Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1954, Page Three, Image 3

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    By Bob Robinson
Emerald Sport* Editor
11 anyone should ask: a University of Oregon student what
. the biggest laugh of 1054 has been so far, they would no doubt
leply that the after game story of last Saturday’s Oregon-Ore
) gon State basketball game by L. If. Gregory of the Oregonian
will have to take the cake.
Ortgory really did himself proud on this occasion with one
of the most absurd pieces of literature that we have run across
in some time. If lie had read his story on the radio program,
Can '> ou i op ihis?" he would have undoubtedly hit the very
tup of their laugh meter.
An OSC Alum?
bur a man who is sports editor of, supposedly, the top news
paper in the state of Oregon i^ was certainly a disgraceful
story. From all appearances of his writing, Gregory is defin
itely an Oregon State fan from way back and obviously
coy Id n t take it when he saw lii.i proud Heavers being upset by
the fired up Ducks.
Rather than give the “fighting five’’ of coach Bill Borcher
any kind of credit he spent all his writing time in making ex
^ ( U'-es for the ()SC defeat. As for the \\ cbfoots’ strategic stall
| in the second quarter, which'was eventually to be the big fac
tor in the victory, Gregory termed it, “a horrible exhibition of
public-be-damned basketball.’’ Mr. Gregory seems to have for
gotten that the purpose of playing a game of basketball is to
wiu and not to please the crowd.
Zone Tough to Crack
In Friday night’s game at Corvallis the Duck's very clearly
demonstrated that they were no match for Oregon State’s
clever zone defense and so when the opportunity presented it
self Saturday evening and they saw they had a chance to get
, the Beavers out of the zone they were quick to act. Xo, “Sir”
1 Gregory, this was not public-be-damned basketball. It was
just a case of the Oregon basketball team and their coach, Bill
Borcher, being a little too smart for Slats Gill and his Beavers,
t Another thing we would like to straighten out in Gregory’s
' warped mind is the attitude of the crowd towards the frozen
hall antics. As Gregory wrote in his story about the second
P quarter, “nine minutes and 58 seconds were a bad dream for
ail hands, 8300 spectators most of all.” Ugh! Nothing could be
farther from the truth. All the Oregon students and most of
the Duck fans in the general admission sections were scream
ing wildly for joy at seeing the Oregons in a commanding po
sition over their taller opponents. The only people in the crowd
who were unhappy about the stall were the OSC Beavers and
those folks who just don’t understand basketball well enough
to see smart playing when it is occurring right in front of their
Hurrah for the Ducks
It did our hearts good to see Oregon Show Oregon State up
at its own game, that of slowing action down to a snail’s pace.
For many years Oregon teams have tried their darndest to
play fast and interesting basketball against the Orangemen
and always before Gill would have his netters slow the game
down so the Webfoots would be thwarted in their efforts to
run. On this occasion the Ducks beat their rivals at their own
game and we think it calls for a salute to Borcher and his team
for a job well dQne.
Fighting Irish
Select Brennan
As New Coach
Notre Dame university has
pulled a surprise by naming a 25
year-old former halfback, Terry
Brennan, as football coach to suc
ceed Frank Leahy, who retired
l- from the coaching ranks only yes
Brennan is the youngest head
coach ever appointed by a major
collegiate football power. He
playel for Notre Dame from 1945
through 1948 and then coached a
Chicago high school to three city
titles. Brennan became an assist
ant under Leahy last September.
Leahy resigned yesterday on
advice of his doctors. He dscribes
, Brennan as “a very talented young
man, who borders almost on the
genius as a coach.”
In replacing Leahy, Brennan is
1 taking over for probably one of
the greatest football coaches that
ever donned coaching gear.
Leahy’s teams have ben among the
top elevens in the nation for so
many years in a row that it has
k almost become a formality with
the Fighting Irish.
in play
• Harder Smashes
e Better Cut and Spin
in your racket
• Moisture Immune ^
• Lasting Liveliness
than gut
Pro-Fecled Braid. ...$6.00
Multi-Ply Braid.$5.00
At tennis shops and
sporting goods stores.
Choice of The Champions
SAE's, Thetas,
ATO's Post Wins
Six "B" teams vied for wins in
Mondays intramural basketball ac
tion. All of the Karnes were in the
fairly low scoring bracket, with
no team scoring over 30 points. In
the first of the days action, the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon “B's” rolled
over the Phi Gamma Delta ‘'B”
quint by a 23-8 margin. Phi Kappa
Psi “E” was defeated in the sec
ond game 24-18 by Theta Chi "B",
and Alpha Tau Omega squeaked
past Beta Theta Pi by a 19-15
The box scores:
s A E “B” (23
Rapp, 3
f J;ibritlson,0
Porter, 2
Lewin, 0
Talbott, 13
Subs: SA E,
('j) Fiji* “B"
2, Lloyd
2. Brinton
2, Mecklem
Smith 2, Hale 1. Fiji*, Kellogg 1, Karr 1.
Phi l\i -BM (18)
Bill Haney, 11
K u be s, 2
White, 1
Bob Haney, 2
Baker, 2
<24) Theta f'hi * iJ”
10, Murray
3. Jones
4, Flaucker
c , ™ . 1. Phillips
Sub*: Theta Chi, Harber, Xaapi.
A T O 'T (19)
Moriarity, 1
Hamilton, 3
Page, 2
Dubosch, 10
Subs: A T
Hart 3.
> f 15) Beta Theta Pi *‘B”
5, Van Allen
P 2, Adams
C 2, Sogge
** 3. Xordling
T; Davis, Reiser 3. Beta:
De//s Whip Sammies
In Monday Handball
Delta Tau Delta came from be
hind to take the final two matches
and win two out of the three
from Sigma Alpha Mu in Monday
intramural handball action.. The
Sammies took the first of the two
singles matches, but dropped the
second singles and the doubles
to lose to the Delts.
Singles: Sussman (SAM) defeated Hafl
ock (Delts) 210- 21-2.
Singles: Ricketts (Delts) defeated Fried,
man (SAM) 21-16 21-19.
Doubles: Peterson and Hinry (Delts) de
feated Rubenstein an dSherman (SAM) 21
c i nrf'«
Ducks Face WSC
In Crucial Series
With the crucial OSC scries
just completed, Oregon's Ducks,
current ND leaders, take the floor
again tonight and tomorrow
against the resurgent WSC Cou
gars. Game time for the varsity!
clashes is 8 p. rn.
The Oregon Frosh <2-2 on the
season) also get into the act, fac
ing the very strong Everybody’s i
Drug team tonight and the Lin
field JV's on Wednesday. Frosh
games start at 5:45.
WSC comes here with a poor
eason’s record but if their 71-61
victoi-y over Idaho last Friday
night is any indication of their j
ability, they will be very tough. :
At Pullman earlier this season, i
Tankers Beat
MAC Ampbibs
The University of Oregon var- j
sity swimming team splashed to,
an amazingly easy 52-28 win over |
the Multnomah Athletic club in
the Men's pool last Saturday af
ternoon. •
Leading the way for Coach John
Borchardt's swimmers was free
styler Orlando Mathias, who rack
ed up many points with wins in
both the 60 and 100-yard dashes.
Also scoring impressive wins for
the Ducks were Harry Fuller in
the 220 yard race and Jerry Froebe
in the 440. The VVebfoots took the
440 yard relay to add still more
points to their total.
I Visitors Challenge
The only events in which the
visitors showed any superiority
were the backstroke and the
breaststroke in which they broke
the Ducks’ winning monopoly.
It was the first meet of the
season for the Oregon team and
marked the second consecutive
year in which Borchardt’s crew
has defeated MAC.
After Shave Lotion
Regularly $150
What an outstanding value for the best 1
Gives you clean, tingling after-shave feeling.
Cooling, soothing, refreshing!
Very masculine fragrance.
You can't afford to miss th«
limited Time Special l
K®8« $1.50** . Now, $1, 8-o*.
1930 Franklin Blvd.—9th & Willamette
Oregon ’.von two from Jack Friel’=)
cagers by scores of 75-73 and 65
06. And last, year the Ducks swept
all four contests from their ri
vals from the Palouse hills.
Probable starting lineups are
Jerry Ross, Ed Halberg, Max An
Oregon State
Washington State
Washington .
W L Pr».
6 2 >50
5 3 .625
4 4 .500
2 4 .333
1 5 167
derson, Ken Wegner, and Barney
Holland for Oregon. For WSC it
will likely he Ron Bennink A1
Perry, Bill Render, Bob Swansea
and Bob KJoek.
Duck Keglers
Roll to Victory
The undefeated University of
Oregon varsity bowling team reli
ed to two victories over Oregon
States keglers in a home and
home match last weekend.
Friday afternoon at Corvalh*
the Ducks downed the Beavers
2710 pins to 2634. On Saturday at
Eugene Lou Bellisimo's talented
team scored a 2638 to 2491 victory.
In the Friday match Bob Boyle,
Leo Napi, Champ Husted, Bruce
Koppe, and Jim Ekstrom did the
bowling for the Ducks and on Sat
urday it was Boyle, Napi, Husted,
Koppe, Norm Ruecker, and Sam
Sorensen doing the kegling.
Boyle was the leading scorer
both days and in the second match
rolled a up a very good average
per game score of 210.
In the co-ed matches, which
were going on at the same time as
the varsity battles, OSC came out
on top, 1991 to 1906 on Friday
I and -Oregon won out in a close
one on Saturday, 1793 to 1784.
Call Far Footballers
Head football coach Len Casa
nova has called a meeting for alt
men interested in turning out
for varsity football next season.
The confab is slated for Mc
Arthur court at 3:30 p. m. this
Casanova has announced that
he is very eager to meet with
next year's football prospects
and urges that all players bo
Tuesday, February 2, 1954
3:5C. Court 40, Sigma Chi B vs Phi Delia
Thera B.
3 :50. Court 43, Sigma Phi Epsilon B vs
Phi Kappa Sigma B.
4:35, Court 40,- Delta Tau Delta B vs
Chi Psi B.
4:35. Court 43, French Hall B vs Nes
tor Hall B.
5:15, Court 40, Merrick Hall B vs. Su
san Campbell B.
5:15, Court 43, Hale Kane 3 vs Let.il
Eagles B.
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Buzz Nelson
Staff: Bruce Tennant, Bob Rob
inson, Buzz Nelson.
Winter Swim Schedule
Afternoons 2 to 6
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Nights 7 to 10
Wednesday, Thurs., Fri., Sat.
4 mi. No. of Junction City
cn Highway 99 West
Fhcne Junction City 8-28S6