Wo/7s Patiently r I o» U-YKAK-OM) < \ KOI.INK NKI.I.IGAN waits patently for an ambulance after being struck by an automobile while riding her trleyeli oil a Buffalo, V\„ street Sunday. The drl\er, Mrs. Iiatti 1’rlnce, was charged hy |M>llrc with driving the wrong way on a one-way street. The child was reported in fair condition. ( \l' \\ Irephoto) US to Ship Arms To West Germany BONN, Germany (APi Sub stantial quantities of American military equipment will b<- de llvered to West Germany as soon a . the lionn parlament passes law- creating her armed forces, lh>- f.S. Embassy announced Tuesday. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer said recently these laws will be p issed before Parliament starts its summer recess July 15. The Embassy announcement said: Substantial quantities of de f