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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1976)
OSPIRG audits bank checking in new booklet Finding a checking account that is worth more than it costs can be as hard as cashing a money order drawn on the Third National Bank of Paraguay. The Oregon Student Public In terest Research Group (OSPIRG) has prepared a booklet intended to make it easier to find a bank with checking services that meet your personal needs. The booklet is the second edi tion of the OSPIRG Guide to Checking Account Services. The guide includes types and costs of accounts available, overdraft and stop payment charges as well as information about bank locations and operating hours. A booklet detailing checking services available in the Eugene-Springfield area is avail able at the OSPIRG offices in Suite 3, EMU. Guides to checking services in other parts of the state are also available. Annual alien address report emphasized Lyle H. Dahlin, district director of the Immigration and Naturaliza tion Service advised today that the annual alien address report pro gram is again underway. The immigration official pointed out that the address reports are required by law and willful failure to comply with these requirements may lead to serious conse quences. Forms with which to make the reports are available at all post of fices and immigration and naturalization service offices. MM* —..A al— Dahlin added that trained per sonnel will be on hand in all offices of the Immigration and Naturaliza tion Service to answer any ques tions the reporting aliens may have regarding immigration and naturalization matters. Program dates reannounced Thursday's Emerald announced an incorrect date for this week's performance by the New Mime Circus and Mithrandir. The two groups will perform Saturday night, 8:30 at the WOW Hall. Tickets are $2 at the door. Local directory lists doctors’ services info A consumer’s directory of Lane County Physicians is now availa ble to the public. The directory lists 244 of the 290 physicians currently regis tered with the Medical Society. The Lane County Medical Soci ety and CARES, the free referral service of the Lane County Com munity Health and Social Services Department, prepared the book let. I'M OK, SCHOOL'S NOT OK Just about all students have an academic problem at one time or another. PACE, an ASUO program, is seeking stu dents interested in developing a Peer Academic Counseling program. Credit is offered. Come to the PACE seminar, Tuesday, Jan 20, 4 to 6 PM’ Room to be announced, or phone ext. 3802. i EMU FOOD SERVICE SODA BAR & PIZZA-BURGERS open every day Noon 11 : 15 p.m. Sat.-Sun. V J Jim Gregory Dennis Pfaff Greg Wasson Greg Clark Paul Waldschmidt Chris Story Bob Welch Jenifer Blum berg Jerril Nilson JoAnn Fahlgren Jeff Nielson Rick Bella Patty Farrell Lois Lindsay Brad Lemley Wally Benson Jackman Wilson Editor Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Asst. News Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Wire Editor Asst Graphics Editor Asst Sports Editor Associate Editors: Politics Admin. & Student Services ASUO Govt. & Agencies Features, In Depth Departments & Schools Community Kate Seigai Norris Adams Susan Harper Gayle Freeman Ted Johnston Production Manager Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Librarian Accountant Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Dully Emerald it published Monday through Friday during fail, winter and spring terms, except during exam weeks and vacation periods During summer session the Emerald is published Tuesday and Thursday Our mg the eight-week term and on Thursday the last three weeks at the eleven-week term The Oregon DuUy Emerald is published by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co., Inc., at the University 01 Oregon, Eugene Oregon 97403 Subscription rates: (1) University ot Oregon student and faculty-staff subscription rates are based on annual contracts the Emerald makes with the Associated Students at the University of Oregon and with the Univer sity administration The subscription rate is $3 52 a person (2) Special subscriptions for persons not in category (1) are available for $15 a year (12 months) or $6 a term The Oregon Dally Emerald offices are in the north wing of the Erb Memorial Union ,,'ws editorial phone number is 666-5511. Display advertising is 6863712 Classified advertising number is 6664343 The Oregon Daily Emerald is a member of AsaociMed Press and College Press Service Contained in the directory are profiles of individual physicians, an index of physicians by specialities, a glossary of medical specialities and an index of specialities. The directory is intended to in form the public about the vanous types of medical care and the dif ferent facilities available in Lane County. It costs $1.50 from the CARES office at 132 E Broadway in Eugene Beall organists announce artist Beall Distinguished Organists will present Yuko Hayashi at Beall Concert Hall Sunday at 4 p.m. General admission is $2.50 and students and senior citizens can get in for $1.50. Black awareness program seeks applicants for cultural instruction The UO Black Student Union (BSU), in conjunction with ES CAPE, is seeking applicants for its black awareness program Yolanda Russell, spokesman for the BSU, says her organization is capable of handling more stu dents in the program, which is de signed to teach children of Eugene s black population about their cultural heritage According to Russell, the prog ram has serviced 50 children of all ages since its inception last spring, and with the number of tutors now available, it could eas ily handle many more applicants. The awareness program in structs the student on three fronts: cultural education, academic tutoring on a one-to-one basis, and recreational development. We feel the biggest advantage of this program is that it provides moral and spiritual support for blacks in this area," says Russell. For those interested in enrolling their children in the program, meetings are held every Saturday morning at 10 in Dunn Hall lounge, located in the Hamilton Complex. For more information, Ms Russell can be contacted at 686-6643 after 7.00 p.m. All aspects of the program are free MEETINGS Eugene area Fmance and Sleenng Comrnitlee of the Housing lof Elderly Committee wil hold it* first organizational meeting today at noon at the Eugene Hotel The Outdoor Program will have a general meet ing at 12 30 p m Tuesday Jan 20 to determine the future of ns transportation logistics The meet mg is open to al and win be m Rm 23, EMU MISCELLANEOUS WRA is in need ol basketball officials tor women s and coed recreational and competitive teams Anyone interested and available on Monday evenings starting at 6 p m should sign up at 171 Gertmger Annen For additional information phone X3389 Diplomas tor tall term degree recipients are now available m the Office of the Registrar Those not caied tor wi# be mailed about Feb 27 Complete Ice Cream Party Items for All Occasions BASKIN ROEBINS ICE CREAM 1 Shakes Specidi .Sundaes 1365 Villard St 495 Coburg Rd. 484-1031 342-3462 limes :!l Delirious 1'lawirs eugene ^symphony orchestra 11th grand season 1975-76 PRESENTS A SPECIAL SENIOR CITIZEN AND STUDKNT DRESS REHEARSAL 75c GENERAL ADMISSION MONDAY NIGHT ONLY, January 19 7:30 PM BEALL HALL, U. of O. SCHOOL OF MUSIC FEATURING: BACH—Cantata no. 51 MAHLER—Symphony no. 4 Dorothy BERGQUIST—Soprano EUGENE SYMPHONY 1245 Charnelton No. 1 Eugene, Ore. 97401 687-0020 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT TNI BOON