Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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TAU,AHASSH:, l‘la.—Elght-yrar-ol<l Ann Hill registers startled
expression on reeelvln* out- of th-“ first Salk polio \aceine shots
In !• loriila. Similar shots vs ill no to epidemic patients from last
year. (AT Wlrephoto)
Co-chairmen List
Rules for Sing
i-iving organization have Just
three weeks to get their songs
ready before the eliminations for
the All Camp tie Sing, Women's
groups will,la- judged on May 4,
ahd mi n's groups will be judged
on May 5. Kight finalists will be
f hosen from each classification.
Rules for this year's "Sing"
winch will be held on Sunday aft
ernoon of Junior Weekend in Mac
Court are:
1. No professional musicians or
faculty instructor may di
Icot, I No graduate student l.
2. There must be at least six
teen and no more than thir
ty voices In each group, in
cluding the director.
3. No fraternity, sorority or
hall songs may be used.
-I. No musical accompaniment
or special musical effects are
5. Houses not participating in
the eliminations may not, for
any reason, participate in
the finals.
6. Dress should be standardized
within the group. No special
costumes may la- made
which cost over $1.25 each.
I A financial statement must
be submitted at a later
Sorenson to Speak
On Gibbons Views
"Gibbons ami Christianity- A
Historian’s Assault upon Relig
ion," will be the topic discussed j
by L. R. Sorenson, assistant pro- j
fessor of history, at noon today
in the Student Union, Dave Rob
erts, YMCA president, has an
The forum, sponsored by the
YMCA, s the first in a series of
controversial religious questions
being discussed by a university
professor. Sorenson will open the
discussion with an explanation of
his topic and then open the floor '
to questions. Students are invited
to attend and participate in the
50-minute discussion.
It will be held in the commu
ters room in the fishbowl.
Lunches may be eaten during the !
7. Song title* were to have
been .submitted by April 10.
H. The name song used in the
eliminations must be sung in
the final All Campus Sing.
8. A 2. GF'A is not necessary
for students participating in
the "Sing.”
10. Songs will be judged accord
ing to the following:
Tonal Quality 30';
Interpretation 20',
Audience Appr-a;
Diction 20rJ
Musical Arrangement 10'.
Suitability for voices
General suitability of song
Stage Appearance 10f,
Following the Director 10G
Jane Bergstrom and Marv
Young are general co-chairmen
ot the "Sing.” Assisting them
are Nan Hagedorn, judging:
Evelyn Nelson and Nancy Shaw,
contact: Joann Godfrey, tickets
and passes: Betti Fackler, pro
grams; Sandra Williams and
Margaret Tyler, decorations; Ken
Kirkpatrick, set-up, and Bobbyc
Harris, publicity.
Requirements to Graduate
In Liberal Arts College Told
Kincrald f{rp«rtrr
Only students who plan to
graduate In the College of Lib
eral Art* imut fulfill the liberal
art* major requirement*.
Thi* statement may seem a
little silly at fir*t, but many *tu
jdent* have been confuted about
the required course* neeea*ary
for graduation.
Almost every freshman and
sophomore regard* himself a* a
"major” in Home particular field.
When a*kcd to state his name
and major he writes science,
physical education, speech, or
whatever his major field of in
; tere*t. might be.
The confusion that arises from
referring^to lower division stu
dent* as professional majors lie*
j in fulfilling the group require
ment necessary for graduation.
Some freshmen and sopho
mores have been told that they,
are not a particular major, but
are Liberal Arts majors until
they reach junior standing. This
j is true. However, these students
then believe that they must ful
fill the necessary requirements
for liberal aits majors. This is
not true.
liequlrements Listed
All University students must
have three terms of English com
position unless exempt from the
: course. Both men and women
must, have five terms of physical
education courses and one course-1
in health education. Men must
fulfill six terms of military sci-!
ence unless excused.
♦ •roup Subjects
The general group require
ments are listed in the catalog
and were listed in the fall term j
time schedule. There are three!
groups: 1. Arts and letters. 2.
Social Sciences. 3. Sciences. A
student must take one three
term course from each group |
plus an additional "option" from
any one of the groups. At least:
one of the total of four sequences
must he a course numbered be- ■
tween 200 and 210.
Each group also makes some!
kind of requirement. A wide va-1
riety of courses still remains to
be chosen. Here is an example of 1
a schedule that fulfills the neces
sary group requirements:
Early Completion Advised
i As many of these required I
courses as possible should be I
completed during the freshman
and sophomore year to allow.
ample time for professional ma- ;
jor work in the upper division
years. >
Group I. Arts and Letters (one '
soauonoe must be in literature i
Survey of English Literature, (
Eng. 101, 102, 103 meets this re- j
Group II, Social Sciences (only
one sequence may be from any
You'll Crow(
About... p
Coming Friday Night!
one department) Principle* of
Economic*, Ec. 201, 202, 203
meet* this standard and also ful
fill* the requirement to have a
course numbered between 200
and 210. This particular student
plan* to take his option course
from this group too, so he chooses
English Hi*tory. H*t. 207, 208.
208. (The student could not take
hi* option course from the Eco
nomic* department because of
the stipulation that only one se
quence may be from any one de
partment. i
Group III, Sciences (only one
sequence from any one depart
ment) Certain science course*
must have both lab and lecture
periods. Others arc only lecture
General Biology 101. 102. 103
with corresponding lab hours ful
fills this requirement. If the stu
dent did not wish to spend time
on a course requiring a lab period
with it, he could choose one of
the mathematics courses which
would satisfactorily fill the group
Graduation Requirements
These requirements plus the
individual requirements of each
major school (i.e., journalism,
political science, speech! are the
required courses for University
Students who graduate from
Men's Open Rush
To End Saturday
Registration for men’s rush
ing will end April 23. according
to an announcement made today
by the office of student affairs.
April 30 has been set as the
last day men may pledge. Ap
proximately 30 men have regis
tered and pledged during spring
term open rush.
the school of Liberal Arts must
complete the same requirement«*
plus two more three-term courses
from any of the three groupa.
Additional courses are listed in
the groups for LA majors to give
them a wider choice.
Sequence Taken
Under this program LA ma
jors take six three-term se
quences while students majoring
in speech, political science, or
some other field only take four
three-term sequences.
Many students have misunder
stood the plan and thought they
had to me't the LA requirements
because they are LA majors until
they reach junior standing.
Actually, no freshman or soph
omore is a "major" of any kind,
he is merely enrolled in the Col
lege of Liberal Arts.
and "BIACK 13"
You're a sound minded girl,
Miss Littleton ... I knew it
the moment you mentioned
that you ate at the
Psychologically speaking, our only complex is a
compulsion to do a perfect job of pleasing you.