Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    Wo/7s Patiently
I o» U-YKAK-OM) < \ KOI.INK NKI.I.IGAN waits patently for
an ambulance after being struck by an automobile while riding
her trleyeli oil a Buffalo, V\„ street Sunday. The drl\er, Mrs.
Iiatti 1’rlnce, was charged hy |M>llrc with driving the wrong way
on a one-way street. The child was reported in fair condition.
( \l' \\ Irephoto)
US to Ship Arms
To West Germany
BONN, Germany (APi Sub
stantial quantities of American
military equipment will b<- de
llvered to West Germany as soon
a . the lionn parlament passes
law- creating her armed forces,
lh>- f.S. Embassy announced
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
said recently these laws will be
p issed before Parliament starts
its summer recess July 15.
The Embassy announcement
Substantial quantities of de
f<nse equipment hav» been stock
piled in the United States in an
ticipation of German rearma
ment and deliveries of this equip
ment are expected to start soon
after the West German federal
' republic enacts the laws neces
sary for the creation of the Ger
man armed forces."
Before West Germans can be
put into uniform a number of
new laws, laying down conditions
; of service, rates of pay and other
points, have to be passed.
Charcoal-Filtered for Mildness
<)/u J’/wuea n Jo^iLazo^Snyxa ny
Bermuda Shorts Show
Increasing Popularity
By Anne Ritchey
Emerald Auittant Newt Editor
Bermuda shorts rnay only be
for brave souls at Oregon, but
a nationwide poll shows that they
may be the coming thing.
Results of polling by Asso
ciated Collegiate Press at Minne
apolis, Minn., revealed that 40
percent of all students asked
think they will grow in popu
larity with women on campus
and 29 percent think they will
be more popular than they now
are, with both men and women,
next year.
Only 2i percent of the stu
dents polled across the nation
thought they would not grow in
popularity with either men or
Two University football play
ers, both 200-pounri plus line
men, bravely bought Bermuda
shorts Tuesday. They were
Freshman (iuard Boh I,ope7
and Sophomore t'huek Austin,
who lettered in second-string
varsity tackle.
An interesting question asked
the students polled, which
brought slightly less-enthusiastic
results, was "If a few people
around your campus started
wearing Bermuda shorts, would
you be willing to don a pair and
help give the fad a boost?"
A brave 42 percent of the wom
en said yes, while only 17 per
cent of the men said they would.
More women would definitely not,
however, because 49 percent an
swered negatively.
Evidently there is safety in
numbers, because 51 percent of
women and 28 percent of the
men polled said they would wear
them if a large number of people
on their campus started wear
ing them.
There were still 71 percent of
men who would hold out and
not wear them, however.
One male sophomore from the
University of Minnesota, quoted
in the polling, decided it would
probably be all right for women,
though, saying "If the girls have
pretty legs I’m all for them,
i Bermuda shorts! t ”
When You Think of
You Know It's Best at
1249 Alder Ph. 3-6234
Campus Calendar
Noon Fr Tbi 111 SU
Arts Feat Com 113 SIX
1:00 AF-ROTC 315 SU
6:00 Sr Class Ldrs 111 SIX
6:30 Canoe Fete Com 110 SIX
Alpine Cl 112 SU
7:00 Young Demos 114 SU
Alpha Kap Delta 315 SU
Educ Movie 138 CW
7:30 Beall Lect Brs Rm SU
Folk Dance Cerl Annex
8:00 FT A 334 SU
Cinemascope j
mfldmboo Prison
Dianne FOSTER . Brian KEITH
Can a summer vacation job
turn into a career?
Many young college men who
have worked at Safeway in
summer jobs have found food
retailing a fascinating business.
After college, they’ve gone on
with their Safeway careers—and
many of them now hold top jobs
with our company. Perhaps these
facts will give you some idea of
whether you'd like a career in
this challenging field.
Is food retailing interesting work ?
Modern food retailing is a fast
paced, dynamic field — as different
from the old "cracker barrel" days
of food selling as a jet plane is from
the Wright brothers' first model.
New food processing methods, new
food products, make this field one of
the most challenging in the business
Do you get trained on the job?
Yes, every Safeway store employee
"learns while he earns.” In group
sessions and in on-the-job training,
trained supervisors help him broaden
his skills and prepare him for the
next job up the ladder.
How big is the future in this field ?
A.. When you consider that there will be
13 million more people to feed by
I960, you can see there will be plenty
of room for capable young men in
food retailing. Few other fields offer
such a wide-open opportunity for a
young man to move ahead quickly.
If you’re looking for a career in a
well-paid, challenging field, aren’t
these things worth thinking about?.
There9s a career to look forward to
in food retailing
One in a series ahout career opportunities in a challenging field < ■■