Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Oregon Plays Seattle
In First Tourney Tilt
W hen the curtain raises J‘ri
<lay on the Western Regional
•Nt A A baseball tournament,
the Oregon Ducks, Northern
Division titlist, will take to
Hone field against the strong
Seattle university Chieftans in
the first contest of the meet.
I he WehfoQts and Chieftftts1
will play at 12;30 p. in. in the
second tdhrney game Southern
California will play Freano State.
This tilt will immediately follow
the opener.
L/ra wings ror berths In the tour
nament were mmJe Monday with1
Ralph Coleman, OSC diamond
mentor, doing the drawing
In attempting to down the Seat
tle nine of A1 Brlghtman, Don
Kirsch's Ducks will have no easy
lime. The Chiefs have an Impres
sive record of 23 wins and five
losses for the season. They are an
independent entry in the tourney
along with Fresno State.
Dork* Hold M'ln
In comparing the two teams It
is interesting to note that in an
early season game, Oregon downed
Seattle by a 5-4 score. Bob Wag
ner’s first inning home run with
the bases loaded gave the Oregons
an early lead which they refused
to give up.
The chiefs are expected to be
much tougher this time. Their star
pitcher, John Pastemicky, has
been improving constantly ull sea
son long and is considered to be
one of the top chuckem in the
country at the present time as far
a* college pitcher* go. Pastemicky
will no doubt be on the mound for
the Oregon game.
Although the Ducks' season rec
ord stands at 16 and eight as com
pared with Seattle’s impressive
mark, it should be considered that
the Webfoot* have been playing
much tougher competition in most
of their outings. The two teams
are considered to be about a toss
up by followers of the diamond
X 'SC Favored
In the second game on the tour
ney opening day schedule power
laden Southern Cal will be favored
to take the Fresno State nine, but
by only a slight margin. Fresno
is playing in its third NCAA tour
nament and in its previous two
appearances it has made itself well
known. This season Fresno has a
won-loss record of 23 and seven
and is the winner of the strong
California Baseball asso c i a t i o n
USC, winner of both the South
ern Division championship and the
California Intercollegiate Baseball
assiciation title will enter the
meet with "22 wins and eight losses
to Us credit. The Tropans have
played many top class profession
ND Tennis Title
Taken by U. W.
Washington's Huskies won the
Northern Division tennis cham
pionship for the fifteenth straight
year last weekend when they out
scored the field in the annual
league meet on the University of
Oregon courts.
The Huskies won the title with a
total of 14 points to second place
Oregon State's 10. Oregon trailed
with six points while Washington
State and Idaho had one each.
Bill Quillian, Washington’s bril
liant player who is ranked sixth
nationally, won the singles title for
the third straight year. Quillian
defeated Oregon's Ron Lowell in
the semi-finals and came back to
down teammate Doyle Perkins in
the finals.
Quillian and Perkins teamed up
to win the doubles’ championship,
also. The Husky team defeated
Pete Carter and Ed Dey of Oregon
State in the finals.
The Ducks’ best doubles combin
ation of Lowell and Dick Hamilton
lost out to Carter and Dey in the
nl teams and actually hold victor
ies over the Chicago Cuba and the
Portland Beavers among their re
corded wins. The Trojans replaced
the Stanford Indiana as SD cham
pion. Last year the Indiana de
feated the Ducka In two straight
gamed In the Pacific Coast confer
ence playoffs.
Athletic Newa Bureau director,
Art Utchman, announced Monday
that Oregon students will have to
pay admission to see the NCAA
games. The reason for this is that
the games are not regularly sched
uled contests and the NCAA will
not accept any free student admis
Admission Prices
Tickets for the Friday games
will be $1.50 for adults and 50
cents for students. This admission
price will cover both the games.
On Saturday, when the games
utart at 9:30 a. m. and continue
through the afternoon with two
more tilts, admission price will be
two dollars for adults and 75 cents
for students. This price will cover
,thf whole* day's slate. Sign out
passes will be given to people who
go home from the games for lunch
which will admit them again upon
■ their return.
On Monday the gamea will get
underway at 12:30 p. m. again
with the top two teams playing
| off for the title in the double-elim
. ination affair. In case a second
game is necessary between the top
teama, it will immediately follow
. the first encounter. The same ad
mission prices will apply for the
Monday games which are used Fri-'
Following is a list of the tour
nament games and how they will
be played: •
_ . _ FRIDAY
Dante 1. 12 :30, Oregon v«. Seattle U
Game 2, 3 :00, Southern Cal. »». Prenno St
of Game 2 93°' Gam* 1 V,‘ LoUr
Game 4, 12:30, Winner of Game 1 v*.
Winner of Game 2
Game 5, 3 :00, Winner of Game 3 v». Loser
of Game 4.
Game 6 12:30. Winner of Game 4 v«.
Winner of Game 5
Game 7. 3:0, Same two teams play again
if necessary.
Ducks Spring Practice
Ends With Scrimmage
as me nnai touch to their four
week practice session, the Oregon
gridders finished off the spring
practice with a full length scrim
mage, last Saturday morning.
Coach Len Casanova's boys put
on a pretty impressive show for
the spectators at Hayward field.
The squad was divided into two
equal teams, one wearing white
jerseys, and the other donning
green jerseys.
The green team started on the
offensive on their own thirty yard
line, but on the first play, Lloyd
Powell fumbled the ball, and John
Woyatt, a white halfback recover
ed, giving white the ball on the
green 30. On a series of runs by
rom Crabtree, Dean Van Leuven,
and quarterback Don Holt, the
white team moved the ball down
to the green four yard line. On
the next play, Dean Van Leuven
took the ball and ran over for
the first score of the game. Tom
Crabtree ran the conversion for
the 7-0 score.
The green squad then took pos
session on their own thirty and
opened up. On a series of runs and
passes, freshman quarterback Les
Plumb moved his team down to
the white ten, where they were
when the first quarter gun sound-*
At the other end of the field,
Lloyd Powell took the ball fren
the ten to the four yard line, foe
a first down. Jasper McGee then
plunged over for the only score fof*
the green. Powell was stopped cn
the conversion attempt.
f >a s 1 jr 10:0010:00 p.m.
Sunday* 12 :C0 0 :00 p m.
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