs " Fool Manager: Manage and directs swim programs Knowledge of pool operation maintenance and swimming instruction required Applicants must hold Water Safety instructor (WSO cards CPR and First Aid skats recommended Application deadline June t. 198? at 5 pm Salary 11000 per month Head lifeguard Swimming Instruc tor*: The City w4i hire a head Maguaid and swim nstruciors tor the Vaneta Pool WSl and teaching experience required lor instructors Advanced lifesaving required tor guards Salary Range t? ?5 $4 85 per hour Application Deadkne June ? 198? at 5 pm Ap plications and job descriptions of all poamona are available at Veneta City Ma» 935 219! 145 5-1? You’re ugly And Your Mother Doesn’t Love You But the Cultural Forum will like you it you sign up now to volun teer tor the Willamette Valley Folk Fes tival Stop by the oftice or call 686-4373 tor more info 151:5-13 Roomates CAN MEN FIX DINNER? CAN WOMEN FIX FAUCETS? Can 24 to 40 women and men run a cooperative household with non-sexist principles? Would you like to help us? We are near campus, cook both vege tarian and non-vegetarian, and at a reasonable cost Please check us out tor this term, summer term, or next tali Campbell Club 1670 Alder, 686-5189 (ask for Tom) or Janet Smith House, 1790 Alder, 686-4261 (ask for Murray) 792 tfn FIND A LASTING RELATIONSHIP FOR JUST $1.50 when you run an Emerald Classified on Monday or Tuesday You pay $1 50 for 15 words Instead of 10 That's five free words to help you find the perfect roommate Run your ad Monday and Tuesday and pay only $2 70 Ads must be paid for in advance and placed by 1 pm Friday at the ODE office, 200 EMU, UO Bookstore, EMU Mam Desk Offer ends May 17 4-11 TWO FEMALE ROOMMATES wanted for Thurston home. $125 plus utilities Washer dryer, garden Call 726-6197 _5-1? SMALL HOUSE with studio in back Near campus $125 plus utility ?4?-1980._ 5-16 GRAD STUDENT SEEKS 2 mature people to share large 4 bedroom house 5 blocks from campus Fireplace sun deck, laundry treezer $120 per month 242-4117 5-16 Houses for Rent THE FOLLOWING ARE LOCATED 1-4 BLOCKS FROM UO $220 - Unfurnished two bedroom du ple* Funky bathtub, garden $240 - Unfurnished duple* two bedroom plus study Drips wrth charm $345 - Unfurnished 2 bedroom house Appliances, fenced yard $390 - Unfurnished luxury 2 bedroom duple* Appliances, fireplace Utilities included $500 - Unfurnished 5 bedroom house Dishwasher, fireplace Call tor appointment J , >95-1130 (oflice) 344-7215 (home) Spyglass As soc 148 tin Apts, for Rent UTILITIES PAID: STUDIOS A QUINTS Roomy & dean Private bath, refngera tor, cooking facilities, carpet, drapes laundry Furnished and unfurnished trom $109' Call Mike 242-2244 1027 West 4 th Jennings A Co. Property Management. Inc 499 Eael 11th Ave. 993-7271 752MF5-27__ 1992 POTTER ST. Share kitchen, livingroom, bathroom porch, laundry Non-smoker wood heal 682 6246 or 244 0000 5 12 THE FOLLOWING ARE LOCATED 1-4 BLOCKS FROM UO $79 - Nicety furnished room tor quiet student utilities kitchen use included 9119 - Furnished studio apartment Utilities included $199 - Nicely Furnished 1 bedroom apartment Laundry, oft-street parking 1179 • UrVurnehed one bedroom apart ment Lota of light, off street parking Quiet * BIBS - Two bedroom unfurnished Ap pliances $299 - Unfinished 2 bedroom lor those who appreciate high ceilings Fireplace laundry Call loi appointment Joy 999-1139 (office) 344-721* (home) Spyglass As *«___ 14? tin HI RISE STUDIO/1 BDR. $59 MOVE IN DISCOUNT Enjoy spacious and secure kvmg m our twin lower Hi Rae Walking distance trom campus EUGENE MANOR Man aged by people who care Cat 484 7441 lor showing BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 495-9991 TWO WEEKS IN JUNE FREE 1 bedroom $180 Parkside apartment in excellent condition. Fully applianced on bike and bus route 345-9272, 485-402?142:tfn STYLISH LIVING This summer, live in style Grab a couple roommates and rent this ? bedroom apartment for $400 a month This apartment is the bottom half of a newly-renovated (arm house com plete with a bhck courtyard, tug private sun deck, lots of windows, brand-new appliances, wall-to-wall carpet, bath tub, and laundry facilities Come check out our place You must see to appreciate It's tour blocks from campus at 1561 Hilyard. Apt. 1, Call 345-446?. 5-1? STUDENT PLAZA LARGE one bedroom Carpet, drapes, appliances and just $175 945 East 19th St Call us for showings Jennings A Co. Proparty Management, Inc. 683-2271 754WF5-27 433 WEST 8th #7 Studio, unfurnished, carpeted, ap plianced, water and garbage paid Laundry facilities $125 345-7368 ____747 jin Plan Ahead For Summer 1 or 2 Bedroom Apartments For 150 MO. (June 15-Sept 15) Includes Furnished, fully applianced apt parking, excellent campus loca tion -DROP BY The Emerald Apts. 1877 Emerald (2 Bedroom) or The Camelot Apts. 1800 E 18th (1 bedroom) or call 343- 1491 344- 5440 ALSO Make Reservations Now tor next fall _ 433 WEST 8th J This 2 bedroom unfurnished townhouse style is applianced. carpeted, water and garbage paid with laundry facilities. $165 Drive by, then call VIP. 345-7266 _880ttn 1441 FERRY #1 One bedroom in classic older home Carpeted, applianced. water/garbage paid $185 VIP. 345-7368. _ 90? tin FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED on, and two bedrooms close to campus $175 to $250 4SS-OM2. 484-4016 ___„_332:ttn IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY UO Family Housing Amazon two bedroom unfurnished apartments at $100/month .and Westmoreland one bedroom fur nished apartment at $111 /month Also anticipate future openings for Westmor eland two bedroom furnished apartment at $121 /month Contact UO Housing Dept . 686-4277 861 tin WALK TO CAMPUS •25 East 1616 One and two bedrooms furnished with patio and courtyard Laundry, oft-street parking Now taking reservations IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 _-_482ttn ALDERWOOD MANOR 1860-1884 Alder Summer rales avaBabie now. on tully furnished 1. 2 and 2 bedroom apartments, with ca'peting, drapes appliances Off-street parking, water garbage paid $129, $219 and $215 For information call Manager 484-6112 IPM CO.. REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 __974ttn FURNISHED STUDIO 1331 High St. Campus-downtown area Contemporary furnishings Pnvale bath, share kitchen with one other UTILITIES PAID $155 Manager 344-0215. BENNETT MANAGEMENT 480 East 2nd 485-8881 _:_221tfn 1345 FERRY 1 bedroom apartment 3 Mocks down 13th strsst to esmpus. Closs to laundry, store. 8150 month. Garbage water paid. 342-1285 before 4 pm. _.___ 1—Jin FIRCREST APARTMENTS •30 EAST 14th 488 Large unfurnished two bedroom, ap plianced carpeted, laundry facilities $260 V I P 345-7368 __ _549 tin SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE from $140 per month 1414 E 18th Great location Quiet, clean 1 or 2 bedrooms Furnished or unfurnished Covered parking, laundry Call Sabin 682-2160 ElUoft Associates 601 ttn FURNISHED ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Call 485-4600 Bob Bennett Realty._622 tin REDUCED SUMMER RATES 1 or 2 bedroom furnished apartments $150 per month June 15 to August 81 Includes water, covered parking, gar bage pickup, laundry facilities Across from Alder Street tennis courts Stop by or call Blackatone Manor Apt*. 1750 Aider at 6B7-06M.810.5-12 735 E. 14th FURNISHED STUDIO Quiet convenient location 1 block from campus, private bath, share kitchen with one other Laundry facilities, covered parking available $155 Manager 844-0219 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 460 East 2nd 484-6991 REDUCED-GUARANTEED SUMMER-FALL RATES 500 E 18th Large 2 bedroom Fur nished, diswasher, disposal Laundry facilities, no pets Clean, excellent con dition. 243-1271 or 686-8667 792:tfn NEAR MUSIC BUILDING 1 or 2 be droom furnished apartment, available immediately References 688-5769 _790ttn MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW Summer and Fall applications being accepted for 1 and 2 bedroom furnished apartments Call or stop by Blackatone Manor Apia. 1750 Alder St. 667-0684. 811:5-12 1312 MILL LOVELY STUDIOS In older house, with hard-wood floors, lots ot windows Available now $150-1169 IPM CO., REALTOR 1111 PEARL ST. 485-8252 29 tin 1479 HIGH *1, #2 Large two bedroom, carpeted ap plianced, laundry facilities Water gar bage paid $250 Vip 245-7268 __61:5-6:tfn Air-Conditioned Sign up tor Summer FREE CABLE TV Deluxe, beautifully furnished quads now available at DRASTICALLY REDUCED summer rates Breathtaking views, open courtyard, laundry facilities, covered parking and FREE utilities All this from only $89 Vi block to U of 0 campus -10 minutes on bus line to LCC STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE' WOODSIDE MANOR (18th and Harris) 683-3005 __62:tfn 215 East 2nd »8 One bedroom, furnished Water, gar bage paid Applianced Carpeted, laundry facilities $175 (at Skinner s Butte) Vip 245-7268 59 5-6 tfn DRASTICALLY REDUCED FREE CABLE TV TERRIFIC one and two bedroom apart ments Extra large, completely fur nished. quiet, with laundry facilities and off street parking SIGN UP NOW FOR SUMMER RA, ES FROM ONLY $140 located next to U of O campus On direct bus line to LCC and downtown TALK WITH US) STUDENT COURT (19th and Harris) 344-5503 ___62: tin 215 Eaal 2nd, #1 Classic large, one bedroom in older home Furnished, applianced. laundry, water, garbage paid $200 (at Skinner s Butte) Vip 245- 7268 _ 60 tfn SAVE MONEY! Enjoy Convenience! Reserve now unfurnished or furnished one bedroom Campus V4 block Lowest rates minus discounts, bonuses See 725 E 17th. 245-7179, 244-1582 _ 129:5-12 TWO BEDROOM carpeted, appliances, new bathroom, fenced Available May 15 1820 City View 485-6369 $245 __5-17 EXTRA LARGE three bedroom apart ment 1920's decor Fireplace, applianced. partially furnished Most utilities paid 1572 Jefferson $255 485-6969_ 5-t7 STUDIO UNITS and house 1 Vt blocks from campus Studio summer rates $145 House $275 Laundry facilities 484-0070, or evenings 484-0708 124:5-18 Quads THE BROWN DERBY Super special: Spring/summer rates now in effect 441 Eastl 7th 151 tfn HATE HOUSEKEEPING? Live at the Campus Court Quads and get your weekly cleaning included in the rent - along with cable TV, utilities, private bath and lots of other goodies CALL TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Aider 684-1075 U... 44 4AA4