RELIGIOUS NOTES by Miizi Asa! , R« held at 4 fj.m. Friday at Ger linger annex. Both male and female dancers are needed for the summer sea son. according to Gloria Lee, sum mer dance director. Women try ing out are to wear pedal pushers, she said. No experience is neces sary for the dancers. Production numbers slated in clude the musical, "Anything Goes," the children's play, “Sing Ho for a Prince," and a night club show and oleo acts. Free Delivery Over $1.00 During Final Week On Those Delicious Sl'PERBURGKKH Crisp. Golden Brown FRENCH FRIES PLAIN BURGERS Milk . .. Coffee . , . Shakes Pie . .. Cake Phone 5-9545 ’Till 11 p.m. Week Xites Closed Sun., Sut., 5:S0 p.m. HAMBURGER INN 1200 Patterson jing of Wesley; however, local stu dents will conduct programs and. recreation during the summer monthn. Those who will be here are urged to watch for posters j publicizing these events. Christian House Christian house has planned two special events this weekend. The first is an Alumni dinner to be held Saturday at 6 p.m. This is the first of any such activity, and is the concluding event fo the fifth birthday celebration of the house, which began in April. Wilma Chance is general chairman for the dinner. Tickets are one dollar with a fifty-cent rate for small chil dren. Graduates and former stu dents who have been active in Christian house during its five years of existence are invited to attend. Reservations should be ma