Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    Wehfoots Face Beavers
In Crucial N. D. Game
(Continued from Page One)
k shooting eyes. Conch Bill Borchcr
has stated that his team will have
i to outshoot the Beavers by at
leant JO per cent if they are to
be on top when the final buzzer
In the first two games with
OSC the Webfoots were not al)Ie
to get nearly as many shots at
the hoop as the giants from Cor
vallis and only some brilliant field
shooting on the second evening
saved them from two straight
losses to the Orangemen.
Hume Line-Up
Borcher plans to stick with the
same line-up that he has used in
most of the games to date and
if he does Ed Hal berg and Ken
Wegner will get the starting calls
at the forward posts. Max Ander
. son will open at center, and Bar
ney Holland and Howard Page will
• handle the backcourt positions.
Olll. who has shifted his starting
five constantly all season long has
decided to string along with the
same men that were so successful
Northern Division Standings
W L Pet.
Oregon State .;..10 4 .714
OREGON . 8 6 .571
Idaho . 7 7 .500
Washington . 5 7 .417
Washington State . 4 10 .280
last Saturday night in the B<uvers’
conquest of Washington Slate at
This line-up would have Tex
Whiteman and Jay Dean at for
wards, Wade Malbrock at center,
and Hon Robins and Ron Fund
ingsland at the guard positions.
Anderson Important
The key man in Oregon's plans
for an upset win will be six-foot,
seven-inch Max Anderson who will
bo given the formidable assign
ment of checking the visitors'
“Mr. Points,” Wade lialbrook.
Halbrook has made better than
twice as many points as any of
his teammates in Northern Divis
Shack Rats Play
Brass Railer Five
Stgma Delta Chi, journalism
honorary, will get into the basket
ball act this Saturday afternoon
when they travel* to Corvallis to
play the Oregon State “Brass
Raders,” a similar honorary of the
Beaver school.
Better known as the "Shack
Rats/' the Oregon team will be in
search of revenge when they take
to the Gill Coliseum floor at 3:00
p. m., Saturday. Last year the
"Brass Bailers" won easily by a
50-23 score.
Leading the way for the “Shack
Rata" in their search for a re
venge win will be a starting line
up composed of Gordon Rice and
A1 Karr at the forward posts; Bill
Frye at center; and Ron Miller and
Bob Robinson at the guard spots.
Backing up this opening five will
be reserves Sam Vahey, A1 Martin,
and Len Calvert.
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ion warfare and just how many
counters he pours through th«|
hoop this evening will have a def
inite influence on the final out
come of the game.
Another Beaver who will bear
close watching will be pint-sized
guard, Iton Robins. Robins always
seems to play his best against the
Ducks and only last year he com
pletely baffled the Eugene lads
with his sparkling long shooting.
More than likely it will be Barney
Holland who gets the Job of hold
ing Robins in check.
The two teams will move to Cor
vallis for a return match in Gill
Coliseum on Saturday night.
Webfoof Matmen
Meet Cal Bears
The University of Oregon
wrestling team will entertain the
California Bears in a duel match
this Baturday afternoon at Mc
Arthur court. The affair will get
underway at 2:30 p. m.
The Ducks, who have not shown
too much power this year, will
go into the match as a definite
underdog to the powerful Bears.
This will mark the first time
that the Webfoots of Bill Hammer
have met California this season
and It ought to give the Duck men
tor a good idea of the kind of com
petition his boys will run into
when they travel to California for
the P.C.C. meet in mid-March.
guard, will Ik- an important cog
in the Duck attack tonight and
Saturday when the Webfoot*
play their most important series
of the season agains't OSC'.
Halbrook Stays Atoo
Oregon State center Wade Hal
brook has the Northern Division ;
scoring championship all sowed up1
and js virtually assured of two
other titles, it was disclosed today
by statistics released from the Pa
cific Coast Conference Commis
sioner’s office.
The figures which included
games of Feb. 20, showed Hal
brook atop the scoring race with
297 points in 14 contests for an
average of 21.2. He needs only
11 points to become the second ’
highest scorer of all time in the]
Northern Division behind Bob]
Houbregs, Washington (406 points
last year). Chet Noe of Oregon
<307 points in 1953) is the only
other man to exceed Halbrook’s i
present total.
Bennink Second
Ranked behind Halbrook in the
scoring race are Ron Bennink, j
Washington State, 18.0; Dean Par-!
sons, Washington, 14.9, and:
Dwight Morrison, Idaho, 13.7.
The 7-foot 3-inch Halbrook
paces the field in field goals with
4 7.3 per cent on 105 baskets in 222
tries and needs only an average
final series to beat off his only i
threat, Kd Halberg of Oregon, who
is shooting 45.1 per cent. Halbrook
a!“o has a .solid margin in re
bounds, averaging 11.9 per game to
10.7 for Parsons and another good
weekend on the boards should i
wrap up this title for him.
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Winter Swim Schedule
Afternoons 2 to 0
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Nights 7 to 10
Wednesday, Thnrs., Frt., Sat.
4 mi. No. of Junction City
on Highway 99 West
Phone Junction City £-2636
Student Church Directory
First Congregational Church
490 13th Avenue East
Identical Services — 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
Dr. Nicholson will give the sermon at both services
Wesley Goodson Nicholson Weston H. Brockway
Minister Director of Music
Sunday Service-8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Sermon—"The Sympathizing Christ"
_Bible Class: 10 a.m. Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader
Grace Lutheran Church
East 11 th Avenue at Ferry Street
W. B. Maier, Pastor Arthur Wright, Assistant
First Assembly of God
710 W. 13th St. (about 1 Vi miles west of the university)
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Divine Worship Service
6:30 p.m. C.A."s Youth Service
7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service
E. Elsworth Krogstad, Pastor Norman Campbell, Assistant
First Church of Christ, Scientist
A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
14th and Pearl
Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Sermon: "Christ Jesus"
^U\»/6r^ ^ac'Gt'es During All Services . . . Reading Room 86
West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon
Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger
9:45 a.m. Bible Study
11:00 a.m. "Why Pray.''
Broadcast over KASH
7:30 p.m. Youth Night With Youth Choir
"Living Without Anxiety"
First Baptist Church
Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Brdwy. at High
First Methodist Church
1185 Willamette
"The Word Becomes Flesh"
Dr. S. Raynor Smith—Assoc. Minister
Ministers: Beriyn V. Farris, S. Raynor Smith, Dorothy Harding,
Kenneth W. Peterson
First Christian Church
1166 Oak Phene 4-1425
Dr. Carroll Roberts Minister
TWO SERVICES 10:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sharing Means Life" Week of Compassion Service
. 5:30 Snack Lunch
Family World Friendship Service
Students are invited to sing in our Student Choir
on Sunday evenings
oCet J (jo to (Church