Wehfoots Face Beavers In Crucial N. D. Game (Continued from Page One) k shooting eyes. Conch Bill Borchcr has stated that his team will have i to outshoot the Beavers by at leant JO per cent if they are to be on top when the final buzzer sounds. In the first two games with OSC the Webfoots were not al)Ie to get nearly as many shots at the hoop as the giants from Cor vallis and only some brilliant field shooting on the second evening saved them from two straight losses to the Orangemen. Hume Line-Up Borcher plans to stick with the same line-up that he has used in most of the games to date and if he does Ed Hal berg and Ken Wegner will get the starting calls at the forward posts. Max Ander . son will open at center, and Bar ney Holland and Howard Page will • handle the backcourt positions. Olll. who has shifted his starting five constantly all season long has decided to string along with the same men that were so successful Northern Division Standings W L Pet. Oregon State .;..10 4 .714 OREGON . 8 6 .571 Idaho . 7 7 .500 Washington . 5 7 .417 Washington State . 4 10 .280 last Saturday night in the B