Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1954, Page Seven, Image 7

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by Miizi Asa!
, R<il.(jiou% N« m% Editor
. Newman Club
Newman club will hold its usual
monthly Communion Breakfast
, ,hiK Sunday, following the 9 a.m.
Mass in the St. Mary'a cafeteria.
. A special baccalaureate Mass
honoring thin year's graduatea will
be held tin Commencement day at
. 30 " m. in the Sacred Heart hos
pital chapel. Drcan for the occa
• Mon in suit* for the men and
dresses, heels and hats for the
women. The graduatea, their fam
Hiea and friends and all other
member* of the University com
munity are cordially invited by
■ Newman club to participate in
this Mass.
Religious Directors
The Religious Directors' associa
tion will hold ita annual retreat
and planning conference at Kltson
Springs Friday and Saturday. Ac
companying the directors wdl be
three students representing three
ol the Inter-church groups on cam
pus: Bob Randall, University Re
ligious Council president; Maurice
Beil, president of the house chap
lains' organisations; and Bob Hast
ings. chairman of Religious Evalu
ation week for next year. Plans for
the participation of religious
groups in Orientation week and
Other events of the next school
year will be made at htis retreat.
Miss Eileen l.indblud of the YWCA
Is taking reservations, and the
program is under the charge of
Russ Walker of the YMCA.
Wesley Foundation
The regular meeting of the
Koinonia Klaus will take place at
the First Methodist church Sun
day at 9:45 a.m. Cars will leave
GerMnger hall at 9:30 for those
wishing rides. Sunday evening at
WANTED English bike with
shift. Call Greenley, 4-7747 at
PASSENGERS to help drive to
Omaha after finals. Call 4-8542
FOR SALE Automatic washer in
fine condition Phone 5-6717.
FOR SALE: Nylon mountain tent
6' x 6'. Call 4-2181 evenings.
SELL Model 52 HB target rifle.
10X Supertarget spot scope. For
8165. John Wells, Gamma hall.
PASSENGER to help drive Chey
enne or Denver after finals. Ph.
5-1511, ext. 550.
DRIVING to Texas June 15. WU1
take two. Call. 5-5327 after 5
FOR SALE- Nylon mountain tent
6'x6'. Call 4-2181 evenings.
HugiUL:.'-j...., , ' =
G in Gci linger hall, light refresh
ments will be followed by the con
cluding program in the series on
the lives of the ApoHtieH, to be
presented by Bob Hastings, Junior
in Hpeech, He will present an ac
count of the life and teachings of
John, after the crucifixion of
Chrlat. Thia will be the last meet
Oreganas Still
Available at SU
More than 100 Htudenta atill
liave not picked up their Oreganas.
The hooka are available in the Stu
dent Union adminiatrative office
on the SU mezzanine, according
to Jim Light, thia year's business
Sttidenta who have withdrawn
Irom school will receive their
copies in the mail.
Several Oreganas also are avail
able for students who did not order
copies. They may be purchased in
the SU administrative office until
the end of this week.
Dance Tryout Friday
In Gerlinger Annex
Dance tryout* for the University
theater'* Hummer production* will
t>« held at 4 fj.m. Friday at Ger
linger annex.
Both male and female dancers
are needed for the summer sea
son. according to Gloria Lee, sum
mer dance director. Women try
ing out are to wear pedal pushers,
she said. No experience is neces
sary for the dancers.
Production numbers slated in
clude the musical, "Anything
Goes," the children's play, “Sing
Ho for a Prince," and a night
club show and oleo acts.
Over $1.00
During Final Week
On Those Delicious
Crisp. Golden Brown
Milk . .. Coffee . , . Shakes
Pie . .. Cake
Phone 5-9545
’Till 11 p.m. Week Xites
Closed Sun., Sut., 5:S0 p.m.
1200 Patterson
jing of Wesley; however, local stu
dents will conduct programs and.
recreation during the summer
monthn. Those who will be here
are urged to watch for posters j
publicizing these events.
Christian House
Christian house has planned two
special events this weekend. The
first is an Alumni dinner to be
held Saturday at 6 p.m. This is
the first of any such activity, and
is the concluding event fo the fifth
birthday celebration of the house,
which began in April. Wilma
Chance is general chairman for the
dinner. Tickets are one dollar with
a fifty-cent rate for small chil
dren. Graduates and former stu
dents who have been active in
Christian house during its five
years of existence are invited to
attend. Reservations should be
ma<lf through Miss Chance at
4- 1425, or at Christian house '
5- 8481.
Sunday at 5 p.m. the annual out-!
f,oor buffet supper honoring grad- f
uating seniors is scheduled. All1
students may attend the supper!
and informal program, but seniors
are the special guests of the
house. For others, tickets are
sixty-five cents each. General
chairman is June Jackson, with
Rosalind Lowrance in charge of
tickets. Seniors will tell of their
plans for next year and share mu
sical numbers with the group.
During examination week, many
projects for the summer months
at the house, will be posted, ac
cording to John Ihle, house chair
The Married Students’ group j
w ill meet throughout the FxxmMcf
for lawn parties and other inform*
al gatherings. The first of thes«
if; scheduled for Tuesday, June 27,
at 7:30 p.m. Croquet, horseshoe-*
and other outdoor games will be
Lyle Spears, president, ha i
called a meeting of the executive
council, for Wednesday at 6:45
p.m., to choose the recipient of th<
foreign student scholarship - of
fered by the house, and to elect
delegates to the national confei
ence of the Disciples of Christ, to
be held at Lake Geneva, Wi«.,
Aug. 29 to Sept. 4. JoAnne Flan
ders has been named as the voting
delegate. She will be one of fif
teen delegates from the Christian
church to attend the World Coun
cil of Churches assembly at Kvan
rton, 111., Aug. 15 to 31.
Whit4 Flowr Cologne
Coy Bouquet Cologne
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\ Regularly $1.00 and $2.00 each
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Blush Dawn Cologne
Wonderful WrisJey Colognes ond
Dusting Powders now specially
priced for this once*a-year sale.
Famous quality ... lavish
with fragrance .. . beautifully
packaged. Make every day a very
special occasion at a very low price.
Prescriptions — Drugs — Cosmetics
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For Any Shipping problems You Hav©
McCracken brothers motor freight
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