Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1954, Page Two, Image 2

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    Oz&aon Daily
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday during the college year
from Sept. 15 to June 3, except Nov. 16, 25 through Dec. 7 through 9, 11 through Ja». A
March 8through 10, 12 through 29, May 3, and 31 through June 2, with issues on Nov. 21,
Jan. 23, and May 15, by the Student Publications Board of the University of Oregon. En
tered as second class matter at the post ofiice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per
tchool year; $2 per term.
Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to
represent the opinions of the AS1'O or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written by
the editor; initialed editorials by the associate editors.
ELSIE SCHILLEK, Editor DICK CARTER, Business Manager
JOE GARDNER, News Editor BOB ROBINSON. Sports Editor
Our Choice-Hollis Ransom
We are supporting Hollis Ransom for A^t O president.
Three weeks ago, we were supporting Bob Summers, A( <S
candidate. But three weeks of campaigning has changed a lot of
things around campus—including our minds.
Here’s why we offer our support to Ransom, UTS presidential
1. He has led his party during the past few weeks. He hasn't
been led by cliques within the group as Summers has on sev
eral issues, including the all campus primary. Summers didn’t
have any definite opinion. He went along with AGS. Ransom
has opinions—well thought out, intelligent opinions which
he has offered to his party and to the voters.
2. Ransom has made a conscious effort to measure the areas
of student government Oregon is interested in. Here we cite
the poll UIS took’among Independent students recently, com
piling a record of student interests and desires around which
to frame their platform. Ransom initiated the poll. And we j
think that’s real live student government.
3. Ransom is alert and interested in what is going on at this
University. He has been here only two years and there are
a lot of things he hasn’t learned about Oregon. But he’s willing
to spend time ferreting out every minute detail of any problem 1
until he does understand. And he’s learned an amazing amount
even in the past three weeks.
4. He takes campus politics seriously. The only danger we;
see here is that he will take student government too seriously, j
But a conscientious senate should be a safeguard against that.j
And we think the issues presented in the UIS platform indicate
that he is aware of the areas in which student government should j
"be most active.
There are points in both platforms with which we disagree. I
But we cannot snub leadership, responsibility and an awareness
oi public interest when it is presented to us all rolled up into one
ASUO presidential candidate.
Admittedly, if Summers had said more or said less during
this campaign, we might have continued to go along with him.
But whenever he says anything, we’re never sure just what
he means or if he has said anything underneath the smooth
flow of his words. And if he hadn’t got stuck out on a limb on
the all-campus primary with several of the party “big wheels,”
we would have more faith in his leadership potential.
We tried to support Summers but it just wasn’t in the cards.
Ransom has won this campaign hands down and we hope he
wins the same way in Wednesday’s election.
The ASUO presidency is the only continuing part of student
government. It takes a lot of responsibility. It’ll be hard to learn
Holly, but we’re backing you all the way.
Our Crystal Ball
“I’m afraid Worthal has flunked his final.”
Here s Election Ballot:
ASUO President
ASUO Ballot for President,
Vice President and Senate
Number the candidates in the
order of your preference, 1, 2, 3,
etc., for as many as you wish to
vote for.
( ) ms Hollis Ransom (Can
didate for President)
( ) AGS Bob Summers
(Candidate for president)
( ) UIS Sam Vahey
( ) AGS Jim Light
( ) UIS Germaine LaMarche
( ) AGS Gary West
( ) UIS Samuel T. Frear
( ) AGS Don L. Smith
( ) UIS Ted Goh
( ) AGS Stan Savage
( ) Non-partisan Tom Arata
( ) UIS Mary Alice Allen
( ) AGS Bob' Maier
( ) UIS Gennie Kachus
( ) AGS Ann Blackwell
( ) UIS Chuck Austin
( ) AGS Joanne Kopp
( ) UIS Pat Peterson
( ) AGS Bob Baker
( ) UIS Shirley Ann Knox
( ) AGS Cynthia Long
Senior Class
Senior Class Ballot; Candidates
for President and
Number the candidates in the
order of your preference, 1, 2, 3,
etc., for as many as you wish to:
vote for.
( ) UIS Len Calvert (Candi
date for President)
( ) AGS Bob Glass (Candi-j
date for President)
( ) AGS Dorothy Kopp
(Candidate for Represen
( ) ms Loris Larson (Candi
date for Representative)
Junior Class
Junior Class Ballot;
Candidates for President and
Number the candidates in the\
order of your preference, 1, 2, 3,
etc., for as many as you wish to
vote for.
( ) UIS Russ Cowell (Candi
date for Representative)
( ) AGS Bud Hinkson (Can
didate for President)
( ) ms Gordon Rice Candi
date for President)
( ) AGS Mary Sweeney
(Candidate for Represen
Student Cited
After Accident
Neil Tardio, fifth year student
in architecture and allied arts,
was cited by the Eugene police
Sunday morning for failure to
leave his name and address at the
scene of an accident.
The citation followed a collision
of Tardio’s car and a car driven
by Charles Gregg Lininger, fresh
man in liberal arts, between 14th
and 15th avenues on Kincaid
street at 11 a, m. Sunday.
Tardio is scheduled to appear in
Eugene Municipal court Friday
morning. Bail for the offense is
Damage to Tardio’s car, a 1947
Plymouth, was estimated at $200.
The other car's damages were
estimated at $35 by the investi
gating officer.
Vote No. 1
Senior Class President
Len Calvert
‘Experience and
Sophomore Class
Sophomore Class Ballot;
Candidates for President and
Number the candidates in the
order of your preference, 1, 2, 3,
etc., for as many as you wish to
vote for.
( ) AGS Darrel Brittsan
(Candidate for President)
( ) AGS Marcia Cook (Can
didate for Representa
( ) U1S Harriet Hornbeck
(Candidate for Represen
( ) UIS Malcolm (Mall Scott
(Candidate for President)
Campus Calendar
Frosh Pic Pub 110 SU
Deseret Cl 111 SU
Soc Staff 112 SU
Psi Chi 113 SU
IVCF Plan 114 SU
Jr. Prom Decor 315 SU
Jr. Prom Sub ch 111 SU
Pi Lambda Theta 112 SU
Phi Theta Ups 113 SU
Eta Mu Pi 110 SU
Christian Sci Gei 1st fl
UIS Ger 3rd fl
PDK 112 SU
Ruff Lect 202 SU
Pub B<1 337 SU
Crane Lect Dads Lnge SU
"Not Third Party"
Arata Group Says
The group sponsoring Tom1
Arata as candidate for senator-at
large in the elections Wednesday ;
is not the "nucleus of a third
party,” as reported in Friday’s
Emerald, according to Arata.
The group of students who sign
ed the group's platform, Arata]
said, is composed of students in
terested in supporting an Individ-!
tial candidacy in this year's clec-i
DeailHnr for Item* fur this column is ut 4
p.m. the day prior to publication.
0 C. F. Huff will H|K>ak on
"Jtusz: Piano" In the listening
room of the Student Union to
night. Ruff’s lecture from 7:30 to
9 p. m. will Include a 12 minute
0 Sub-chairmen of Hu- Junior
Prom committee will meet at -1
p. tn. today In the Student Union,
according to Janet Wick, prom
0 Paul llyer, northwest staff
member for Inter-Varsity Chris
tian Fellowship, will address the
University IVFO chapter at their
tegular meeting tonight at 7 p. m.
in the Sudent Union.
^ Phi Theta I pnlloii, junior
women's honorary, will meet to
night at 6:15 in the Student Union.
Next year's membership will be
0 Petitions for membership in
Skull and Dagger* sophomore
men's service honorary, are to be
turned in to Bob Maier, president
at Phi Kappa Psi; Don Bonime at
Sigma Alpha Mu, or Jerry F toe be
at Phi Delta Theta by 5 p. rn. Fri
• The YWCA cabinet will meet
Wednesday at noon In Gerlinger
hall, according to Sally Stadelman,
"V" publicity chau-man.
0 There will be a meeting of
the YWCA Junior-Senior break
fast committee chairmen at 1 p.m.
today in Gerlinger hall, according
to publicity chairman Sally Sta
0 The YWCA executive council
will meet at noon today In Ger
linger hall, according to Sally Sta
delman. publicity chairman.
episcopal students are urged
to attend the early Celebration
of Holy Communion ut Gerling
er Hull, 7:00 a.m., Wednesday.
A light breakfast will follow th<*
Vote Xo. 1
Retain All-Campus PRIMARY
Support u. i. s.
Elect Hoiiis
ASUO President
“This is the Year”
I'ahl 1‘olitical Advcrtiiiement