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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1978)
CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 - PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAM DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates am 10* per word the Irst day copy is admitted and 8* per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid tor in advance. The Emerald cannot be responsible lor more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. II your ad appears incorrectly, cal 686-4343 before 1 p.m. lor correction In the next day s issue. Errors not the fault oI the advertiser which lessen the value o! the advertisement wil be adjusted There is no refund lor ad cancelations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, reigion, sex. age or sexual orientation CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE 1TOR SALE OOOO uptight PIANO. New keys. *350 Phooe 344-9964 11:22 Queen Hide-A-Bed. $200 or make oiler Must set Can 686-5146 or 345-6525. 1127 Sailing Carson He* contract for Winter and Spring terms. Can Wayne. 686-6496. 11 22 ATHLETIC PASS, $45. calf Dick 6864579 days. 7464705 evenings. 1121 Pure Alpaca Wool Sweaters hand-knitted from Peru. Can after 7 PM, 343-7147 1122 ATHLETIC PASS, $35 firm, evenings 687-2133. ask lor Jeff 1122 BASKETBALL TICKET for sale. unsKjned $50 Cat 747-1246 after five 1121 DORM CONTRACTS for sale NOW! (or end of term) 688-8030. Leave message for Mark. 1129 WHAT IS A MIND FOLD? Not sunglasses, not ski goggles, but a toy that gets you high! BE CURIOUS! Cat 687-2650. 11 22 ATHLETIC TICKETS — in signed — $50 Nikon Camera — $225/Nikkormat 55 mm lens 485-5182 11:22 ATHLETIC PASS — $50 unsigned Cat Jeff 935-7426 after 530 -1122 DORM CONTRACT for sale. Cal TINA 6866180 1127 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems Foam cut to size BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 BMr 3434)222 03441 :TFN DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE-S50 if take over contract beginning Winter term Call 6866535 11:28 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE — Case of beer Cat 485-9080 tor Mke Bnwk1121 NEW COtBCS, 2-3 weeks ahead plus under grounds. old comics. Playboys and records FANTASY SHOP 1272 Patterson 3462568 03602TFN Dorm contract offering $25 to anyone who wit taka over Cal Leonard 6865293 11:28 ATHLETIC TICKET For Sale, *60 or best offer Phone 4863861 11:21 DORM CONTRACT: Sweetser,Walton now or at term. Cal HOLLY 686-6558 1122 DORM CONTRACT: Smith #309 take over any time. inquire within or cal! MATT 6865361 1122 It ECORDS/T APES QUALITY USED RECORDS *1 95 to *2 96 Cash for records PREZ 744 E 13th 342-2088 03427TFN ROOKSSUPPLIES 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK Ail SeNng 25% lo 50% off 1st price. New Booka-Text Books-Cl# Notes-Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMTTH FAMILY BOOK STONE 768 East 13th 03354TFN SERVICES Have your NATAL HOROSCOPE circulated and interpreted $15 for 1V4 hour session A great Christmas gift. Kant 342-1561 1121 TYPING EXPERT TYPIST. Graduate. Legal. APA experi ence FAST Correcing Selectric Pick up A deliv ery Sandy 343-8301 04220 TFN TYPING FAST A ACCURATE Linda 746-0534 After 6 PM 12:4 IBM. 50<page. includes setting FAST SERVICE 344-2529 1121 PROFESSIONAL TYPING EX-SECRETARY wants to stay at homo. Call 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. 345-6496. 11 21 TYPING. IBM SELECT* 1C II. Graduate school ap proved, Call Thelma 747-8290 (Springfield) 03497:UH FAST. GUARANTEED TYPING Competitive College Rates Graduate school approved typists. Resumes-Theses- Dissertations-Letters OFFICE HOURS 9-5 WEEKDAYS dottle's Professional Typing Service 1309 Lincoln St. 484-5640 Willamette Towers Oflloas 04305TFN GRADUATE SCHOOL APPROVED TYPWG 75* per page Linda Gill 688-7507 12:11 EXPERT TYPIST (and PROFESSIONAL WRI TER) with IBM for farm papers, resumes 484-1590 12:4 OARS/CYCLES 1959 Metropolitan, best offer by December 1. 343-1064, 629 E 17th Ave. 1128 1988 Austin-Healy Sprite, rebuilt transmission, top and tires one year old. $1150. evenings 343-6901 1122 1973 Capri, brown. V-6,2600 cc- Only 4800 miles, new tires and battery $2000 or best offer. Call Janet 686-5282, leave message 1122 1974 Vega Kammback. Just rebuilt engine and new clutch Nice Best offer Call 753-0190 (collect) evenings 1127 1975 Yamaha Enduro. 1.700 street miles only Never dumped Mint condition: $550. Call 342-3846 1122 1986 VW Camper Bus Immaculate! $1100, 120 West 30th or call 344-7685 11:27 MUST SELL — Joining Peace Corps: 1965 FORD Custom Car. 20 mpg. $350, good transportation 344-9972 11:22 AUTO REPAIR SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair MSB SWIFTSTOP 1190 Mar. SpringfeU 747-5805 03498TFN NO NAME GARAGE VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE A REPAIR 2158 Roosevelt 689-7159 03927UH Four & Six Automotive Specializing in repair and maintenance of 4 8 6 cytnder-water-cooted vehtdes. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC 105 Washington 342-3254 03507TFN WANTED_ RIDE NEEDED to Tacoma area Share expenses leave November 22. return November 26 Depar tures flexible. Call Bruce 686-5188 1121 SO SC Instructor wiH house at tor U ci O Instructor this summer while working on doctorate Write Dalton. 511 E Mersey. Ashland 97520. or cal 482-4563. 1127 HELP WANTED Part Tlme/Ful Tima- We need sharp salespeople to help us dstrtoute a quaity food product Good commissions, work alone or with a friend 746-7381 11:27 Disco 1444 needs bartender over 21 Fid or pen time 1444 Main Street. Springfield 04240:11-28 DAY CARE POSITION 3-6 hrs/day. Warm. energeSc. playful person needed Send resume and statement of philosophy to 2585 Potter St . 97405. 1121 WORK-STUDY POSITION open to someone with good oomputer programming skills and knowledge of Fortran. Develop programs to run computer controlled experiments, analyze data, and do parameter estimations $3.50 per hour WIH train, but must know Fortran 8 be work-study eligible Phone 686-4959 (days) or 689-7139 (evenings) 04334:11-27 FRKNOLY ID CHECKER-BOUNCER — must be over 6 feet tal. 200 lbs. Experience preferred Im mediate opening. $5 004tour to start Apply be tween 230 a 5 p.m. OCAIXAHANS. 440 Coburg rtd 04315:11-22 OPPORTUNITIES OVERSEAS JOSS ■ Summer/lull tme Europe. South America. Am etc A* fields. $500-1200 monthly. expenses paid. aighaeeing Free info Wrtte International Job Center. Box 4400-00, Ber keley. CA 94704 12:11 ROOMMATES Wanted: Two roommates to share large west-aide home Fireplace, cheap utilities Call 342-2702. 11:21 QRAO STUDENT wanted to share apartment and expense* Fool, sauna. Vt rent — $116 South Eugene. 342-8460. 11 22 ORAD STUDENTS, STAFF - Rooms In large pleasant home $105 plus v« unites Cat Virginia at 485-2223 7 Female roommate to share spaaous 2 bedroom unlumithed apartment I can provide transporta tion. Call after 6 PM. 342-2549- ask lor Sharon 1127 Roommate wanted for beautiful home by river, fireplace, laundry, non-smoker Call Annie 342-2559 1122 Responsible tamale roommates wanted to share 3 bedroon house. *100. 484-2597 Linda. 1122 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED DESPERATELY to share spacious two bedroom apartment Winter/Spring term. $125/month. Call 342-6719 1121 Female roommate needed to share 2 bedroom townhouse. Good neighborhood. 686-0396 or 686-4326. - 1122 OWN UNFURNISHED ROOM In 4 bedroom house. 3 blocks from campus Female. $87 50 month. 484-5453. 11:22 1TOR RENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT: One block from campus. *195 per month Month to month contract Can 484-2022 (Linda). JEAN TATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Q3978:TFN Taro bedroom apartment, two blocks off campus. $215 per month. Available January 345-7032. 11:22 3 BEDROOM HOUSE on Westside. quiet, natural wood floors, butcher block counters, many mn dows. washer & dryer. $375. first/tast. 343-7250 11:22 QUAD ROOMS $93. Clean and Quiet. 1 block from campus. Utilities paid. Manager 1742 HMyard, 687-0505 . 04330:11-30 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS $160 to $200Anonth. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT — One block from campus $270/month. first & last along wHh deposit. Lease until 6-15-79. 1844 Kincad #1 or CALL 484-5281. 04297 TFN QUADS — From *104.50. Private or shared bath Across from Music School Laundry fao» ties and covered parking 686-2470. DISHWASHER, DISPOSAL, FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM, '/» block to campus Lease only to 6-15-79 Phone 343-4140. 7-9 p.m. EMERALD APARTMENTS 1877 Emerald 04320TFN ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED Apartment near Music Buildng. $145 plus security tee Ridgewood Apartments. Cal 688-5789 04339 TFN 1 bedroom apartment tor rent. 1 block from cam pus, $200 monthly, available January 1. call Mark or Dino 485-4873 11:22 UNFURMSHED APARTMENT, large one bed room, carpeted and appiances, campus area; $195mootti. $97.50 security deposit 1715 High St ; Ron 485-3576. 1122 ALDER ST. QUADS $98 No lease required. Laundry and Parking available 1360 ALDER 485-0291 or 484-0804 04338: TFN GRATIS FREE FIREWOOD — You pick upt 2475 Skyline Btvd 1122 PETS_ Pet Travel Crates Sales & Rentals Heeing Free" Dog Obedence School 272 Van Buran 484-0329 03397:11-3 Dog Problems?? Puppy lover 2 mos ) & adult classes Heeling Free" Dog Obedience Schorit 272 Van Buran 484-0329 03396:10-27? 03396,10-27 FOOD U PRINK “HOT BAGELS” HUMBLE BAOEL CO. 24th 5 Hityard 484-1142 Cheesecake—Cookies—Salami Smoked Fish—Lox—YUM YUM Challah on Friday OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 04335TFN P.NTERT AINME NT EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE JOURNEY OF THE LITTLE PRINCE ■Y FIREFLY PUPPET THEATRE Plano Muse by Michael Hem eon HIES, NOV 21 NOON-1 EMU 1S7 FREE CM341:11-21 TONIGHT FISHBOWL FOLLIES FEATURING THE JAZZ COMBO SEXTET FROM U Ot O SCHOOL OF MUSIC EMU FISHBOWL AT A NEW TIMEIII 7-9 PM FREE Sponsored by (ha EMU Program Committee 0434*11-21 CHEAP BEER BOOGIE TIL YA PUKE APPEARING AT PEARL STREET STATION WEDNESDAY NOV 22 930-1 30 DAKOTAH HAPPY HOURS 4 to 7 PM FRI A SAT AFTER HOURS TIL 4:30 AM Flestaurant open 11 a m. to 9p.m Game Room — Over 1200 sq ft DANCE FLOOR 412 Peart St 485-4606 04329:11-22 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0616 HAPPY HOURS: Monday. Wednesday & Friday MICHELOB ON TAP 04312:11-20 CINEMA 7 10th and Olva — Atrium Building 687-0733 1st EUGENE SHOWING - ENDS TUESOAY Irena Papas In Michael Cacoyanri s IPHIGENIA The daaacal Greek tragedy Ives on In lea im mensely moving and powerful play of Eiatpedes drama PLUS ZORBA THE GREEK IPHIGENIA Showtime 7:30 only ZORBA Showtime 9:45 only DON’T MISS LENOf JONES AWARD WINNING PLAY THE DUTCHMAN MON, NOV 20 8:00 PM and TUES, NOV 21 2:30 & 8:00 PM EMU FORUM ROOM NO ADMISSION Presented by U of O Ethnic Studies Prog ram and EMU Cultural forum 04239 11-21 Q8PSA PRESENTS ROD STEIGER SIDNEY POITIER IN In the Heat Of the Night TUBS. NOV 21 7 • 9:30 EM 123 SCIENCE 31-38 04337 11-21 PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED — TOE PRICES PAID J. MCNAEL’S BOOKS Ueed, Ran. New 101 WPSt 7tl 342-2002 MONDAY-SATIJROAY 10 AM lo 530 PM 0342STPN Ron, Eatrtck, Breul Wendy Happy ThankegMng Love you all very much. JANICE 11:21 —,—— ENTERTAINERS! The EMU Program Committee is now book ing for winter term noon gigs, (dies and beer gardens. We are now accepting audi tion tapes or promotional material from musicians, mimes, dancers, etc If you are interested, stop by Suite 2 EMU or call 606 4373 ALL AUDITION MATERIAL SHOULD BE SUBMfTTED BY NOV. 22 04299:11-22 Models from Fal Fashion Issue may come Into Emerald Office for paychecks A pictures from now through November 22. 11.22 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT Confidential informabon and pregnancy test. Call 687-8651 03429TFN KAREN BLOOM — Thanks for 6 great months. Looking forward to 8 limes as many. Love ya. BRIAN. 11:21 MAKE MONEY RECYCLING YOUR CLOTHESI RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns and trades second-hand clothing for men and women For appointment: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday thru Saturday 3351 :UWH GET FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE on Alterations Siegmunds Cleaners 821 E. 13th Ave. 03270UWG REC CENTER, downstairs EMU. is open HI 1 00 AM on FRIDAY and SATUROAY 04311: DEAR PAUL — Happy Birthday! Sorry it's late, didn't know the date! Have a great trip home Love. NANCY P S Hope your flight isn't snowed in; Hoi Chocolate anyone?? 11:21 BEATRICE — Only one more day — then, WHEE-HAW!! BOB 11:21 PHI PSI MEMBERS: Beer and cape were really great Cold showers were just our fate The trophies we gained we appreciate Let's do it again! Love, THE SOPHOMORE PORCH 1121 MARK SAXTON: Donuts and Champagne are eat ing! Do you miss your jacket? SHIO 11:21 The Lord of the Qaeie has fallen to Celtic Magic Is there no Scottish warrior stronger than the goddess of love? 1121 HAPPY THANKSGIVING JEFF Love. EVELYN 11:21 PIKES: We hale perfection atsthet s why we love youl Remember mellowness It next to Godinets1 Love TIKA FANatlc CLUB 11:21 LEN H. DAKTARI. EG.. and R»0 You re the best neflhbort a girl could have Have a good TURKEY QUICHE LAUREL 1121 Ei.. KNOPP HI HEAVY SIGH!! L 1121 To you, DOUGLAS PIPER, I with you the happiest Birthday yet ELIZABETH ANNE 1121 JEAN of GAMMA PHI BETA Your money or boobs BOOB WATCHER 1121 LIMA BEAN, Would you Hite to fly In my beautiful BALLOON? Ift oft you go away from the mow and lo the bay m leas than a day! Have a GREAT Trip! IK mite youl' LOVE, MAX 1121 THOMAS, Well ya bum the snow ha* com* Let'sNeakout the brandy andal vmH b* dandy' Something to do' us?! Happy TURKEY Oayll Love, Anna Banana Dianna 1121 PAUL SHERIFF: Where were you W*dn*aday and Saturday nights? 1121 ALPHA PHIS — Pajama* war* great' In our book, you realty rat* Let's party again toonl The SAES 1121 SHANNON KELLY — DHo is Ms nam* And you ara Ms gam* About thoa* trip* to Salem For SHAME, lor SHAME, lor SHAME! Love. BUSH 1121 HAPPY MRTHOAY FERN! May Ernie the Cent*, who ivee In the oeSng, grant your every wteh! Low*. B and B 1121 FAT BOOY. POPS, DUPE. CHEF LYNN, Thanks tor El* FANTASTIC doner! Your moms can b* proud. Love, TWO TRI-CELTS 1121