Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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l *7,14c6&
i _ By Bob Robinson
^ tmoralcJ Sports Editor
r < *eorge Shaw, < )regon center-fielder, probably put on the most
> outstanding batting performance that lias ever been displayed
► 0,1 l,K‘ IhickV Howe field, last Friday and Saturday afternoons j
, against the \\ ashington State Cougars.
s Shaw hit safely four times during the series and all four hits!
wrie home runs. In till likeable Oeorgc was credited with 10!
, runs batted in during the two-game set.
f Shaw s hitting must have taken WSC and their coach, Buck!
Bailey, by surprise, because, before this two game set with the!
Cougars, the Ducks had been unajjlc to produce to single round-!
tripper in any of their pre-conference games.
k Besides Shaw s four blasts, first-baseman Dick Schlosstein i
k a<Fled another four-base blast in the first game when the Ducks j
won by a 10-1 count.
Fielding Collapses
|| Dun Kirscli s warriors, who before the season began were
i supposed to be a strong fielding team but a little on the weak
■ode as far as batting is concerned, played exactly to the con- j
1 trary in Saturday's lo>- to the Cougars.
» Led by Shaw's two homers and a triple by Xeil Marlett, the'
. Ducks produced plenty of base hits and brought in a total of
eight runs. But, on the other hand, the Webfoot fielding went
^ plop. I he Oregon* committed five big errors and this prob-j
^ ably more than any other factor contributed to the 11-8 loss
to the visitors.
» I he miscucs were not centered on any one player, five com-!
petitors picking up one error apiece. Considering that the Ducks
“failed to make a fielding mistake in the Friday encounter, it!
* can nios.t likely be chalked up to one of those bad days that
s.come along now and then.
1 What's Happened to Anderson?
Big Question on the Oregon track and field team these days!
is just what is the matter with dash man Ted Anderson? An
derson, a third-place finisher in last year's PCC track meet in
the 440-yard dash, has been any thing but spectacular in the
Oregon meets this season.
Anderson had to settle for a second place behind Oregon i
, State’s Donn Smithpeter, a man who he beat frequently last
^Season, in the Ducks' first meet at Portland two weeks ago.
people figured this was just a case of Ted not being
■.quite ready. But in last Saturday’s Oregon-Washington meet
^supposedly speedy Ted was really a flop.
? Starting fast at the timer’s gun Anderson remained at the
jure only briefly. By the time the sprinters reached the final
.turn of the quarter-mile grind, Ted was beginning to fade bad
jly- Quickly the other men in the race took advantage of Ander
son's faltering stride and raced past him.
a. (»ordon Dahlquist, the Ducks' new 410 find, came home the
J winner of the event. Anderson failed to place.
‘ ^ hatever it is that is keeping Anderson from reaching his
.capabilities is hoped will be cured by this coming Saturday
‘when the Oregon team faces tough Washington State in an
► important dual meet.
^ Clement Looks Sharp
I One of the bright spots for the Duck trackmen last Saturday
>*v. as the fine race run by half-miler Doug Clement.
| Clement has been bothered by a pulled leg muscle all season
£h.ng and until the Washington meet he had been unable to turn
y" <W eye-catching times in his specialty, the 880. Clement’s
Lpeat clocking of 1:56.6 showed that he is beginning to blossom
|into the same speed merchant that he was last year when he
Fwas one of the ton half-milers on the Pacific
Big Scores Posted
For Four Games
In Mural Softball
Four of the scheduled six In
ttarntiral softball ^ampH were play
erl Monday. Big- innings were the
keyword in every one of the
games, with all four winning
teams scoring six runs in one in
.Susan Campbell scored a 6-3
victory over Nestor Hall in the
freshman division. Susie scored
six runs in the first inning, but
was unable to score again in the
game. Nextor Hall made a vai
iiant try in their half of the sec
ond inning when they scored three
runs, but could not catch up to
the Susiemen. Tom Brown carried"
the big bat for Susan Campbell
with a home run with two on. Sul
livan was the winning pitcher,
while Mike Starling took the loss.
Phi Kappa Psi shut out Kappa
Sigma 6-0 in their meeting Tues
day. Bob Kubes was credited with
the shut-out win, while Dick
Stringer got the loss.
Lambda Chi Alpha went wild in
the second inning of their game
with Sigma Nu, scoring six runs,
and going on to win 9-5. Lambda
Chi's other runs came in the fourth
inning, when they scored three.
Sigma Nu rallied in the top half
of the fifth inning, but could only
Push over five runs. Tom Patton
was the winning pitcher, while
John Hepner was the loosing pit
In the last game of the day.
Theta Chi got hit happy in the
second inning to beat Sigma Phi
Epsilon 8-4. Theta Chi scored six
runs in their half of the second
inning to put the game on ice. The
Sig Kps scored their runs in the
second and third innings. South
well was the winning pitcher,
while Allen took the loss for the
Sig Eps.
Two forfiets marred the I M
scene Tuesday, as Pi Kappa Phi
forfeited to Phi Kappa Sigma, and
Philadelphia House forfeited to
Barrister Inn.
Intramural department offi
elaN announced last Friday that
Tuesday afternoon’s IM softball
games would be cancelled until
a later da'te.
Assistant IM director, Earl
Ferguson, stated that they
would be made up some time in
early May.
The next softball action will
come on Friday with a six game
slate on tap.
OSC Beavers
Beat Idaho
For Third Win
By Associated Press
Oregon State College posted its
third straight Northern Division
baseball victory at Corvallis Tues
day, by defeating Idaho 11-3.
Idaho scored two runs in the
first inning when pitcher Norb
Wellman of Oregon State gave up
thre successive singles. An Ore
gon State error also aided the
The Staters came back in the
second inning to score five runs
on three walks, a single by Bobby
Buob, a double by Chuck Fisk,
and an Idaho error. OSC added
four more runs in the fourth in
ning, one in the fifth, and another
in the seventh.
Jay Dean led the Oregon State
attack with three hits in four
trips to the plate. Chuck Fisk had
two for two.
Idaho .200 010 000— 3 7 5
Oregon State 050 410 100—11 9 3
Barton, Young. (21, Stephens
(8), and Quane; Wellman and
Australian’s champion rniler,
John Landy, turned in the third
best clocking of his career Mon
day in Melbourne in his farewell
appearance before leaving for a
tour of Scandinavia.
Landy was timed in 4:02.6, only
1.2 seconds off Guilder Haegg's
world record for the mile. Landy’s
best time is 4:02 and earlier this
year he ran a mile in 4:02.4.
Webfoots PlaceSecond
In Cal Golf Tournev
university of Oregon's divot
mer, with A l Mundle firing a sen
sational 68 over the rugged Stan
ford university golf course, tied
for second in team aggregate score
in the Northern California Inter
colegiate golf championship held
last Thursday through Saturday.
Stanford university’s four low
scorers, playing on their home'
course led the field of 19 teams
In medal play Thursday with 194.
Oregon and the Stanford fresh
men teams were knotted for the
runner-up position with 307.
Mundle with his sparkling 68
and Don Krieger carding a 76
both qualified for the final two
days of match -play. An 8 on the i
final hole of the incoming nine
almost cost Krieger a spot in low
sixteen positions for the final two
day match play.
Mundle drew Stanford's num
ber two player, Grant Spaeth, the
opening round Friday and lost a
heartbreaker 1-up on the final
However, after Krieger won his
first match of the day over Craig
Callahan of Stanford 3 and 1. he
gained revenge for his teammate.
Mundle. by topping Spaeth 2 and"
1 in the afternoon round.
On the final day Krieger was
Frosh Baseball
After Third Win
| The Oregon Frosh baseball
team, undefeated in play thus far,
I will take on Eugene high in their
| third game of the campaign Tues
day afternoon on the Duckling
| diamond. Game time is 3:30 p.m.
Paced by some powerful hitting
! And pitching that has been very
tough in the clutches, the Frosh
haven't been seriously pressed in
their two encounters to date.
Ray Coley's Ducklings will be
out to score their second consecu
tive win over the Axemen who
they downed last Thursday after
noon by an 8-3 tally.
stopped by Stanford's Chuo* Van
Ungc, the eventual winner of tffft
tournament, 2 and 1, after gaining
the semi-finals.
Oregon's other scorers who fail
ed to qualify for the match pi ay
were Jud Smith with an 80 and.
Bob Takano. 83.
Webfoot Keglers
Score Easy Win
The University of Oregon bowt
ing team rolled up a very good
score last Thursday night in a
warm-up meet for their play in
the National Telephonic Collegi
ate championships which we/e
held Monday afternoon.
The Ducks, paced by Champ.
Hlisted and Jim Ekstrom, rolled up
a total score of 2.948 to down the
Allied Tools and Abrasives team
of Los Angeles. The Californiar.y
scored a total of 2.702 pins.
Other top scorers for the Web
foots in the meet were Bob Boyle
and Don Hanmi. Boyle scored 59fs
and Hannu 581.
when you pause...make it count...have a Coke
Colt* i) o registered trode mark.
OF EUGENE, Eugene, Oregon