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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1981)
CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be in by 1 PM the day before publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in 1 PM Friday PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been estab lished with us RATES: Rates are 10 cents per word tor the first day and 8 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change $2.00 minimum lor the first Insertion $1.60 minimum lor consecutive insertions There Is no refund for ad cancellations The ODE cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. If you ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 PM tor correctionn in the next day's issue The ODE will not knowingly accept adverti sements which in any manner denigrates or unjustly excludes members of any age, sex, race, color, national, religion, or sexual orien tation. CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE CLOTHING Recycle your clothing and antiques for top dollar We buy. sell, trade and consign Two years new or 20 years and older For informa tion call OLD FRIENDS 671 East 13th 484-5666 2040 tfn FOR SALE INCREDIBLE! Matched stereo components Harmon Kardon receiver and speakers. Gar rard turntable with new cartridge $185 com plete 485-9707, Bill Perfect lor dorm or home room 2-9 HP 41-C HEWLETT PACKARD programma ble calculator, card reader and memory module - separate or packaged deal Call nights 244-000? or 484-0350._2-12 FOR SALE QUEEN SIZE BED chest misc stuff. Call 245-568? after 4:30. 2-12 COME TO THE SUBWAY TOMORROW tor a 1 cent sale Buy 2 sandwiches and get another tor 1 cent ’___ 2-11 FEBRUARY BUS PASS Great rate $7 50 Sally, 746-8041:_;_ RUY & SELL BUY-SELL-TRADE Stereo, photography euipment, tools, musical instruments, etc., etc., etc. THE BUY & SELL CENTER 678 OLIVE 17? MWF INSTRUCTION BIOLOGY TUTOR tor Bl 485, ?05. 272, 104, 101 $4-5 per hour, negotiable Call Jerry 686-5189. _.2-11 SERVICES Lafler Silkscreen Custom printed T-shirts Super deal available on orders of a gross (of one size, color) 342-1927 LIVEN UP YOUR PARTY or provide back ground music tor gathering via rental of exotic home quad sound system 689-1171. 2-11 TYPING GRAD STUDENT will type your papers MLA and Grad School format, 90 cents per page Call Laurie, 68?-7424. 2245 WHF PRO TYPING/EDITING ? blocks from UO Graduate approved JENNIFER 485-3883 _ 34CTWHFM STATISTICAL, MANUSCRIPTS T ranscription-including legal / medical DONNA 344-1816 _ 472 MW PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC TYPING EDITING All levels, IBM electronic pica-elite Cyndi Henke 687-9326_1356MWF QUALITY AND EXPERIENCE tor all typing needs IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate specialist Carolyn Sherrell 344-7231 1711 MWF NEED TYPING~DONE? Proof reading Call Tina 726-0681 1692:tfn TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, dis sertations. editing, IBM Selectric. Pick-up & deliver Call Carole at 688-3983. 910:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specia list IBM Correcting Selectric. Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 95? tin PRINTING? No, just looks like it. Experienced professional, experienced APA format, IBM variable spaced executive typewriter 345-0266. _ _771 :tfn PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345-0747 1921 :MWF EXPERT TYPING editing, cassette tape tran scription, graduate school approved. Call Hari Har Kaur at 484-9527. 2-17 INSTRUMENTS MUSICIANS Musicians Service Center #1 “IT'S JUST EXACTLY THAT” PICKS to PIANOS by order 20-40% off 434-6835 3012 W. 11th __ 2861 MW STEPHENS Stringed Instruments Since I972 we have hand built fine musical instruments and ottered complete repair ser vice I4l7'/i OLIVE # 2 484-0615 MWF OVATION GUITAR 1117-4 Excellent condi tion, with case, $450/otfer Men’a Peugeot bike 22 inch. Excellent shape, always stored inside $190/otter 245-4206. 2-12 qOUNP SYSTEMS MARANTZ MODEL 4230 RECEIVER and Marantz Imperial 5-G speakers, $450 or best otter Ask for Rob, 242-7822 2-12 Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 p.m. 5625.tfn GIFTS NO TIME TO MAKE VALENTINES? You can still make someone's day special with an ODE Heart Throb 20 words for $1 50 it placed by 1 pm Feb. 12 at the usual locations. Heart Throbs appear Feb 13._2-10 PLANTS & FLOWERS THE FLOWER MILL Valentine Specials - cash and carry arrangements, blooming plants, corsages starting at $3.50! 2455 Hllyard 485-5143 2-13 BOOKS & SUPPLIES 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% ott list prices New Books-Text Books-Clift Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT and SOLD 10% OFF on all new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 5223 :tfn SKI STUFF 200 KASTLE ICB Look N-o7 bindings 683-9126 _2-12 OUTDOOR GEAR WE RENT TENTS- PACKS- SLEEPING BAGS OREGON WILDERNESS VENTURES has moved to better serve you now located at SUGAR PINE RIDGE 877 East 13th 345-5584 1720WHF BICYCLES The strongest, most versatile BICYCLE TRAILER The Blue Sky cycle cart from $145 child seat available STU’S BIKE SHOP 771 Blair at Monroe __WH:2-26 BUY-SELL-TRADE Reconditioned bikes, used parts SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 Willamette 343-5362 WE BUY USED BIKES RECREATION RIM RECREATION-INTRAMURALS DEPT. FREE THROW Shooting Contest MEN'S A WOMEN’S DIVISIONS Thursday February 12, 1981 Gerlinger annex B54 Anylime between 3:30-6 pm 2-12 rARS & CYCLES MUST SELL 1970 VW Westphalia camper van. $2000 and 72 Flat Wagon, $800 344-3882 2-11 HONDA CIVIC CAR Excellent shape, newly rebuilt engine, radial. AM-FM, 4-speed hatch back, 32 mpg city, $2200, 686-9449 Dean _2-12 CLEAN CLASSIC 63 MGB Pearl white, rage and hard tops, wire rims; new brakes, radials, tune up $2600 Call 345-0942 after 5 pm __ 2-13 1977 YAMAHA SX750-2D Clean, low mileage, continental tires, full fairing, luggage rack. $1625 Bob 726-0559. 2-13 AUTO REPAIR TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your little car the "personal touch" in the privacy of his own home workshop? Single parent responsibilities tor two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership |Ob to bring you real savings on quality work for Volkswagen and Alfa Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger, 344-4806 117 4: tf n AUDI-BMW-PORSCHE-MERCEDES-VW WEST SIDE FOREIGN AUTO GERMAN AUTO SPECIALISTS 1069 W. 3rd 484-4930 1107:MWF NO NAME GARAGE VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE & REPAIR 2159 Roosevelt 689-7159 170:MWF Four & Six Automotive Specializing in repair and maintenance ot 4 & 6 cyclinder water-cooled vehicles. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC 1381 W 2nd Ave (2nd 6 Taylor) 342-3254 __ _ 5699:ttn SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M A B SWIFT SHOP 1190 Main, Springfield 747-5805 5253 tin TRAVEL TRAVEL BARGAINS Portland-Reno-Portland $95 Seattl-Miami-Seattle $279 Eugene-Boise-one way $55 WANTED_ CASH FOR ALL FORMS GOLD SILVER DIAMONDS BREIDE GOLD EXCHANGE, INC. 9 30-5:30 Monday-Friday iO-5 Saturday After hours call 687-0760 1216 MOHAWK BLVD. 747-4654 1181WF HELP WANTED OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round. Eu rope, S America , Austrlia, Asia all fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free infor. Write IJC Bos 52-OR 3, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 3-6 PEANUTS® All right,'At ease" out THERE! OUR TEACHER HAS ASKEP ME TO EXPLAIN HOU) THIS VALENTINE THINE LUILL WORK... EACH 5TUPENT WILL PROP MIS OR HER VALENTINE INTO THIS BOX...PLEASE WRITE ALL NAMES CLEARLY... SPECIAL TERMS OF ENPEARMENT LIKE "SWEET BABBOO," FOR IN5TANCE, ARE PERMITTEP BECAU5E THAT PERSON 0BVI0U5LT KNOWS WHO HE IS... z-n GIVE YOURSELF A RAISE Earn extra money selling Avon at work. Call 746-6402. 1740:2-11 OSPIRgToFFICE MANAGER Work-study only. Clerical, writing, organizational skills, interest in OSPIRG necessary. Job descrip tion/qualifications/applications available in Suite 1, EMU. applications due by 2/13/81. OSPIRG is an equal opportunity employer 2-11 CAREER PLANNING AIDE Collect and coor dinate materials tor staff. Must have work-study award $5.25/hour Apply 207 Emerald Ha. 1920:2-13 THE LANE COUNTY JUVENILE Department is asking for volnteers to help in changing one child's life for the better. If you are interested in a special friendship with someone who really NEEDS one, please call Brian Haskins at 687-4102. 2212:2-13 CLUB MEDITERRANEAN SAILING EX PEDITIONS Needed: Sports Instructors. Office Personnel, Counselors, Europe, Carribean, Worldwide! Summer, Career. Send $5 595 plus $1 handling for APPLICATION, OPENINGS, GUIDE TO CRUISEWORLD, Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 92625._ 2-11 HOUSE PERSON for sorority Call 343-0643 _2-J6 SUMMER JOBS National Park Co s 21 parks. 5,000 openings Complete information $3. Mission Mtn. Co 651 2nd Ave W N , Kalispell, Mt. 599001._ 2-24 WINE TENDER Must possess table service and pantry skills in addition to interest in wine. Flexiole hours Submit relevant resume first Aunt Lucy's Wine Loft, 1340 Alder._2-13 PRODUCTION WORKERS needed to com plete hand preparation of electronic compon ents. Work-study preferred Fast, precise work required Flexible hours $3 35/hr. Contact Joyce Albin, Specialized Training Program, 686-5311._1950:2-17 SALESPERSON for small women's boutique Saturdays only Apply by letter to Penquins Boutique, 2260 Kincaid, Eugene, OR 97405. 2-12 ROOMMATES FEMALE HOUSEMATE WANTED to share large comfortable home in wooded area 22 miles from campus Share commuting if possi ble. Call Dave 937-3155 or 343-5362 1841:2-17 ROOMMATE WANTED: To share new luxury 3 bedroom avartment. Smoker OK., cat OK. $104 rent and 1/3 electric and your phone Carpools optional. 485-5341_2-13 HOUSEMATE WANTED TO SHARE house with 3 others. Huge upstairs room, big xard, garden Quiet mature student desired $130/ mo. negotiable Valerie, Holger 343-0118 or Waxne 484-7509. __2-11 FEMALE HOUSEMATE WANTED to share 2 plus bedroom house (firevlace, across from park), with folk musician, semi-vegetarian, teacher $162 month Dogs welcome No smokers! Jory 344-82072-13 HOUSEMATE WANTED TO SHARE sunny, warm 3 bedroom house. Yard, garden, pets ok $130/mo. Two rooms available. Feb 10 and Feb. 25. Call 485-6775_2-12 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Clean, responsible roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment in South Eugene area - a lot of extras $142 Dawn 686-7894, 687-8695._2-19 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 4 bedroom house, 3430 Alder, available immediately 683-6220_2-12 SKIERS Small 3 bedroom house in Bend Close to downtown on way Bachelor Available now thru April $180/month 389-2476 or 686-1687 2-13 FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED 361 East 13th J199/S215 Centrally located, one bedroom apartment Appliances, carpeting, laundry facilities Refundable deposit. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 611 East 11th $189 One bedroom, semi-furnished Carpets, drapes, appliances, laundry facilties. IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 _ 2078:tfn TIME TO MOVE OFF CAMPUS? Large 2 bedroom townhouses located in the South Hills. Fireplace, dishwasher, disposals, drapes, carpets, appliances and carports. Close to bus lines and shopping Come check us out! 4427 Fox Hollow Rd. 484-6393._1732:tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in small complex. 145 North A, Springfield. New carpet, laundry, bus stop, bike bath. $210 Frank 741 -1506 or Nancy 344-6888.1728:tfn UNFURNISHED 1-2 BEDROOM apartment 1250 Ferry $195-$265 485-0359. 2246:ttn 3 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS. 1 Bedroom, semi-furnished apartment Laundry facilities, pool, and large storage space. $190/month Call 344-6129._2-11 FOR RENT Large 1 bedroom furnished apartment, fresh paint, new carpet. One block from campus. $220. 343-1491._2J2 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE 10 blocks from campus Large living room, appliances, fire place. $350/month plus $100 ref deposit Assume lease April 1-August 31. Call 345-0185._ 2JI3 OLDER 2 BEDROOM HOUSE on quiet street, large yard, appliance, laundry hook-ups, no pets 10 minute ride to campus. Rent $300 Phone: 345-0801. 2;1J_ BEAUTIFUL REDECORATED 2 bedrrom near campus Fireplace, all appliances, washer and dryer, hot tub No kids or pets $395 686-1687. _2-13 AVAILABLE NOW One bedroom apartment close to campus. Young building, with balcony, fully equipped kitchen with disposal and dish washer, carpeting Kirkwood Apartments, 12th and Ferry Resident Mangers' 683-5954. 2-13 QUADS_ QUADS Clean, quiet, modern $135 including utilities THE BROWN DERBY 441 E 17th Manager #10 683-7353 or 686-1049, 683-2733 2218:tfn CAMPUS QUADS 475 East 15th S109-S129 Room in house plus quad Kitchen privleges. Resident Manager 343-0459 evenings 690 East 16th $142.50 Private bath and refrigerator in each unit Share kitchen and living room. Carpets, drapes, oft-street parking. WESTSIDE 601 WMt 11th $152.50 Beautiful quad with private and refrigerator in each unit Share kitchen Carpets, drapes, laundry facilties. Manager 683-2887. IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 _ 2079:tfn QUADS $115 utilities included 1360 Alder 485-4167 _2109:tfn QUADS NOW RENTING Beginning $139 Private 'h bath, private refrigerator CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 _2189:ttn $145 INCLUDING UTILITIES. CLEAN, QUIET QUADS. Vi block from campus on E 16th Furnished, private bath and refrigerator Air conditioned. 345-1272. 1882:tfn DORM CONTRACTS DORM CONTRACT FOR SPRING SPRING Call ext 4253 or 485-9506 for Libby, please leave message if I'm not there._2-16 CONTRACT FOR SALE Schater/Walton, 3rd floor Contact Stephanie at 484-3166 2-13 SWAPS OREGON STATE BASKETBALL ticket for one ticket to each of remaining home games, 895-3595 evenings 2-12 I OST & FOUND MISSING: Big, beautiful, long-haired male Malamute. Large reward, now questions asked. Call 689-2094 or 484-3926. 2-11 HELP, I’M FREEZING Lost pair of wool gloves waiting in line for Jackson Browne tickets If found please call 741-2517.2-12 I’VE LOST MY SEIKO WATCH with black leather band. If found please call 484-4372. I'll be forever grateful.3-11 I LOST MY NEW LEVI'S JACKET If you find one (size38), please call Janet 485-9764.2-11 NECKLACE FOUND in east gymnasium. Call Jeff 342-1512 or 686-4150 to identify Found Feb. 3._2-12 LOST: CAMERA Pentax K1000 w / 50mm lens in black case, also Pentax 135mm lens (Jour nalism School property) Call David at 683-5679 No questions asked REWARD __ _202 HELP. I lost my beautiful PURPLE HAT Thursday near 13th. Please return Sentimental value Call 484-4141. 2-11 CHILD CARE FOUR SEASON MORNING SCHOOL a homey, Westside preschool now has openings for children ages 2-6. We love to teach arts and crafts, drama and music, science, and reading and math readiness. Snack and lunch provid ed. Call Charlotte, Liz 344-7690. MWF:3-2 EVENTS Toxic Substances in the Environment an informational forum Wed. Feb.11 Forum Dm. 11:30 am-2:30 pm Wed. Feb. 11 EMU Ballroom 7 pm Sponsored by the Survival Center For more into call Barbara Powell 686-4356. 1911 2-11 NATURAL VISION IMPROVEMENT CLAS SES. . .with Bates Method Instructor, Rick Hubbard New day class begins Tues , 12 noon, Feb 17th! New evening class starts Tues . 7 pm. Feb 17th! Cost: $10 call 688-4265 to reserve and inquire 2-17 HERE’S YOUR CHANCE! Bring your questions and opinions and talk to some people who care! In the SUAB INFORMATION AND GRIEVANCE CENTER (EMU Main Lobby) this week: WEDNESDAY. FEB. 11 12-1 pm Gerry Moseley, Assoc. Provost lor Student Affairs 1- 2 pm: Dave Eaton, ASUO President THURSDAY, FEB. 12 10-11 am: Adell McMillan, Dir. EMU 11:15-12:30 pm: Bob Bowlin, Dean of Students 2- 3 pm. Richard Hill. Acting V P for Academic Affairs and Provost