T>ucA 'i'i.,.i_ By Bob Robinson Emarald Sports Editor .* ’ u ^uiaiiuu mmiif; me past week on just how this Saturdays Northern Division track and field meet at I oilman is going to come out. Most people have come to the conclusion that the University of Washington is the team to heat with Oregon, Washington State, Oregon State and Idaho following in that order. Although the Ducks won the league dual meet championship, experts figure that the Huskies have a little more strength to put forth in the five team affair. We are inclined to disagree. \\ < think that (Oregon can and w ill win the XI) toga to go along with their dual meet crown. Of course Hill Bowerman’s Ducks' will have to come through with top performances in every event if they are to come out on top. I.\ checking over the prospects in each event, one can easily see that the scoring will he very close between Washington, Oregon and W SC. If one goes by the top marks in each event in dual meets it is found that the Huskies should win the meet by about 10 points with Oregon second and the Cougars third. Huskies Should Get Most Firsts But in our Opinion the Webfoots will edge out the Washing tonians even though the Huskies will gain more first place fin ishes. According to our figuring, Washington will pick up five blue ribbons, WSC will take home four, < Jrcgon and OSC three each and Idaho one. However, it is our belief that Oregon will score much better than any other team in the all-important sec-i ond, third and fourth place finishes. \\ e think Washington will win the mile with Bob Fornia, the two-mile w ith Denny Meyer, the broad jump with Darrell Skar \edt, the shut put w ith Duane W ardlow and the discus also with Wardlow. If our figure are right, WSC will win both the 100 and 220 yard dashes with Bob ( .ary, the 8«0 with Bill Link and the mile relay. We look for Oregon to win the 440 on an upset by Fred Jacobs, the high jump with Bob Faucett and the pole vault w ith Ken Hickenbottom. Oregon State's firsts w ill come in the high and low hurdles with Don Chambers and the javelin with Jerry C iuirch. Although Doyle Higdon of Oregon has the best javelin mark to date, Church has been much more coirsistant through the entire season. . Event Review end Rundown Following is a list of the events which will he run Saturday; and our predictions on just how they will come out. Each man’s best winning time of the season is listed by his name. 100-yard danh Carv (WSC). 9.5; Springbett (O). 9.8; La Bongo (W), 10.1; Hornby (Oi, no wins. 220-yard da«h Gary (WSC), 21; Springbett (O), 22 5 Kkarvedt (Wi. 22.7, Led bolter (W), 22.8. •MO-yard dash Jacobs (O), 50.4; Banks (W), 50.3; Dahl qulst (O). 80.5; Smithpetcr (OSC). 51. 880-yard dash Link (WSC). 1:55.5; Clement (O), 1:56.6; Clayton