Oregon Plays Seattle In First Tourney Tilt W hen the curtain raises J‘ri a s 1 jr 10:0010:00 p.m. Sunday* 12 :C0 0 :00 p m. INDOOR OUTDOOR POOD WATER AND AIR—SO* 2 SUNDECKS ROOF-TOP & DECK LEVEL BENTON LANE POOL 4 Mi. N. Juccticn City cn 9S»W—Ph. J.C. 8-2836 TAmerica’s Rnighls ofthe Sky... s The Spartan Band that held the pass, The Knights of Arthur's train The Light Brigade that charged the guns, Across the battle plain Can claim no greater glory than The dedicated few Who wear the Wings of Silver ... on a field of Air Force Blue. SiBMMimmiiamMWMiTanii'M For Fellowship... High Ad venture... and a proud mission... wear the wings of the U. S. Air Force! • In days gone by, young nien in shining armor ruled the age. Today, a new kind of man rules the age—America's Knights of the Sky, the Aviation Cadets! They rule from on high, in flashing silver-winged Air Force jets . . . a gallant band that all America looks up to! Like the Knights of old, they are few in number, but they represent their Nation’s greatest strength. If you are single, between the ages of 19 and 26'/i, you can join this select flying team and serve with the finest. You will be given the best jet training in the world and graduate as an Air Force Lieutenant,earning $5,000ayear. Your silver wings will mark you as one of the chosen few, who ride the skies in Air Force jets. As an Aviation Cadet, your kingdom is space—a jet is your charger and your mission is the highest. You are a k<^ defender of the American faith, with a guaranteed future both in military and commercial aviation. Join America's Knights of the Sky, new men of a new age. Be an Aviation Cadet! WHERE TO GET MORE DETAILS: Contact your nearest Aviation Cadet Selection Team, Air Force R.O.T.C. Unit or Air Force Recruiting Officer. Or write to: Aviation Cadet, Hq., U. S. Air Force, Washington 25, D. C, UNITED STATES AIR FORCE