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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1976)
€t al Jazz program to aid trip fund Part of one of the first major University vocal jazz programs, the University Vocal Jazz Ensem ble will perform tonight at 8 p.m. in Beall Hall. The one dollar admis sion proceeds will go toward funding the ensemble’s trip to the fifteenth annual international Jazz Festival in Reno, Nevada. Comprised of 24 singers, a rhythm section (piano, electric bass and drums) and a technician, ihe group was formed in the fall and gave its first performance in December. Dan Sachs, doctoral candidate in composition, leads the ensemble of both music and non-music majors. Library week features talk The Friends of the Eugene Pub lic Library will continue their cele bration erf National Library Week ‘ l :1 BUM A SPfCIAL & SALAD AnD QCT A LARGC PCPSI fRtt < ■ i > 4kJ JP 1225 ALDER 345-2628 D7 n ™ n°' 9-12 M-F 9-9 SAT 11-9 today with a speech on women in the community and a slide show on the University Centennial. Betty Smith, a member of Pres. Ford's Women's Year Commis sion, will speak at 10:15 a.m. on “The Role of Women in the Com munity" at the Eugene Public Lib rary, 100 W. 13th Ave. At 7:30 p.m. at the library Don Hunter of the University Audio Visual Media Center will present “University of Oregon 1876-1976,” a slide-music show Also planned for today are a children's story hour at 10:15 a.m. and pre-school puppet show at 10:45 a m. in the library. All of to day’s events are free and open to the public. ROTC aims at sophomores All University sophomores are eligible to begin the Army ROTC two-year program with a six-week ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Ky., where they will learn man agement skills and techniques Those who complete camp re quirements successfully will re ceive a number of benefits when they return to their campuses in &?9Clt (^mitvuU pntAemtA RICHARD BARNET Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C. and author of numerous books including Global Reach: The Power of the Multinational Corporations. speaking on Global Corporations aad tbe Environment Wednesday, April 7 8:00 p.m. 167 EMU FREE Barnet will also participate in a panel on ’Oregon As A Banana Republic’ at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 7, in the EMU Forum Room with political science professor Dan Goldnch and sociology graduate students John Markhoff and Paul Fitzgerald. Part of a series of programs on livability for Oregon’s fntnre * -- "Inside Mainland China" A dramatic eyewitness account of Chinese life, politics and revolution by Tsou Kuang-Han Sponsored by Chinese Student Association and Speaker's Bureau of a America 8 PAi April 6 EMU (Room to be posted) c reate your own sandwich the EMU DELI has the ingredients Open 11:30-7:00 Mon.-Fri. reads Corned Beef (round) Roast Beef Peppered Beef Ham Turkey Raft Salami Pastrami (turkey) Salami (turkey) Ham Stick (turkey) Ham (turkey) Ligftt & L»ark Kye Wheat Berry Cracked Wheat Onion Rolls alads heese Swiss Cheddar Tillamook Provalone Bean Macaroni Potato Cole Slaw BS the fall, according to Michael Vasey, assistant professor of military science. Vasey said the benefits include a $100 a month subsistence al lowance for up to 20 months in the junior and senior years. In addi tion, those who attain high leader ship scores at basic camp may be awarded Army ROTC two-year scholarships, which pay for full tui tion, textbooks, laboratory fees and other educational expenses. Students interested in par ticipating should contact Maj. Vasey or Capt. Philip Richey at the Department of Military Sci ence, Ext. 3102. Tumbleweeds’ dance tonight A dance collective from San Francisco, which has now ex panded their medium to include live music and theater, is returning to Eugene Tumbleweeds will per form two different dance and music shows at 8 p m today and Wednesday at the Community Center for the Performing Arts, 8th and Lincoln Street Admission is $1.50 at the door Refreshments and child care will be available Show to eye trial influence “The Significance of the Hearst Tnal to American Law and Soci ety," will be the subject for a half hour television '‘Feedback’' at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday on the Oregon Education and Public Broadcast ing System Originating live from the Uni versity, the program will feature host Vern Mueller and guests David Frohnmayer, professor of law, and Kenneth Morrow, a Eugene attorney The program offers the oppor tunity for viewers to telephone their questions and concerns di rectly to guest panelists. “Feedback" is a weekly OEPBS-TV series. It is broadcast on PL-3, Eugene; KOAP-TV. Port land and KOAC-TV, Corvallis. Clinic offers ‘blues’ relief If you're depressed, you may be eligible for a special treatment program at the University Psychology Clinic The clinic's neuropsychology lab is offering an individualized 4-6 week treatment program for depression. Interested persons are asked to visit the lab before April 19. Fees are based on ability to pay. but will be waived if the client completes all assessment and daily records Clients will be selected on the basis of a screening test and an interview with a staff member. Treatment sessions at the clinic will take place twice a week, at the client’s convemenoe Screening takes approximately one and a half hours and will be conducted at the initial visit, ac cording to Sally Grosscup, doc toral student in counseling psychology, who is one of the coordinators of the depression project The Psychology Clinic is lo cated in Straub Hall. Clinic hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m„ Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday; 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday; and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. briefs MEETINGS inter varsity meeting tonght at 7 in me Young dorm lounge The topic wd be dnoptestxp and Christian growth The Black Art Festival Committee meetmg will be held today at 4 p m m me EMU Forum AJ old members and new members are welcome WRA spring soltbak mtramjrals have womens and coed recreational and compestive dvtsor* Captains will meet Thursday at 4 30 p m xi Gar linger 220 Games bepn Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday next week Applications, entry blanks and information available in Gertinger Annex. Room 171. or call 686-3389 Phi Chi Theta women in business and economics, will hold a business meekng today at 4 30 p m xi the EMU to plan a held top Career Development Day and other spring term activates Eugene Gay Peoples Albance (GPA) meets every Tuesday evening at 1236 Kincaid St The Business meeting begxts at 8 p.m and is loMowed with informal conversahon For more ntormalon call 686-3360 or stop by the GPA office xi Suite #1 EMU Alpha Kappa Psi. the business Irater nay w4l hold the first meeting of the spring term today at 330 p m in the EMU (Room to be posted) The Slate Board of the University Mothers Clubs will meet Wednesday at 11 am mthe Multnomah Athletic Club. 1849 S W Salmon. Porlland Luncheon will be al 1 p m There will be a meeting ol all the participants xi the Summer m Mexico program at 7 30 p m . Thursday, m Ihe EMU (room to be posted) This IS an important meetxig If you cannot attend please contact David Hudson xi the Romance Language Department LECTURES Ule inside mainland China wkl be the subject of a lecture by Tsou Kuang-Han. who wd give an eyewitness account of Chinese He politics and revolution The talk e set lor 8 p m tonight xi me EMU (room to be po>M) MISCELLANEOUS AM pre-dental students nleretted m pamcipakng m a pre dental ckncal observation program should attend teie organisational meeting teal wd taka place tome ewmg this weak The day. ime and place wd be pealed around tee loanee tsi*»ng and atao wd appear in teo Briefs aection The program wd be sunkm to tee pre-med pre cepforshp program students wai have the oppor funky to get fun-hand experience of how a dental dfcce works plus gel to late ante various specialists in tee field ol dentistry The program wd be rkscusaed and appkeatrans wd be available It you can t attend appheatwns wd also be available in tee Pre -Headh Science Center m Friendly Had AM students interested n bung a resident sent tant at tee dormaones lor tee school year 1976-77 There wd be meetngs Wednesday and Thursday atapm m tee Carson Gold Room to explain teejob and answer your carestons M you attend one meet ■ng you need not attend the oteer Oaadtne lor applications due al tee Houwng Office Carscn Had. is Fnday All University students who are pertiopalng in the National Skrdent Exchange next year The deadkne to pick up your admission packets e Fn day at 4 p m Please come to Room 202 EMU (Inter naronal E ducal on Career) if you std plan to attend On Wednesday there wd be a lorum tor county commissioner canckdates seeking tee Democratic party nominator for Poeifion Number One. now held by Nancy Hayward This lorum will be held at 12 30 pm n Roam 167 EMU Each candidate wd speak for a few minutes and teen tee meeting wd be opened up to questions from the audience Carter Campaign—Lane County A Carter Watch evenog is planned tor this evening «i Eugene to kslen to tee results ot tee Wisconsin and New York pnmary baflotng Those interested in tee early results and n discussing the man and tee issues are invited to an evening ot informal cfcscus sron alter 6 p m at 2251 McMillan St tn Eugene (one block west ot Wdamette) For more informs lion call 464-1061 Edilot Ad Mgt Prod Mgi Accounianl Jim Giegoiy Carl Bryanl Kale Seigal Ted Johnslon The Oregon Deny Emerald is published Monday through Friday during fall, armlet and spring terms, except during exam weeks and vacation periods During summer session the Emerald is pubkshed Tuesday and Thursday during the eirfit week term and on Thursday the last three weeks ot the eleven-week term The Oregon Daily Emerald is pubkshed by tie Oregon Daily Emerald Pubkshmg Co . Inc . at the Umversty ot Oregon Eugene. Oregon 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald ottices are in the north wing ot the Erb Memorial Union News editorial phone number is 686-5511 Display advertising » 686-3712 Classified advertising number is 686-4343 The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member ot Associated Press and College Press Service