Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1982, Page 2, Image 2

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• Full dinner menu
• 23 varieties of Pizzas
• Whole wheat and
white crust
• Pizzas to go
-cooked and uncooked
15th and Willamette
Open every day
Mon-Fri 11-1:00 am
Sat 5-1 00 am
Sun 5-11 00 pm
Be an IFCer
Ever been curious about how
you'd look with prematurely
grey hair? Have you always
longed to be totally unap
preciated. enjoy the throb of a
migraine and yearn for a ner
vous twitch? If so, the IFC is
where you oughta be
Each year, motivated by only
God knows what visions of
sugarplums dancing in their
heads, any number of poor,
misguided schnooks set their
sights on becoming members of
the infamous Incidental Fee
Committee. It's a noble cause,
generally undertaken with an
honest desire to serve, tem
pered with the knowledge that
half of your friends who are in
ASUO programs and organiza
tions will never speak to you
again and the other half will be
spending their spare time stick
ing pins in your voodoo like
This past year, serving on the
IFC has been an experience that
rates right up there on the joy
meter with hangnails and post
nasal drip Since last May we've
If you’re a senior and have the promise of a $10,000 career-oriented job, American
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Of course, the Card also helps you
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The American Express Card. Don’t leave
school without it.
Look for an application on campus.
been accused of being power
hungry, irresponsible, insensi
tive and elitist. And that was the
nice stuff What does the IFC do
to provoke such an outpouring
of love and adoration? We al
locate We take X amount of
bucks and try to make it do a
mozzarella cheese impersona
tion, stretching it every which
way among 90-some ASUO
programs. It’s all done with mir
rors Talk about your miracle of
the loaves and fishes
So why do it? Why would an
yone purposely subject him- or
herself to this kind of abuse?
There are a million stories in the
naked city.
Each IFC is a unique blend of
personalities and ours has been
no exception. Under the ben
evolent guidance of the ASUO's
Alan Contreras and with Chair
man Karsten Rasmussen head
ing up our little band of mar
auders. the IFC: Steve Baldwin,
David Gibson, Xavier Romano.
Katcha Phinney, Robert Payne
and myself, has diddteybopped
through yet another year of fis
cal escapades Student govern
ment here ts a real pip We need
movers and shakers and we
need them now Call the ASUO
office (x3724) and see where
you might fit in And remember,
it's not just a job, it's just not an
adventure Confused? Wait'll
you get a load of figuring out
payroll assessment
Catht Bulon#
In error
All week l have been receiving
condolences on the closing of
the Environmental Studies
Center This is to inform all in
terested parties that we did not
get the boot" as Ms Howlettso
inaccurately put it. We are a well
organized, functioning library
and will continue to provide in
formation to students and com
munity members on issues of
environmental concern
Small resource centers on
campus have enough trouble
advertising their presence with
out being sabotaged by the
Emerald staff
The quality of the commen
tary could have been improved
substantially had the reporter
stated the purpose of the call, as
it was she didn't even bother to
verify the spelling of my name
Sensationalism surely un
dermines the purpose of
good journalism, which is to
Terri Brown
Director ESC
Tha Omgon Dattf BmaraU ta pubdahad
Monday dmugh Friday axcap♦ during
•note waa* and vacations by Via Oragon
Oatiy Emaratd Fubdatdng Co.
696-4*4 3
Sally Hodgkinson
ttsn&fftnQ frfWpf
Gabriel Boehmer
Mew Editor
Harry Esleve
Atalttant Mew Editor
John Healy
Photo Editor
Bob Baker
u^apmci tonor
Max Deftungs
Editorial Page Editor
Cort FernalO
Sporta Editor
Store Spatz
Associate Sport* Editor
Jett Dickerson
Entertainment Editor
Matt Meyer
Might Editor
Ann Portal
4ilocMt Editor*
Dane Oaussen
Marian Groan
Deportments and Schools
Dobbie Howlett
Sandy Johnstone
Higher education
Ann Portal
Pomes / Environment
Hon Hunt
G*ofml Start
A dramsing Director
Dadona Gora
ClasaMad AdrarValng
Sally Otar
Production Uanogar
Ann Paforton
Condo Hot
Joan Ownbay