Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    Marine Interviews
Slated for Women
Marine Lt. Edrcy Schendel will
be on campus today and Thursday
to speak with women interested in
a career as commissioned officers
In the Marine Corps. Lieutenant
Schendel's visit is of an informa
tional nature.
An Oregon girl who is touring
Northwestern colleges, Lieutenant
Schendel will be accompanied by
Sgt. Evelyn Crumlish.
Appointments with Lieutenant
Schendel for between 10 a.m. and
5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. and 5
p.m. Thursday may be made with
Miss Laura Olson, counselor for
women, at the office of student
Women sophomores, juniors, and
seniors are eligible to apply for the
Women Marine officers summer
training course to be held June 22
at Quantico, Va. All applicants
must be between 18 and 27 and un
Undergraduates who are accept
ed for the class attend two sum
mer vacation training periods of
six weeks each, with pay and all
expenses. Completion of the train
ing program and graduation from
college entitles participants to
commissions as second lieutenants.
Spanish Essay Contest
Deadline Set May 15
Deadline for entering the John
Watson Vogan Spanish essay con
test is May 15, according to D. M.
Dougherty, head of the foreign lan
guage department. A prize of $25
will be awarded to the student pre
senting the best essay written in
the Spanish language.
The prize is supported by an en
dowment presented to the Univer
sity by Mrs. Grace Dawson Vogan
as a memorial to her husband, the
late John Watson Vogan.
P. J. Powers, assistant professor
of romance languages, is available
for further information on the con
Ohio State Professor
To Speak on Thursday
Walter Dorn, professor of his
tory, Ohio State university, schol
ar of European history, and special
advisor to General Clay on the
German occupation after the last
war, will speak on "Denazification
of Germany, Success or Failure”
Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Brows
ing room.
While here this week, Dorn will
talk to several European history
classes, according to Gordon
Wright, head of the history de
Petition Deadline Today
For SU Directorate
Petitions are due at 5 p.m. to
day for the ten Student Union
directorate committees. They may
be turned in to SU 310 or the
petition box on the SU third floor.
Drive-In Theatre
l</2 miles North of the
overpass on highway 99 North
"Stars and Stripes
Clifton Webb
Deborah Pagent
Ruth Hussey
Both in Technicolor
3 cartoons
Business Meet Planned Here
A special conference to be held
on campus Saturday will discuss
consumer credit as a factor in Ore
gon’s economy, according to Victor
P. Morris, dean of the school of
business administration.
Sponsored Jointly by the busi
ness school and the Oregon Con
sumer Finance association, speak
ers for the conference will come
from Portland and the University.
Speaking at the conference will
be W. C. Ballaine, professor of
business; E. C. Robbins, instructor
in economics; D. E. Abram, vice
president in charge of consumer
credit for the United States Na
tional bank of Portland; Ray E.
Vester, president of the Mutual
Loan company of Portland; S. E.
MacDonald, district manager for
the Universal C.T.T. Credit cor
poration of Portland, and F. P.
Spencer, Beneficial Management
company’s regional public relations
William C. Jones, dean of admin
istration, will be the featured
speaker at an evening banquet
that will conclude the conference.
He will speak on "We Build on
• Suggestions for next year’s Amphibian
nhow should he turned in to Sally Stadelman
at Carson hall before next Monday.
• The Junior Weekend committee will
meet at 6:25 tonight on the Student Union
terrace for a picture before the regular 6:30
p.m. meeting in the SU.
• Students are invited to listen to “The
Prince of Peace” by Norman Wetther Thurs
day evening, according to Roger Aiken, rep
resentative of the Campus Crusade for Christ.
The meeting will be held at Delta Gamma
at 7 p.m. A full program has been planned,
Aiken said.
• Members of the publicity committee for
the Mortar Board Jiall are to meet at Hen
dricks hall at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, according,
to Sally Ryan, chairman.
SATURDAY, MAY 2 is the last day for obtaining
books and supplies on the G. I. BILL
U of 0 Co-op Store
Alpha Delta Siqma Chooses Officers
The Oregon chapter of Alpha
Delta Sigma, national professional
advertising fraternity, elected new
officers Tuesday evening.
New officers are Gordon Rennie,
junior in speech, president, and
Robert Hoeppner, Junior in busi
ness, vice-president.
W. F. G. Thacher, proressor em
eritus, spoke to the group. Thaoh
er, for whom the chapter is named,
is a past president of the national
fraternity and a lifetime member
,of the executive board.
White buckskin for that
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