Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Featuring HOPE HOIGERSON
Table Settings
Divert Hubby'
By Mollie Monroe
Em«r«ld Rtporfir
If the way to a man's heart
l> through his stomach, whal
happens to the modern bride
whose rullnery repertoire in
eludes poaehed egg* and burnec
toast ?
There is a solution. Divert hub
by* attention from the dishe*
so unlike Mother used to make bj
th<- use of lovely table sellings
• This method, however, is nol
absolutely guaranteed, i
June brides this year, accord
Ing to trends, will try to brighter
meal-time atmosphere with strik
ing stainless steel tableware. Th<
most outstanding characteristic
of this popular new table ware h
It : subtle simplicity. Lines ar<
straight and sleek, with little 01
no pattern.
Stainless steel will prove a
time-saver for the young bride
a- well as an economic invest
merit. It never ne<-<j« polishing
requires only soap and water tc
clean. Is a solid metal atrongei
than silver, and will last indefi
Sterling Is Still ropular
But because progressive stylet
in tableware change neatly every
month, many brides choose tra
ditional sterling silver for then
tables. Honored names in ster
ling International. Kuk Sky
lark, George Jensen, Heed am
Barton, Lunt, Gorham continue
Music Sessions
Start This Week
The annual Northwest Musk
Kilucator's Conference will begir
Wednesday and continue through
Saturday, with concerts each
night and climaxed by the Gals
Festival concert Saturday.
The conference, which is be
ing co-ordinated through thf
University school of music, wil
feature Robert A. Choate, thf
Northwest music educators' pres
ident, addressing the general ses
His topic will be "Music in
American Life,” and also at thf
session will be a speech or
"Sharing Our Responsibility
With the Classroom Teacher,” by
Lilia Belle Pitts.
. Hobart Sommers, assistant su
perintendent of schools in Chi
cago, will be guest speaker at
the Thursday night banquet. His
topic will be "Who Leads thf
Approximately 800 high school
students will participate in the
conference. They will be from
schools throughout the Pacific
Northwest area.
Campus Briefs
0 Phi Theta I’psiion member*.
will meet Tuesday night at 5:30
instead of tonight in front ot
Kappa Kappa Gamma, according
to Germaine LaMurehe, presi
dent. All members must wear
their uniforms, she said.
^ Amphibians will meet at
7:30 tonight in Gerlinger pool.
Attendance for all members is
to fashion patterns of intricate
.Sentimental scrolls and flow
ers, and finely detailed initials
characterize traditional silver
pieces. For the bride who wants
tableware that, will retail life
time approval of her husband and
her guests, traditional is a natu
ral selection.
.Many < hina Patterns
Even a scorched pork chop can
look appetizing on a lovely China
plate. To set off her silver, and
passify her mate, the bride must
choose a china pattern that cor
responds to her eating utensils in
weight and design. There are
hundreds of possibilities.
There atV modern patterns, in
red and pink angles, soft patterns
of misty rose and daisy’s, sophis
ticated patterns in gold diamonds
and small single squares. There
is perfectly plain pale china,
with perhaps a silver rim. All of
them have eye appeal, if ar
ranged tastefully, and all are
high’on the '55 bridal preference
So the bride who has trouble
boiling water doesn't have to dis
illusion her new male. She can,
if she trys, divert taste-appcai
with eye appeal. Maybe.
Brides Featured
In Next Papers
The many brides-to-be on Ore
gon's campus will be in the Em
erald spotlight this week.
Featured each day will be a
different future bride in an in
terview. Kach one will bo pic
tured shopping for her wedding
or future home. Stories designed
to assist all campus brides-to-be
with their many wedding plans
will also be included on the daily
Women who will take part in
Bride's Week are Hope Holger
son. Sue Ralston. Tedro Croley,
Barbara McNabb and Pat Case.
The following Eugene stores
have co-operated with the Em
erald in presenting this page:
Skeie's Jewelry, Rubenstein's
furniture, Kaufman's, Russell's
and the Bon Marche.
Miss Holgerson, Future Husband
To Graduate One Day, Marry Next
By Bobbye Harris
Emerald Reporter
So you want to pot married?
Hope Holgortton given this ad
vice, "Enroll In an 8 a.m. econ
claaa,” That ia where nhe mot
Joe Anatott whom tthe ia marry
ing June 13 at the Congregation
al church in Eugene.
Thia will bo an eapocially buay
time for the future Anatetts be
cause they arc both graduating
from the business school on June
12. She is serializing in mer
chandising and hr, in accounting.
Miss Holgerson has been ac
tive in the campus YWCA and
has just retired as secretary.
She was also a junior adviser
last year, in addition to work
ing on various committees. Now
she has time to practice baking
those angel food cakes that he
likes so well.
HOPE HOLOKKSOX ih pictured above shopping for table linen.
Th« tablecloth is one of the many new linen designs using non
tarnishahle metallic thread.
Anstett has been in his share
of campus activities too. Moat
noteworthy is his membership in
Scabbard ami Blade and the In
ter-Fraternity Council. He was
also a member of Skull and Dag
ger. Immediately after school
his activities will be confined to
those connected with-the United
3tates Army.
Right now Miss Holgerson
claims her residence in Grants
Pass. Anstett is from Belling
ham, Wash. However, in a couple
I of months they will both have to
change their home address to
: Ft. Knox, Ky., where he will be
! stationed.
Miss Holgerson is a member
of Delta Delta Delta and Anstett
holds membership in Sigma Al
pha Epsilon.
Cream Deodorant i
ReguIcHy ll NOW 50‘
An er*--perspircrf Oi well Cl C
deeiJcrcnt, AYER DRY is
doubly ececlive in keeping ycv
fresn cii dcy iong. And et *♦>•!
liir.iled-tiir.e specie! price »1 Vs
o Vcc» jp ' event. Ejy yo^rs
new end save half .
Mathematics Professor
Will Fly to New York
Ivan Niven, professor of math
ematics, will fly to New York
Thursday after being appointed
to a committee to advise the
Office of Naval Research how
to spend $200,000 most effec
tively for mathematical research.
The appointment was made
through the president of the Na
| tional Academy by the National
Research Council committee.
; Some of the top men in the na
tion's schools and industry are
selected for subcommittees by
the NRCC.
->4Jrides 1
Jj ifU |
Golden Swirl
by Gomez
See Our Lovely Selection of
Diamond Bridal Sets . . .
ALSO Gorham Sterling.
620 Willamette Street
h Choose From Our Wide
¥ Selection of GIFTS
Any bride will be thrilled with Flintwood
serving bowls, ceramic pieces cr any of our
other hostess accessories. Also se our wide
selection of unusual greehng cards.
1167 Willamette Street
Federal ton
To cherish always:
Wtd-Lok* diamond
engagement and
wedding ring en
semble by Grcnat.
Radiantly new de
sign of imperish*
cble loveliness.
1027 Willamette Streel
•tpadimapa *ts. u. s. pat. err. wid-ioa *mts a«i paducud b> u.i. paunts.