Oz&aon Daily EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday during the college year from Sept. 15 to June 3, except Nov. 16, 25 through Dec. 7 through 9, 11 through Ja». A March 8through 10, 12 through 29, May 3, and 31 through June 2, with issues on Nov. 21, Jan. 23, and May 15, by the Student Publications Board of the University of Oregon. En tered as second class matter at the post ofiice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per tchool year; $2 per term. Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the AS1'O or of the University. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor; initialed editorials by the associate editors. ELSIE SCHILLEK, Editor DICK CARTER, Business Manager JOE GARDNER, News Editor BOB ROBINSON. Sports Editor Our Choice-Hollis Ransom We are supporting Hollis Ransom for A^t O president. Three weeks ago, we were supporting Bob Summers, A( ak on "Jtusz: Piano" In the listening room of the Student Union to night. Ruff’s lecture from 7:30 to 9 p. m. will Include a 12 minute film. 0 Sub-chairmen of Hu- Junior Prom committee will meet at -1 p. tn. today In the Student Union, according to Janet Wick, prom chairman. 0 Paul llyer, northwest staff member for Inter-Varsity Chris tian Fellowship, will address the University IVFO chapter at their tegular meeting tonight at 7 p. m. in the Sudent Union. ^ Phi Theta I pnlloii, junior women's honorary, will meet to night at 6:15 in the Student Union. Next year's membership will be discussed. 0 Petitions for membership in Skull and Dagger* sophomore men's service honorary, are to be turned in to Bob Maier, president at Phi Kappa Psi; Don Bonime at Sigma Alpha Mu, or Jerry F toe be at Phi Delta Theta by 5 p. rn. Fri day. • The YWCA cabinet will meet Wednesday at noon In Gerlinger hall, according to Sally Stadelman, "V" publicity chau-man. 0 There will be a meeting of the YWCA Junior-Senior break fast committee chairmen at 1 p.m. today in Gerlinger hall, according to publicity chairman Sally Sta delman. 0 The YWCA executive council will meet at noon today In Ger linger hall, according to Sally Sta delman. publicity chairman. episcopal students are urged to attend the early Celebration of Holy Communion ut Gerling er Hull, 7:00 a.m., Wednesday. A light breakfast will follow th<* Celebration. Vote Xo. 1 Vote AgainstCENSORSHIP Retain All-Campus PRIMARY Support u. i. s. Elect Hoiiis Ransom ASUO President “This is the Year” I'ahl 1‘olitical Advcrtiiiement