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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1981)
CLASSIFIEDS686-4343 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be in by 1 PM the day before publication Ads that are to appear In Monday's paper must be in 1 PM Friday PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been estab lished with us. RATES: Rates are 10 cents per word for the first day and 8 cents per word for consecutive days the ad is run without change. S2.00 minimum lor the first Insertion $1.60 minimum tor consecutive Insertions There Is no refund for ad cancellations The ODE cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion If you ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 PM for correctionn i.i the next day's issue The ODE will not knowingly accept adverti sements which in any manner denigrates or unjustly excludes members of any age, sex, race, color, national, religion, or sexual orien tation CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE rLOTHING_ Recycle your clothing and antiques for top dollar We buy, sell, trade and consign Two years new or 20 years and older For informa tion call OLD FRIENDS 671 East 13th 484-5666 _2040:tfn LAFLER T-SHIRTS Call today to discuss your T-shlrl needs. 342-1927 1-30. FOR SALE HEWLETT-PACKARD 41-C calculator excel lent Reasonable Dave Whitehill 688-3374 _ __1-28 GRO-LIGHTS and fixtures. 8ft. 2 lights per fixture With reflectors 3 months old, $20 each 485-0398 keep trying._1-28 MOVING! Queen box spring $10, Twin bed $20, Antique consule $30, sofa $25, & more, 485-1505.1^8 COMPLETE WATERBED, new mattress and heater, full warranty, homemade frame. $250. Call Scott after 5 683-8574 or 686-0556, keep trying_1-30 AKAI REEL TAPE PLAYER 2150 reverse directional 7" unused and a steal at $350 Pam 686-1532 or 687-5366_2-2 TWO MEN'S BIKES, like new. reasonable Sony Reel to Reel, Reclmer chair, 67 Mustang hood Personal gold jewelery. 683-4356 Eves _1-30 BOSE 501 direct-refleci speakers, $150 Ron 683-2284 1-28 2 Student Basketball tickets for OSU and USC game for sale Best offer 343-9603_1-28 HP-25 PROGRAMABLE CALCULATOR, new battery, $45 Camp trails backpack, carries X-country skis, large frame $50 Both slightly used and in very good condition, Ralph 344-3005. 1-29 BUY & SELL BUY-SELL-TRADE Stereo, photography equipment, tools, musical instruments, etc , etc , etc THE BUY A SELL CENTER 678 OLIVE 173MWF INSTRUCTION QM 232-333 STUDENTS: don't let STATIS TICS become SADISTICS Hire a tutor tor winter term $5/session or 25%off it contract tor the term (20 sessions) Call Jodi, 484-1074 1J!8 BIO-ENERGETICS EXCERCISE GROUP beginning Mon Feb 2, 4-5 pm. an exercise group designed to ground you in your legs and body, sharpen your self-awareness, expand your range of self-expressian. deepen your breathing Pre-registration Susan Rutherford M S W , Carol Green. M S W Eugene Psy chological Services Center, 343-1937 2232:2-2 SERVICES LIVEN UP your party or provide background music for gathering via rental ot exotic home quad sound system 689-1171_1-28 BIG SCREEN TV for rent Film available tor organizations Betauarax vidio player Reser vations Telephone 484-5492 1-28 ELECTRICIAN LICENSED & BONDED. En gineering background. Remodeling and new construction Reasonable Dave Whitehill 688-3374 1-28 UO STUDENTS! Do you have a problem, gripe, question or suggestion and don't know where to go? COME SEE US!! SUAB- Student University Affairs Board, Suite 3, EMU, X3720 Info & Grievance Center, EMU MAIN Lobby 2220. 1-28 TYPING NEED TYPING DONE? Proof reading Call Tina 726-0681 _1692:tfn TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, disser tations. editing IBM Selectric. Pick-up & deliver Call Carole at 688-3983. _910:tfn NANCY RILEY 686-9591 Typing/Editing Correcting Selectric. 15 Yrs Tech Publications. Experience._012:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved. Near campus 344-0759. 953:tfn PRINTING? No, just looks like it. Experienced professional, experienced APA format, IBM variable spaced executive typewriter. 345-0266._771 :tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING 3 blocks from UO Graduate approved JENNIFER 485-3883 _340:WHFM STATISTICAL. MANUSCRIPTS Transcription-including legal/ medical DONNA 344-1816 __472:MW PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC TYPING EDITING All levels, IBM electronic pica-elite Cyndi Henke 807-93261356:MWF QUALITY AND EXPERIENCE for all typing needs IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate specialist Carolyn Sharrell 344-7231 __1711MWF PROFESSIONAL TYPING 8 EDITING Graduate School approved, 10 years. IBM Correcting Selectric CYNDI HENKE 687-9326 1706MWF typist-writer tor papers Quick check spelling, punctuation, meaning during typing, IBM Correcting Reservations Low rates 484-5492 _ _2-3 GRAD STUDENT will type your papers MLA and Grad School format, 90 cents per page Call Laurie, 683-7424, 2245 WHF INSTRUMENTS DRUM SET 5-piece Slingerland, chrome finish,? toms, BD, Dyna-sonic S D , 4 cym stands, BD pedal & throne $850 (will negotiate) Call Alan 344-5508 1-30 RECORDS & TAPES THE RECORD SHED Thousands ot out-ot-print and in print records Buy-Sell-Trade Quality Used Records & Tapes 12S7 Main Springfield 747-0484 2248:1-30 SOUND SYSTEMS Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1827 Pearl Street 343-7883 Monday thru Friday 9-6 p.m. 5635:tfn PHOTOGRAPHY PENTAX MX w/2.0, case, filters Like new - $200/otter 485-9711 or #5359, Gary. 1-29 BOOKS & SUPPLIES 80,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oft list prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT and SOLD 10% OFF on all new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 5223 tin OUTDOOR GEAR WE RENT TENTS • PACKS • SLEEPING BAGS OREGON WILDERNESS VENTURES has moved to better serve you now located at SUGAR PINE RIDGE 877 East 13th 345-5584 1720 WHF RECREATION SUN VALLEY The U of 0 Ski Club/Club Sports still has a few openings for spring break trip to Sun Valley For more info call Peter at 485-9897 or Janice at 683-7728. Data*: March 22-28 Price: $245, includes transport/lodging/lifts Deposit: $85 by Jan. 28, pay at Club Sports in the EMU Final payment $160 by Feb. 12 REMINDER to those who have signed up already: We need $75 by Jan. 26 2179:1-28 UO RECREATION INTRAMURALS FUN RUN on Pre’s Trail Wednesday, Jan. 28 3:45 pm Run 2 miles or 4 miles Meet at Pre's Trail sign near Autzen Stadium Questions? 103 Gerlinger, ext. 4113 2219:1-28 BICYCLES BUY-SELL-TRADE Reconditioned bikes, used parts SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 Willamette 343-5362 WE BUY USED BIKES 282: UW CARS & CYCLES YAMAHA 250 DT 78. Excellent condition, 4,000 miles, $850. Phone. 683-2319. 1-28 •68’ PONTIAC CATALINA Huns, looks good $300,683-5557 1-30. AUTO REPAIR TIRED OF IMPERSONAL AUTO REPAIR? Why not let a professional factory trained and certified mechanic give your little car the "personal touch" in the privacy of his own home workshop? Single parent responsibilities for two small children have forced me to quit my lucrative dealership job to bring you real savings on quality work for Volkswagen and Alfa Romeo vehicles Jerry Berger. 344-4806 1174:tfn NO NAME GARAGE VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE 8 REPAIR 2159 Roosevelt 689-7159 170MWF AUDI-BMW-PORSCHE-MERCEDES-VW WEST SIDE FOREIGN AUTO GERMAN AUTO SPECIALISTS IMS W. 3rd 484-4930 1107MWF Four & Six Automotive Specializing in repair and maintenance of 4 & 6 cyclinder wafer-cooled vehicles FOREIGN and DOMESTIC 1381 W 2nd Ave (2nd * Taylor) 342-3254 5699:tfn SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M A B SWIFT SHOP 1190 Main, Springfield 747-5805 525?:tfn Sandpiper Import Service Toyota, Dataun, Volvo and others. . especially VW 2795 Willamette 343-9427 WH2-5 THE BUG BARN VW SPECIALISTS 1485 Franklin Btvd. 484-5880 2233 WH WANTED__ BASKETBALL TICKET TRADE UCLA for Washington, OSU for Arizona, others Ruth, 686-5043U29 165 LBS MONSTER MEAT Prefer if well done, lots of tenderizer, good for stew Call - you know my number1-28 NEED ONE BASKETBALL TICKET for USC or UCLA Will trade a ticket tor future game or purchase Richie 687-3999, 343-8029 1 -29 BAND NEEDS Kick-ass rock n' roll singer. Call Brad Pharis at 686 5276 1-30 PEANUTS® MAYBE YOU'P LIKE TO BORROW THESE DOOLY SOCKS. I DON'T THINK THEY'RE 60IN6 TO WORK ROOMMATE(S) WANTED to share 3 be droom furnished apartment, 'h block from campus. $120 a month. Call 683-2559. 2-2 CASH FOR ALL FORMS GOLD SILVER DIAMONDS BREIDE GOLD EXCHANGE. INC. 9:30-5:30 Monday-Friday 10-5 Saturday After hours call 687-0760 1216 MOHAWK BLVD. 747-4654 1181 :WF HELP WANTED CAREER PLANNING AIDE: Collect and coordinate materials for staff Must have work-study award Apply 207 Emerald Hall _2190:1-28 ACADEMIC ADVISING AIDE: Collect and coordinate materials for staff. Must have work-study award. Apply 207 Emerald Hall. _2190_ WOMEN’S SYMPOSIUM COORDINATOR positions available Work-study is preferred but not necessary The positions entail coordination Symposium presentations, com munity outreach and working with many volunteers must be conscious ot and able to work with issues of all women including third world, minority, gay. handicapped, older women, mothers, etc Applications and job descriptions available at YWCA, Women's Resource and Referral Service, ASUO (Suite 4, EMU), Women's Studies (180 PLC). Deadline for application is Thursday. Jan. 29 at 5 pm. Return applications to Suite 4, EMU, ground floor The ASUO is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer1-28 SUN VALLEY SKI RESORT. Maids Needed immediately for season. Low Rent Housing provided. Call Mountain Resorts. 800-635-4444l^ DIRECTOR-FULL-TIME for nonprofit psy chiatric halfway house Energetic individual who is familiar witus but not required Half time position (20 hr/wk); wages comparable to Oregon Civil Service scale, commensurate with experience. Supplimentary additional work may be available as Research Assistant for applicants with scientific lab background Send resume with names of three references by 15 February,1981 to : Helium Liquefier Commit tee, Physics Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403.2178:1-30 THE LANE COUNTY JUVENILE Department is asking for volunteers to help in changing one child's life for the better If you are interested in a special friendship with someone who really NEEDS one, pleas call Brian Haskins at 687-41022212:2-13 FULL-TIME SALES OPPORTUNITY Avon Good earnings, benefits Call 746-6402 __1740:1-28 WORK-STUDY CLERICAL assistant needed Tuesday and Thursdays at Displaced Homem kaer, Widowed Services program, in Center for Gerontology Contact Delpha Camp at ext. 4220.2151:1-30 CLUB MEDITERRANEAN, SAILING EX PEDITIONS Needed: Sporls Instructors. Office Personnel, Counselors Europe, Carribean, Worldwide! Summer Career Send $5.95 plus $1 handling for APPLICATION, OPENINGS, GUIDE to CRUISEWORLD, Box 60129, Sacramento, Ca 95860.2-11 OREGON CAVES CHATEAU will be inter viewing on your campus for summer em ployment February 2 and 3, 1981. Tour guides, gift shop clerks, nitewatchman, kitchen workers, waitresses and waiters.1-30 JOBS IN ALASKA!Summer/year-round High pay, $800-52000 monthly! all fields - Parks. Fisheries, Oil Industry and more! 1981 Em ployer listings, information guide $4 Alasco, Box 9337, San Jose. CA 95157 2-4 ROOMMATES ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE prodigious apartment Normally $97.50 a month, but first month '/i off Close to path and bus 726-5788.T-28 SHARE ROOMY THREE BEDROOM house with two others. Three blocks south of campus. Quiet neighborhood. Carpeting, fireplace. $125/month. 344-6591, _1-29 SHARE NICE TWO BEDROOM duplex with female music teacher. Access to bus and shopping Off Cal Young Rd Piano, garage. 1V; bathrooms, etc. Call 683-8742.1-29 NEED ROOMMATE TO SHARE 3 bedroom house in South Eugene Own room unfur nished; rest is furnished Rent $112 50 plus utilities Prefer woman, grad student. Call 485-6451, best after 5 pm.1-28 WOMAN, 25, NONSMOKER wants room Prefer southeast Eugene Working or graduate students. Friendly bu need privacy. Patty 689-2780, eves. 1-28 RESPONSIBLE NONSMOKING WOMAN wanted to share friendly house, east Skinner's Butte, $98 75 plus utilities Garden, fireplace Pleasant neighborhood 484-0748._1-30 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share nice two bedroom duplex Fireplace, patio, SW Eugene, close to bus, stores $137 50 plus negotiable $100 deposit. 485-1249._2-2 ROOMATE WANTED To share large four bedroom house with three others Flexible living situation. 25th and Harris. $125 per month plus utilities 343-3160 1-30 NON-SMOKER WANTED to share clean, cozy 2 bedroom apartment on quiet 14th street near campus Share $250 rent, low utilities. Call Jim 683-4099.1-28 LARGE ROOM in quiet house near campus Laundry facilities, dishwasher, spacious yard. No pets, children $115. 345-7329, 484-9638 Available Feb 1.1-28 ROOMMATE WANTED to shal lower floor of house Rent $75/month includes utilities 1 'h miles from campus Call 345-07881-29 THREE FEMALE ROOMMATES WANTED for female, cooperative, vegetarian household, five blocks from campus Rent $58, $68, $73. Garden woodstove Call 342-75611-29 GOOD PERSON WANTED to share quiet 3 bedroom house Washer, dryer, fireplace and stuff $108 month 345-9040 1-28 FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in quiet building 3 blocks to U of O. $200 includes water, garbage and offstreet parking Nicel 344-7215 evenings and weekends. 1739:tfn CENTRALLY LOCATED 361 East 13th $199/8215 Centrally located, one bedroom apartment Appliances, carpeting, laundry facilities. Refundable deposit. CLOSE TO CAMPUS 611 East 11th $189 One bedroom, semi-furnished. Carpets, drapes, appliances, laundry facilties. CATALPA 1425 West 6th $229-$249 Quiet two bedrooms. Carpets, drapes, ap pliances, laundry facilties, off-street parking Easy drive to campus. Adults, no pets. Resident Manager 484-9027. DOWNTOWN 1247/1257 West 6th $135-$159 Studios and one bedrooms, carpets, drapes, laundry facilities. Great storage! Call Manager 683-1095. IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 2078:tfn TIME TO MOVE OFF CAMPUS? Large 2 bedroom townhouses located in the South Hills. Fireplace, dishwasher, disposals, drapes, carpets, appliances and carports. Close to bus lines and shopping. Come check us out! 4427 Fox Hollow Rd. 464-6393.1732:tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in small complex 145 North A, Springfield New carpet, laundry, bus stop, bike bath. $210. Frank 741-1506 or Nancy 344-8888. 1728:tfn TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment 5 blocks from campus Young building, complete kitchen dishwasher and disposal Balcony, carpeting. $285/month, plus deposit. Kirk wood Apartments, 12th and Ferry. Resident managers phone 683-5954.1-28 TO LET: CHARMING ONE bedroom apart ment in older home. Two blocks from campus Pets (?) Tobacco ok $167.50/month first/last plus $30 deposit. Call 344-3157.^29 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT near campus. Washer/dryer facilities, carpets. No pels or children $200. 746-7952 2211 :tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT on Augusta St. Available Feb. 1 Rent $245, $100 refunda ble deposit. Call 683-6690 after 7:30 pm Wednesday, Thursday eves, only.1-29 UNFURNISHED 1-2 BEDROOM apartment 1250 Ferry $195-$265 485-0359. 2246:tfn STUDIO APARTMENT The perfect place, just a block from campus $155. Call 484-0251. 2255:2-6 NEWLY REMODELED One and two bedroom apartment across 18th from music school. Partially furnished. $220 and $300 Call 484-0251.2254:2-6 CLASSIC one bedroom apartment with open beam celing and huge south window Two blocks from campus. $220. Call 484-0251. 2253:2-6 QUADS_ QUADS Clean, quiet, modern $135 including utilities THE BROWN DERBY 441 E 17th Manager #10 68?-735? or 686-1049, 683-2733 2218:ttn QUADS 738 E 16th 343-8024 Available now Private bath, 'h block from campus JEAN TATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1620:tfn QUIET QUADS Private bath and refrigerator, $145 per month 345-12721716 tfn CAMPUS QUADS 475 Eaet 15th $109-SI 29 Room in house plus quad. Kitchen prlvleges Resident Manager 343-0459 evenings 690 Eaet 16th $142.50 Private bath and refrigerator in each unit. Share kitchen and living room Carpets, drapes, off-street parking WESTSIDE 601 Weal 11th $152.50 Beautiful quad with private and refrigerator in each unit. Share kitchen. Carpets, drapes, laundry facilties Manager 683-2887 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-6252 2079:ttn QUADS $115 utilities included 1360 Alder 485-4167 _2109:tfn QUADS NOW RENTING Beginning $139 Private '/a bath, private refrigerator. CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 2189:tfn