Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 1955, Page Three, Image 3

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    Money Prizes Offered
For Essay on Inventor
i he John KncftHon society and
the American- Scandinavian
Foundation have announced two
prize# of $400 and $100 respec
tively, to be awarded annually
to students of any Swedlah-Am
erican, college in the United
State# or student# of Swedish
birth or extraction for the best
UO Graduate
Studies Trade
Robert W. Chamberlain, a Uni
versity of Oregon graduate, has
enrolled at the American Insti
tute for Foreign Trade at Thun
derbird field in Arizona.
Specializing in South America,
Chamberlain la preparing for a
career in American buxines# or
government abroad.
Chamberlain, whose home town
in Portland, graduated with a
buxines# degree from Oregon. He
was a member of Dcdta Upsllon
Mr#. Chamberlain, the former
Bernice Joanne Hite of Eugene,
is studying language# and cus
tom# while at Thunderblrd. She
also attended Oregon.
essays on the Swedish-born engi
neer, John Ericsson.
It was Ericsson's invention of
the Ironclad ship "Monitor”
which defeated the "Merrimac”
at Hampton Honda and whh a de
cisive factor in the outcome of
the Civil War. Ericsson whh also
responsible for numerous devel
opmenta in the field of steam lo
comotion, and designed the acrew
propeller, air compressors and
the caloric engine.
The essays may be of any
length, must be typed, and ahould
treat the general themea of John
RricMon add hia contribution to
the United States; John Ericsson, !
the Inventor; or John Ericsson,
hia life and work.
Entrlea for the contest will be
accepted at the American-Scan-1
dinavlan Foundation, 127 East
.'!7th atreet. New York 21, New 1
York, from March 1 until Nov.
1. Prizes will be awarded by a
joint committee of the Society
and the Foundation shortly after
Jan. 1.
Further Information concern
ing this contest may be obtained
from K. S, Ghent, foreign stu
dent adviser, in the office of
student affairs on second floor
of Emerald hall.
S l!Currents
'Abraham Lincoln'
Scheduled Sunday
"Abraham Lincoln" will be
shown Sunday at 2:30 and 5 p.m.
in the SU ballroom, according to
Donna Lou Douglas, member of
the SU Movie committee.
Walter Huston stars in this
film of Stephen Vincent Benet's
story of Lincoln’s life. Admission
for the film is 30 cents.
Collected Fomous Films
Will Be Shown Tonight
Famous films of the past col
lected in the "Hollywood Memory
Book" will be shown tonight at
7 and 9 p.m. in Commonwealth
138. The program featuring for
mer stars will offer variety of
entertainment. Beverly Spence,
member of the Movie committee,
has said. No admission charge
will be made.
No Friday at Four ,
The Friday at Foiy program
will not be presented this week
because of the Oregon-Oregon
State game in Corvallis, Beverly
Chamberlain, member of the
Music committee, has announced.
Hot Blast' Prepared by Ike
Against Democrat Tax Cut
Of the AwM'lalcd I'nsn
dent Kisenhower Tuesday report
drafted a hot blast against
the drive by House Democrats
for a $20-a-person Income tax
cut starting next Jan. 1.
Administration officials and
Republicans in Congress indicat
ed the President, at his news
conference Wednesday, would
take a personal hand in the
House Showdown
The House Ways'" and Means
committee, meanwhile, voted 16-9
to send the tax bill to the floor
for a House showdown, expected
Thursday. The final committee
action ratified a decision Mon
day to wrap the tax cut into an
administration bill postponing id
most three billion dollars in ex
cise and corporation tax cuts,
now set for April 1.
I Committee Chairman Cooper
; (D-Tenn) and House Majority
Leader McCormack <D-Mass»
predicted the combined bill would
pass. Rep. Kean fR-NJt, a com
mittee member who opposed the
income tax cut, agreed he saw
| little chance to stop it.
But Rep. Halleck (R-Ind), as
j sistant House minority leader,
said "I think we’ll beat it."
Veto Advised
Halleck, generally credited
with considerable influence at the
; White House, said he would ad
vise a presidential veto if the
bill passes in its present form.
The issue was stirring per
haps the biggest fight of the
year between the Republican ad
ministration and House Speaker
Rayburn (D-Tex) and other
House Democrats. It seemed cer
tain to pop with fury into next
year's congressional and presi
dential elections.
Some Senate Democratic lead
ers were not enthusiastic about
the move by their party mem
bers in the House. Chairman
Byrd <D-Va) and Sen. George
(D-Ga), senior members of the
Senate Finance Committee, an
nounced their opposition to the
income tax cut.
The bill would give an annual
$20 tax cut for each taxpayer and
each dependent, on income
earned in 1956 and thereafter.
This would be $100 for a family
of five. The reductions would be
felt first in payroll withholding
taxes after Jan. 1. About five
million taxpayers would be re
lieved of any federalincome lax
bill at all.
'Stock Market*
Financial and commodity mar
kets were closed Tuesday for
Washington’s birthday.
Eugene Stations Cut Gas Prices
An intermittent gasoline price
war in Eugene service stations
seemed to have started again
Home downtown stations for
merly selling regular-grade gas
at 29.3 cents per gallon Monday
j displayed signs advertising it at
| 28.3 cents. They later replaced
\ those with signs for 27.3 cent
gasoline, according to the Regis
Some Springfield stations were
reported to be selling at even
lower prices. Officials of major
oil companies were not able to
explain the cost-cutting in terms
of an overall trend, stating that
it began from individual actions
of station operators.
Take Her to the
For a BEER—
Root Beer, that is—
Or that Burger Basket
Special All This Week!
ON THE CAMPUS-854 East 13th
Selling... or... Buying?
University 5-1511
Extension 218
Whether you are selling ... or buying,
advertise! We are proud of EMERALD ad results
and proud that we can offer you
ad space for as little as 4c per word for
WANT ADS . . . and 63c per
column inch for DISPLAY ADS!