Elgin Baylor Runs To Scoring Crown SEATTLE (API The curtain la coming down on the banket ball HciiHoit a bit too aoon to autt El gin Bayor of College of Idaho, who haa booHted hln acorlng av erage to 30.75 polnta pCr game to out-run the real of the Pa cific Northweat.'a collegiate tally makers, IS,n lor ban climbed ateadlly through the season and took over the pace netting role only a couple of week* ago. With only u few game* left, his av age wan almost four point* l*etter than that of Norm llu Iwrl of Pacific university, who bus with two games left to play. The third corner of thin tri angle which haa been waging a three-way battle for the lead haa wrapped up the aeason with a PiKA's Get Sweep Over Theta Chi's To Insure Title Pi Kappa Alpha swept four games from Theta Chi Tuesday night to take top honors In its league of the fraternity intra mural bowling competition. Other matches ran mostly ac cording to form as the keglers rounded out scheduled play. Theta Chi managed to retain second ple.f c despite its loss. Erv Larson toppr-d the PiKA champs with a 209 high single and took the evening high triplq. honors with a 552. Dick James rolled a 191 and George Johnson a 500 for the Theta Chi spark. Third place Campbell club de ctsioned Tau Kappa Epsilon’sj fourth place team, 3-1, on the strength of Bruce McCoy's night's high single of 228. Mc Coy also had a 533 triple but was outdistanced by Rich Harrison's 550 for the Tekes. Delta Upailon, sparked by Jim White, dropped Sigma Alpha Ep silon's seventh place squad, 3-1. The DU's established themselves in fifth place with the win. Kappa Sigma’s cellar dwelling bowlers pulled the upset of the night in whipping sixth position Phi Kappa Pst, 4-0. Portland Beavers Open Spring Work GLENDALE, Calif. (API — The Portland Beavers opened spring training here Tuesday and manager Clay Hopper put the team through a hot two-hour drill as the temperature rose above 70 degrees. The drill included bunting and batting practice and wind 'sprints. Those working out Tuesday in cluded Bill Bottler, Royce Lint, Phil Page, Dick Waibel, Larry Ward, Ad Satalich, Francis Chase, Wally Hood and Don Harding, pitchers. Catchers on hand were Sam Calderone, Don Lundberg, Wal ly Harding and Ron Bottler. Unsigned as yet are Red Adams, who showed up for con tract talks, catcher Joe Rossi, and pitchers Bill Boehmler, Dick Fielder and Carl Schcib. Glen El liott is signed but not yet in camp. 26.3 average. He is Don Porter, who le