Gee/ t TAU,AHASSH:, l‘la.—Elght-yrar-ol Group I. Arts and Letters (one ' soauonoe must be in literature i Survey of English Literature, ( Eng. 101, 102, 103 meets this re- j quirement. Group II, Social Sciences (only one sequence may be from any For Entertainment You'll Crow( About... p H.A.T.S. Coming Friday Night! one department) Principle* of Economic*, Ec. 201, 202, 203 meet* this standard and also ful fill* the requirement to have a course numbered between 200 and 210. This particular student plan* to take his option course from this group too, so he chooses English Hi*tory. H*t. 207, 208. 208. (The student could not take hi* option course from the Eco nomic* department because of the stipulation that only one se quence may be from any one de partment. i Group III, Sciences (only one sequence from any one depart ment) Certain science course* must have both lab and lecture periods. Others arc only lecture courses. General Biology 101. 102. 103 with corresponding lab hours ful fills this requirement. If the stu dent did not wish to spend time on a course requiring a lab period with it, he could choose one of the mathematics courses which would satisfactorily fill the group requirement. Graduation Requirements These requirements plus the individual requirements of each major school (i.e., journalism, political science, speech! are the required courses for University graduation. Students who graduate from Men's Open Rush To End Saturday Registration for men’s rush ing will end April 23. according to an announcement made today by the office of student affairs. April 30 has been set as the last day men may pledge. Ap proximately 30 men have regis tered and pledged during spring term open rush. the school of Liberal Arts must complete the same requirement«* plus two more three-term courses from any of the three groupa. Additional courses are listed in the groups for LA majors to give them a wider choice. Sequence Taken Under this program LA ma jors take six three-term se quences while students majoring in speech, political science, or some other field only take four three-term sequences. Many students have misunder stood the plan and thought they had to me't the LA requirements because they are LA majors until they reach junior standing. Actually, no freshman or soph omore is a "major" of any kind, he is merely enrolled in the Col lege of Liberal Arts. STARTS SUNDAY: A WOMAN'S WORID" and "BIACK 13" You're a sound minded girl, Miss Littleton ... I knew it the moment you mentioned that you ate at the RUSH INN 854 EAST 13th ON THE CAMPUS Psychologically speaking, our only complex is a compulsion to do a perfect job of pleasing you.