! l *7,14c6& i _ By Bob Robinson ^ tmoralcJ Sports Editor r < *eorge Shaw, < )regon center-fielder, probably put on the most > outstanding batting performance that lias ever been displayed ► 0,1 l,K‘ IhickV Howe field, last Friday and Saturday afternoons j , against the \\ ashington State Cougars. s Shaw hit safely four times during the series and all four hits! wrie home runs. In till likeable Oeorgc was credited with 10! , runs batted in during the two-game set. f Shaw s hitting must have taken WSC and their coach, Buck! Bailey, by surprise, because, before this two game set with the! Cougars, the Ducks had been unajjlc to produce to single round-! tripper in any of their pre-conference games. k Besides Shaw s four blasts, first-baseman Dick Schlosstein i k a- to the Cougars. » Led by Shaw's two homers and a triple by Xeil Marlett, the' . Ducks produced plenty of base hits and brought in a total of eight runs. But, on the other hand, the Webfoot fielding went ^ plop. I he Oregon* committed five big errors and this prob-j ^ ably more than any other factor contributed to the 11-8 loss to the visitors. ► » I he miscucs were not centered on any one player, five com-! petitors picking up one error apiece. Considering that the Ducks “failed to make a fielding mistake in the Friday encounter, it! * can nios.t likely be chalked up to one of those bad days that s.come along now and then. 1 What's Happened to Anderson? Big Question on the Oregon track and field team these days! is just what is the matter with dash man Ted Anderson? An derson, a third-place finisher in last year's PCC track meet in the 440-yard dash, has been any thing but spectacular in the Oregon meets this season. Anderson had to settle for a second place behind Oregon i , State’s Donn Smithpeter, a man who he beat frequently last ^Season, in the Ducks' first meet at Portland two weeks ago. people figured this was just a case of Ted not being ■.quite ready. But in last Saturday’s Oregon-Washington meet ^supposedly speedy Ted was really a flop. ? Starting fast at the timer’s gun Anderson remained at the jure only briefly. By the time the sprinters reached the final .turn of the quarter-mile grind, Ted was beginning to fade bad jly- Quickly the other men in the race took advantage of Ander son's faltering stride and raced past him. a. (»ordon Dahlquist, the Ducks' new 410 find, came home the J winner of the event. Anderson failed to place. ‘ ^ hatever it is that is keeping Anderson from reaching his .capabilities is hoped will be cured by this coming Saturday ‘when the Oregon team faces tough Washington State in an ► important dual meet. ^ Clement Looks Sharp I One of the bright spots for the Duck trackmen last Saturday >*v. as the fine race run by half-miler Doug Clement. | Clement has been bothered by a pulled leg muscle all season £h.ng and until the Washington meet he had been unable to turn y"