Money Prizes Offered For Essay on Inventor i he John KncftHon society and the American- Scandinavian Foundation have announced two prize# of $400 and $100 respec tively, to be awarded annually to students of any Swedlah-Am erican, college in the United State# or student# of Swedish birth or extraction for the best UO Graduate Studies Trade Robert W. Chamberlain, a Uni versity of Oregon graduate, has enrolled at the American Insti tute for Foreign Trade at Thun derbird field in Arizona. Specializing in South America, Chamberlain la preparing for a career in American buxines# or government abroad. Chamberlain, whose home town in Portland, graduated with a buxines# degree from Oregon. He was a member of Dcdta Upsllon fraternity, Mr#. Chamberlain, the former Bernice Joanne Hite of Eugene, is studying language# and cus tom# while at Thunderblrd. She also attended Oregon. essays on the Swedish-born engi neer, John Ericsson. It was Ericsson's invention of the Ironclad ship "Monitor” which defeated the "Merrimac” at Hampton Honda and whh a de cisive factor in the outcome of the Civil War. Ericsson whh also responsible for numerous devel opmenta in the field of steam lo comotion, and designed the acrew propeller, air compressors and the caloric engine. The essays may be of any length, must be typed, and ahould treat the general themea of John RricMon add hia contribution to the United States; John Ericsson, ! the Inventor; or John Ericsson, hia life and work. Entrlea for the contest will be accepted at the American-Scan-1 dinavlan Foundation, 127 East .'!7th atreet. New York 21, New 1 York, from March 1 until Nov. 1. Prizes will be awarded by a joint committee of the Society and the Foundation shortly after Jan. 1. Further Information concern ing this contest may be obtained from K. S, Ghent, foreign stu dent adviser, in the office of student affairs on second floor of Emerald hall. S l!Currents 'Abraham Lincoln' Scheduled Sunday "Abraham Lincoln" will be shown Sunday at 2:30 and 5 p.m. in the SU ballroom, according to Donna Lou Douglas, member of the SU Movie committee. Walter Huston stars in this film of Stephen Vincent Benet's story of Lincoln’s life. Admission for the film is 30 cents. Collected Fomous Films Will Be Shown Tonight Famous films of the past col lected in the "Hollywood Memory Book" will be shown tonight at 7 and 9 p.m. in Commonwealth 138. The program featuring for mer stars will offer variety of entertainment. Beverly Spence, member of the Movie committee, has said. No admission charge will be made. No Friday at Four , The Friday at Foiy program will not be presented this week because of the Oregon-Oregon State game in Corvallis, Beverly Chamberlain, member of the Music committee, has announced. COLUMNIST REPORTS Hot Blast' Prepared by Ike Against Democrat Tax Cut By fHARLEH F. BARHKTT Of the AwM'lalcd I'nsn WASHINGTON (APi Presi dent Kisenhower Tuesday report drafted a hot blast against the drive by House Democrats for a $20-a-person Income tax cut starting next Jan. 1. Administration officials and Republicans in Congress indicat ed the President, at his news conference Wednesday, would take a personal hand in the scrap. House Showdown The House Ways'" and Means committee, meanwhile, voted 16-9 to send the tax bill to the floor for a House showdown, expected Thursday. The final committee action ratified a decision Mon day to wrap the tax cut into an administration bill postponing id most three billion dollars in ex cise and corporation tax cuts, now set for April 1. I Committee Chairman Cooper ; (D-Tenn) and House Majority Leader McCormack