Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1954, Page Five, Image 5

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By Bob Robinson
Emarald Sports Editor
.* ’ u ^uiaiiuu mmiif; me past week on just
how this Saturdays Northern Division track and field meet at
I oilman is going to come out. Most people have come to the
conclusion that the University of Washington is the team to
heat with Oregon, Washington State, Oregon State and Idaho
following in that order.
Although the Ducks won the league dual meet championship,
experts figure that the Huskies have a little more strength to
put forth in the five team affair. We are inclined to disagree.
\\ < think that (Oregon can and w ill win the XI) toga to go along
with their dual meet crown. Of course Hill Bowerman’s Ducks'
will have to come through with top performances in every event
if they are to come out on top.
I.\ checking over the prospects in each event, one can easily
see that the scoring will he very close between Washington,
Oregon and W SC. If one goes by the top marks in each event
in dual meets it is found that the Huskies should win the meet
by about 10 points with Oregon second and the Cougars third.
Huskies Should Get Most Firsts
But in our Opinion the Webfoots will edge out the Washing
tonians even though the Huskies will gain more first place fin
ishes. According to our figuring, Washington will pick up five
blue ribbons, WSC will take home four, < Jrcgon and OSC three
each and Idaho one. However, it is our belief that Oregon will
score much better than any other team in the all-important sec-i
ond, third and fourth place finishes.
\\ e think Washington will win the mile with Bob Fornia, the
two-mile w ith Denny Meyer, the broad jump with Darrell Skar
\edt, the shut put w ith Duane W ardlow and the discus also with
If our figure are right, WSC will win both the 100 and 220
yard dashes with Bob ( .ary, the 8«0 with Bill Link and the mile
relay. We look for Oregon to win the 440 on an upset by Fred
Jacobs, the high jump with Bob Faucett and the pole vault w ith
Ken Hickenbottom. Oregon State's firsts w ill come in the high
and low hurdles with Don Chambers and the javelin with Jerry
C iuirch. Although Doyle Higdon of Oregon has the best javelin
mark to date, Church has been much more coirsistant through
the entire season. .
Event Review end Rundown
Following is a list of the events which will he run Saturday;
and our predictions on just how they will come out. Each man’s
best winning time of the season is listed by his name.
100-yard danh Carv (WSC). 9.5; Springbett (O). 9.8; La
Bongo (W), 10.1; Hornby (Oi, no wins.
220-yard da«h Gary (WSC), 21; Springbett (O), 22 5
Kkarvedt (Wi. 22.7, Led bolter (W), 22.8.
•MO-yard dash Jacobs (O), 50.4; Banks (W), 50.3; Dahl
qulst (O). 80.5; Smithpetcr (OSC). 51.
880-yard dash Link (WSC). 1:55.5; Clement (O), 1:56.6;
Clayton <W), 1:55.5; Hail (O), no wins.
Mile run Komi a (W). 4:21.3; Clark (II, 4:19.1; Dellinger
(Oi, 4:21 5; Matson (WSC). 4:25.
Two-mile-run Meyer (Wi, 9:17.5; Gourley (I), 9:57; Reiser
(O), 9:30.3; Itader (WSC), 9:51.3.
120-yard high hurdles Chambers (OSC), 15.2; Sorsby (O),
15.4; Torgerson (WSC), 15.2; Sogge (O), 15.5.
220-yard low hurdles Chambers (OSC), 24.1; Ledbetter
(W), 23.9; Sorsby (O), 24.5; Sogge (O). no wins.
Broad Jump- Skarvedt <W). 23' 44"; Johnson (O), 22' 4”;
Brown (OSC), 22' S’)*’’; Sullivan (O). no wins.
High Jump -Faucett (O), 6' 4"; Skarvedt (W), 6' 1"; Schell
(OSC), 6' 1"; Badorek (O). no wins.
Pole vault- Hlckenbottom (O), 13' 4"; Hilton , (W), 13’;
Reid <Ol, 12' 6"; Glander (WSC), 12' 6".
Shot put Wardlow (W). 48’ 11"; Brown (WSC), 48’ 8";
Parsons (W), ro wins; Pixley (WSC), no wins.
Discus - Wardlow (W), 158’ 6"; Fulwyler (OSC), 144' 4”
Turner (WSC), 144’ 6”; Strom (W). 142’ 74".
Javelin-Church (OSC). 200' ll”; Higdon (O), 205' 8";
’Ihurman (WSC), 188’ 94": Spinas (OSC), no wins.
Mile relay—WSC, 3:22.8; Oregon, 3:24.5; Washington*
3:25.3; Idaho, 3:33.5.
According to these tabulations Oregon would come out on
top with 52 points and Washington would be a close second with
49. WSC would score 33 markers, Oregon State 24 and Idaho 7.
Good Chance for Upsets
Of course something that has to be considered and that can’t
be tabulated is the fact that in a meet such as this the chances
for surprises and upsets are terrific. With the chips on the table
for the trackmen, as they are in the ND finals, anything can
Also, it must be remembered that the host team, Washington
State, is going to have the advantage of running on their own
track which could mean a few more points in their favor. The
Cougars are the defending champs and will be out to keep their <
Another factor which can have a tremendous effect on the
competitors of the teams is the weather. Way up in the Palousc
hills the air is much different to breathe than it is in Eugene,
Corvallis or Seattle. This could give a slight edge to both WSC
and Idaho which are used to it.
At any rate it looks as if this year’s meet is going to be one
of the best in history of the league and should bring forth some
great performances. In almost every event the performers are
all very close to being equal in ability. The winner in many cases
will he the one with the most intestinal fortitude. Good luck,
Duck Baseballers Schedule
Payoff Games with Beavers
Hon Kirsch’s University of
Oregon baseball team will have
an “all or nothing” attitude this
weekend when they play the
Oregon State Beavers in the
final two games of their four tilt
series. ()regon State needs hut a
single victory in its final pair of
games this Friday and Satur
day to cinch the 1954 Northern
Division baseball title.
The teams meet Friday at
Corvallis and Saturday at Eugene
and the defending champion Ducks
need a sweep of the two games
to finish ahead of the- Beavers,
who currently hold a one-game
Also nursing hopes are the
Washington Huskies. They could
W L Pet.
CSC .10 4 .714
OREGON . 9 5 .643
Washington . 7 5 ,583
wsc . 7 7 .500
Maho . 1 13 071
tie for the crown with Oregon by
sweeping their four remaining
games and having Oregon
dump OSC twice.
One Win Each
The Ducks and Beavers will go
into their final pair with one win :
each. Last Saturday at Corvallis,
Oregon came from behind to down
the Staters by a 9-7 score behind
the pitching of Norm Forbes. Then
on Monday at Eugene. Dick Wil
son and A1 Guidotti hurled the
Beavers back into t4?e league lead
with a 7-3 victory.
Kirscha team, which needed a
win last Monday to take over first
place, will be playing against the
odds in their quest for two
straight triumphs in the final
Playing at Corvallis on Friday.
10th Anniversary Album
L.P. & 45
The Friendly Record Store
1235 Willamette
"Quack! This
Coffee Is Hot,"
complained the duck as he
gulped and ran for his 8 o'clck
He jumped the back fence, jay
walked the street, trampled
across a lawn, and knocked two
Sociology profs down as he
burst Into Commie Hall. Finally
he got to his classroom—ft was
empty. A note on the black
board read, “Class cancelled to
commemorate the founding of
the W.C.T.U.”
The duck commemorated at—
On The Glenwood Strip
the Ducks will no doubt have to
face the Beavers’ leading chucker,
Norb Wellman. Wellman has seen
more ND action than any other
hurler and has a won-loss mark of
four and two. The Ducks hit OSC’s
lanky red-head pretty hard in the
first Webfoot-Beaver tussles, but
Wellman is expected to be much
tougher this time.
Forbes to Pitch
Hurling for Oregon will no
doubt be its mound ace, Norm
Forbes. Forbes, with a five and
one record in ND action, is the
only Duck pitcher who has been
pitching steady ball lately. Us
ually reliable Trent Huls has been
having control troubles in his last
couple of games.
The game Friday will get under
way at 3 o’clock in Corvallis. Sat
urday at Eugene the two teams
will take to the diamond at 2:30
p. m.
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