Featuring HOPE HOIGERSON Table Settings Divert Hubby' By Mollie Monroe Em«r«ld Rtporfir If the way to a man's heart l> through his stomach, whal happens to the modern bride whose rullnery repertoire in eludes poaehed egg* and burnec toast ? There is a solution. Divert hub by* attention from the dishe* so unlike Mother used to make bj th<- use of lovely table sellings • This method, however, is nol absolutely guaranteed, i June brides this year, accord Ing to trends, will try to brighter meal-time atmosphere with strik ing stainless steel tableware. Th< most outstanding characteristic of this popular new table ware h It : subtle simplicity. Lines ar< straight and sleek, with little 01 no pattern. Stainless steel will prove a time-saver for the young bride a- well as an economic invest merit. It never ne<-•! liir.iled-tiir.e specie! price »1 Vs o Vcc» jp ' event. Ejy yo^rs new end save half . L i Mathematics Professor Will Fly to New York Ivan Niven, professor of math ematics, will fly to New York Thursday after being appointed to a committee to advise the Office of Naval Research how to spend $200,000 most effec tively for mathematical research. The appointment was made through the president of the Na | tional Academy by the National Research Council committee. ; Some of the top men in the na tion's schools and industry are selected for subcommittees by the NRCC. ->4Jrides 1 Jj ifU | Golden Swirl I by Gomez $275.00 See Our Lovely Selection of Diamond Bridal Sets . . . ALSO Gorham Sterling. BRISTOWS JEWELRY 620 Willamette Street h Choose From Our Wide ¥ Selection of GIFTS Any bride will be thrilled with Flintwood serving bowls, ceramic pieces cr any of our other hostess accessories. Also se our wide selection of unusual greehng cards. AULD GIFT SHOP 1167 Willamette Street | 0FORGET-ME NOT* x+itt $250 Federal ton includ To cherish always: Wtd-Lok* diamond engagement and wedding ring en semble by Grcnat. Radiantly new de sign of imperish* cble loveliness. 1027 Willamette Streel •tpadimapa *ts. u. s. pat. err. wid-ioa *mts a«i paducud b> u.i. paunts.