Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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    Elgin Baylor Runs
To Scoring Crown
SEATTLE (API The curtain
la coming down on the banket ball
HciiHoit a bit too aoon to autt El
gin Bayor of College of Idaho,
who haa booHted hln acorlng av
erage to 30.75 polnta pCr game
to out-run the real of the Pa
cific Northweat.'a collegiate tally
IS,n lor ban climbed ateadlly
through the season and took
over the pace netting role only
a couple of week* ago. With
only u few game* left, his av
age wan almost four point*
l*etter than that of Norm llu
Iwrl of Pacific university, who
bus with two games left
to play.
The third corner of thin tri
angle which haa been waging a
three-way battle for the lead haa
wrapped up the aeason with a
PiKA's Get Sweep
Over Theta Chi's
To Insure Title
Pi Kappa Alpha swept four
games from Theta Chi Tuesday
night to take top honors In its
league of the fraternity intra
mural bowling competition.
Other matches ran mostly ac
cording to form as the keglers
rounded out scheduled play.
Theta Chi managed to retain
second ple.f c despite its loss. Erv
Larson toppr-d the PiKA champs
with a 209 high single and took
the evening high triplq. honors
with a 552. Dick James rolled a
191 and George Johnson a 500
for the Theta Chi spark.
Third place Campbell club de
ctsioned Tau Kappa Epsilon’sj
fourth place team, 3-1, on the
strength of Bruce McCoy's
night's high single of 228. Mc
Coy also had a 533 triple but was
outdistanced by Rich Harrison's
550 for the Tekes.
Delta Upailon, sparked by Jim
White, dropped Sigma Alpha Ep
silon's seventh place squad, 3-1.
The DU's established themselves
in fifth place with the win.
Kappa Sigma’s cellar dwelling
bowlers pulled the upset of the
night in whipping sixth position
Phi Kappa Pst, 4-0.
Portland Beavers
Open Spring Work
The Portland Beavers opened
spring training here Tuesday
and manager Clay Hopper put
the team through a hot two-hour
drill as the temperature rose
above 70 degrees.
The drill included bunting and
batting practice and wind
Those working out Tuesday in
cluded Bill Bottler, Royce Lint,
Phil Page, Dick Waibel, Larry
Ward, Ad Satalich, Francis
Chase, Wally Hood and Don
Harding, pitchers.
Catchers on hand were Sam
Calderone, Don Lundberg, Wal
ly Harding and Ron Bottler.
Unsigned as yet are Red
Adams, who showed up for con
tract talks, catcher Joe Rossi,
and pitchers Bill Boehmler, Dick
Fielder and Carl Schcib. Glen El
liott is signed but not yet in
26.3 average. He is Don Porter,
who le<J all the region’ll scorers
last year for Portland State and
now plays for Linfield.
Baylor nine holds the lead In
total worp with 7SH point ••
with the end of last week's
play. Porter ranked second in
total at HH4, Hubert had 646. j
An even dozen players were
averaging better than 18 points
per game at last check. The bat
tle for eighth place was tightest,
Dean Parson of Washington
winding up with 19 24, Loren
Anderson of Seattle Pacific with
16 20 and Dick Stricklin who
still may better his average
shooting 19.17 with Seattle Uni- j
The leaders I x indicates sea- ,
son ended):
Elfin Hay lor, C I
S'nm Hubert. P*c
lion Porter, l«inl
lari) Pry Mr, KOC
T Schadrwitx. KOC
Jim l«o»culoff. Ore
I Iran l'ar«»n», Wath
I An'lrrion, SePac
liirk Strirklin, SI*
Dicl I
nick Edward*. KWC
K. C. Owrni, ( I
C Pt%. Axe
. 24 738 30.7
24 646 26.V
26 x 684 26.3
26 563 21.6
26 563 21.6
26x 505 19 4
2 5x 481 19.2
24x 4/,f 19.2
24 460 19.2
26 x 489 18.8
24 x 442 18.4
25x 453 18.1
Sears, McKeen
Named to Team
NEW YORK (APi K<*n Sear*
of Santa Clara and Bob McKeen
of California were named Tues
day as the third and fourth play
ers on the 10-man West squad
for the fresh air fund East-West
basketball. game at Madison
Square Garden, March 26.
Previously selected for the.
West team were Don Schlundt
of Indiana and Bob Patterson of
Tulsa. Four players already
chosen for the East team are
Tom Gola of I-aSalle, Dick Rick
etts of Duquesne, Ed Conklin of
Fordham and Maurice Stokes of
St. Francis. Loretto, Pa.
Sears, 6'9", has been selected
for the all-star team at the NC
AA Western regional tournament
for the past three years. Mc
Keen, 6'7", is tabbed by his coach, j
Pete Newell, as “a better all
around center than Schlundt.” j
Hamilton, OSC Junior,
Named Page in Senate
MEDFORD (AP)—Sen. Wayne
Morse has named Alex Hamilton
of Medford, an Oregon State
college junior, to become a page
in the Senate office building
April 1.
The son of Moore Hamilton,
Medford postmaster, Hamilton
has been active on the OSC cam
pus in the Young Democrats. He
will continue his schooling at
George Washington university.
Semi- final Spot
In Frosh Track
Consolation winner Seder
strom hall advanced to the semi
finals of the Frosh dorms' track
meet Monday with a tight 43 1/3
38 2/3 victory over French.
French trailed by only 2/3
points going into the final two
runnnig events, but Duane Root
and Don Mesklmen came through
with wins in the 330-yard and
% mile runs to insure the tri
Don Steen and Meskimen again
paced the improved Sederstrom
squad. Steen collected victories
in the two pound ball throw, with
a loss of 172’ 1”; the high jump,
with 5’ 8” leap, and the 40-y^rd
hurdles, with a time of 5.7 sec
Meskimen collected firsts in
the pole vault and % mile run
and was in a three way tie for
third in the high jump.
Don Dexter and Bill Alvarado
picked up the only French wins.
Dexter took the broad jump and
40-yard dash and Alvarado swept
the shot put with a 41’4” heave.
Sederstrom faces Sherry Ross
today at 3:45 p.m. to vie for the
remaining spot in the champion
ship meet with undefeated Ome
ga. The finals will be held at
3:45 Thursday with a runoff
meet scheduled for Friday if
Omega is defeated.
Pick UCLA Coach
Top Hoop Mentor;
Mom on OSC Plans
ny Wooden of UCLA was named
coach of the year by the South
ern California Basketball Writ
ers association. Tuesday, but he
proved a hard man to pin down
regarding the Bruins’ series with
Oregon State for the Pacific i
Coast conference championship.
Johnny Moore, star of the
Bruins’ Southern Division title
winning team, was elected
player of the year.
Assistant coach Don Ashe:;
scouted Oregon State last week
but Wooden ducked queries re
garding his report.
He did concede that Swede
Halbrook, the Beavers' 7'3” cen
ter. “is moving better than he
did last year.”
Pressed for his defensive j
strategy. Wooden clammed up.
The writers picked an all-PCC
Southern Division team that in- j
eluded Moore, Ron Tomsic, Stan
ford; Bob McKeen, California;
Morris Taft, UCLA, and Dick
Welsh, Southern California.
Humez Outslugs Rival;
Slated for Bobo Olsen
PARIS (AP) — Hard-hitting
Charles Humez, France's Euro
pean middleweight champion.
Monday night moved close to a
title fight with world champion
Carl Bobo Olson by stopping
rugged Pierre Langlois, his long
time rival, in 2:31 of the fifth
Winter SWIAA Schedule
Mon. & Tues. — Private Parties — Phone for Reservations
Wed. & Thor. — 7 to 10 — Campfire Nights
Picnic around our 8-ft. island fireplace in our spacious lounge. Bring your own
wieners & trimmings. We furnish fire & sticks. We sell nothing but swimming.
Fri. — 7 to 10 Sat. — 2 to 6, 7 to 11 Sun. — 1 to 6
Benton Lane Pool
Hlway 99 West, 4 Miles North of Junction C;tv phone
Oregon Swimmers
To Host ND Meet
ijoacn John Borchardt’s UO
swimming contingent will enter
tain the Northern Division in the j
annual conference meet for the
first time since 1949.
The University of Washington
swimmers are favored to repeat
their last year's performance and
nab the crown. Next in line are
both Oregon State and Washing
ton State who will probably wage
a tight race for runner-up spot. ■
Oregon is figured for the fourth
position, while Idaho is expected
to end up in the cellar slot.
Action starts at 9:15 a.m. on
Friday when the grueling 1500
meter free style event will begin,
followed by preliminary diving.
At 2:30 p.m. the preliminary for
Tuchardt Top
Frosh Scorer
To the surprise of no one at
all. final Frosh basketball sta
tistics showed Paul Tuchardt far|
to the fore with 97 field goals,
39 free throws and 233 total
Duffy Tops Rebounds
Pivot man Hal Duffy, rushed
past him in the rebound depart
ment, however, taking 155 off
the boards compared to Tuc
hardt’s still-impressive 132.
Second in scoring was Dave
Wanaka, with 116. The ex
Roosevelt high all-city forward
was third in rebounding with
Rasor, Ayre Score Well
Wendy Rasor had 123 total
points for the fifteen-game sea
son, and Bob Ayre had 120 to
give the guard combination third
and fifth places, respectively.
Final Frosh scoring (rebound
statistics unavailable for Moore's
Drive-in game of February 81):
Tuchardt .... ..... 97 39 44 233 132
Wanaka ..56 34 47 146 121 i
Kavjr .54 15 24 123 31 i
Duffy 51 19 48 121 155 j
Ayre . 48 24 34 120 25
Hastings . 38 15 37 91 29
Faris !4 4 13 32 31 i
Delbon 13 5 14 31 26 !
Swan .12 3 17 27 27
Slick . 11 5 8 27 6
Williams 6 8 12 20 29
Diddock . 8 4 17 20 21
l.indland ... ..1 1 0 3 1 1
Phelps ..... 0 0 1 0 0 j
Totals 409 176 316 997 634
the 60 yard free style race will
begin, with the 200 yard back
stroke, the 220 yard free style,
the 200 yard breast stroke and
the one meter diving event fol
lowing in that order. At 8:30 fi
nals will be held for all after
noon events, plus the 400 yard
free style relay.
Saturday morning at 9:30, the
three meter fancy diving will
start. At 2:30 the preliminary
events will be held for the 100
yard back stroke, 200 butterfly,
100 free style, 440 free style, 180
individual medley, and the three
meter diving finals of three
dives. At 8:30, finals will be held
for the afternoon races, with the
300 yard medley relay consisting
of the five teams also compet
The five teams slated to com
pete are Washington, Washing
ton State, Oregon State, Oregon
and Idaho. The last time the
Ducks nabbed the title was in
1942. The meet is open to the
public and no admission will be
Michigan coaches won the foot
ball “Coach of the Year” award
in both 1947 and 1948, with Fritz
Crisler and Bennie Oosterbaan
getting the honors.
| All work done here by a
t real shaver expert. Parts
| available for all leading
{ makes: Sunbeam. Schick
i and Remington
There's Still Time!
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