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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1954)
29 Athletes Compete For Emerald Trophy ***'• wnnuai Awaruin# of thr* Kmernkl Athletic trophy will be held Saturday night at the AII ■ ninpiiH Sing, Thin year there are 2!t men who are being considered for the award. The trophy la presented an out standing aenior athlete each year who ranks high In leadership, scholarship, activities and athle tics on the campus. In order to be eligible for the award an athlete must have com pleted at least 150 hours of credit work by the end of winter term and have a accumulative grade point average of not less than 2.5. Previous winners of the cup were: Jack Keller, basketball 1951; Jack Hutchins, track 1952; and Jim Livesay, baseball - 1953. This year the following 29 men are being considered: Ted Ander son, football and track: Kmery Barnes, football and track; l>*n Barrie, football; A] Cross, golf; Bob Paucctt. track; Bill Hall, track: Kd Halberg, basketball; Bob Hawes, basketball; Cecil Hodges, football; Barney Holland, | basketball; John Kngllsh, swim ming. Don Hedgepeth, football and baseball; Trenton Huts, baseball; ' Ben Johnson, track; Hoy Karr. | swimming; Henry Kaiura, swim mire; t’hurk I-aird, football; (Jene Lewis, baseball; Hon Lowell, ten nis; A1 Martin, track; Orlando Mathias, swimming; A1 Mundle, golf; Hon Phillips, baseball; Bob: .Stout, basketball; Chandler Sogge. I Phi Kaps, Eagles Play lor IM Title Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock! on the IM fields, the intramural softball championship game of, 1954 will be played. Phi Kappa j Sigma will take on the Legal Eagles in the title tilt. The Phi Kaps downed Alpha j Tan Omega in the semi-finals, 3-2 and the Eagles dropped Susan, Campbell hall from contention with a 21-6 win. Ping Pong Hopefuls .lack Korolofsky announced Wednesday that anyone Inter ested in signing up for the all canipim ping-pong tourney must turn in his name by this Friday in he In to be considered for the playoffs. The tournament will la-gin in the near future with the same single elimination schedule In effect this yenr us was used In last year’s tourney. SPORTS FARE Thursday, May IS, 1954 SOFTBALL 4 :00, South field, Phi K a p p a j Sigma vs. Legal Eagles. TRACK 4:45, Alpha Tau Omega vs. Sig ma Chi. 4:4.r>, Beta Theta Pi vs. Theta Chi. • SWIM DAILY 1:00—10:00 P;M. SUNDAYS 12:00—6:00 urui INDOOR NEW OUTDOOR POOL WATER AND AIR—80“ 2 SUNDECKS ROOF-TOP & DECK LEVEL BENTON LANE POOL 4 Mi. N. Junction City on 99W—Ph. J.C. 8-2836 JACK HUTCHINS, former Ore gon truck wtar, wan the wInner of the Kmeruld Athletic Trophy In 1B52. Thin year’s award \\ lit lx- made Saturday night to an outstanding senior athlete. track; Ken Sweitzer, football; Bob Takano, golf; Ken Wegner, bas ketball. HttW-H H I I I I I Ml I .1..W4.4 Big Tug-of-War Slated for Friday The sophomore cla»s tug-of-war tfam face* their moat important opponent of the year when they meet the freshmen this Friday at 4 p. m. on the Unfversity tug ! of-war field behind the Kappa Sig ma hoime. Jim Duncan, sophomore presi dent representing last year’s win ning team stated, “The sophomore class has made extensive prepara tions at their trq^ning camp at Beta meadows.” Freshman also are on training rules and expect to be in top shape for the big event. Freshman president, Don Smith, had this to say for the coming bat tle: "We have the roughest, toughest men in the freshman class pulling for us. Even though the field will be wet. I am sure the sophomores are in for a real cleaning this Friday." Duncan evidently feels other wise. "Friday afternoon at 4 o’ clock the freshmen will get a chance to taste sophomore su premacy,” he said. The experts haven't made up their minds yet as to the outcome j of this clash. Some think the more ! experienced sophomores will gain 11 he upper hand while others are j banking on the enthusiasm of the freshmen. Anyway you look at it, j 'his event promises to be one of ! the big sports thrills of the year. UO Grid men Lose Farrell Albriqht A tough break was dealt to th" University of Oregon's football plans for 1954 when it was found last week that last season's start ing right-halfback, Farrell Al bright, will not be present for next season. Albright, who was being figured on for heavy ball-carrying assign ments, has been accepted into the dental school a year earlier than expected and will not be on hand for next fall’s grid warfare. Head coach, Len Casanova, ex pressed disappointment on hearing that Albright wouldn't be back but he added that he was quite FARRELL ALBRIGHT Leaves Duck Griddcn Real Cool! Real Cool! Real Cool! i for the Prom for Mom Orchids Orchids OrchidS from $1.00 on Orchids from Flowers Unlimited •f T 1 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 See our representative in the Co-op or Flowerfone 4-6244 See Display in Co-op Window 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 GET IN THE SWIM! You'll Find It Pays To READ AND USE CLASSIFIEDS The Smart Way to BUY-SELL-RENT-HIRE CALL THE EMERALD Ext. 219 (Afternoons) I proud That Albright bad made the grade in his pre-dental work and wished him lots of luck in his fu ture occupation. Albright is a two-year lettermart in football and last season was one I of the leading ground gainers for the Webfoots. In addition to foot ball Albright has been a mcmbci of Don Kirsch'a baseball tearo v ! the past two seasons. This year he was being depended on for I many hurling assignments until he came up with a sore arm early in the Northern Division race. He has a lone win to his credit in ac tion this season. Albright came to Oregon from Milwaukie high school after com pleting thi'ee successful years of prep school action. He is now a member of Phi Delta Theta, men’s j fraternity. I You Pay So Little •••and Get So Mud' by GREYHOUND tickets This is what you pay . . from EUGENE PORTLAND CORVALLIS COOS BAY MEDFORD SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES Round trip 20 per cent less on round-trip tickets $ 2.90 _ 1.05 2.85 _ 3.95 9.95 14.25 Ftu* Fed. Tax This is what you get... • More frequent, convenient departure*! • Thru Express Buses to and from more places! • Close-up scenery at its best! • Choice of more routes ... go one way, return another! See your local Greyhound Agent about the money you save, the pleasure that is yours with . . . 0 Greyhound Prepared Vacations • Dependable Greyhound Charter Service Agent MR. 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