Marine Interviews Slated for Women Marine Lt. Edrcy Schendel will be on campus today and Thursday to speak with women interested in a career as commissioned officers In the Marine Corps. Lieutenant Schendel's visit is of an informa tional nature. An Oregon girl who is touring Northwestern colleges, Lieutenant Schendel will be accompanied by Sgt. Evelyn Crumlish. Appointments with Lieutenant Schendel for between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Thursday may be made with Miss Laura Olson, counselor for women, at the office of student affairs. Women sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to apply for the Women Marine officers summer training course to be held June 22 at Quantico, Va. All applicants must be between 18 and 27 and un married. Undergraduates who are accept ed for the class attend two sum mer vacation training periods of six weeks each, with pay and all expenses. Completion of the train ing program and graduation from college entitles participants to commissions as second lieutenants. Spanish Essay Contest Deadline Set May 15 Deadline for entering the John Watson Vogan Spanish essay con test is May 15, according to D. M. Dougherty, head of the foreign lan guage department. A prize of $25 will be awarded to the student pre senting the best essay written in the Spanish language. The prize is supported by an en dowment presented to the Univer sity by Mrs. Grace Dawson Vogan as a memorial to her husband, the late John Watson Vogan. P. J. Powers, assistant professor of romance languages, is available for further information on the con test. Ohio State Professor To Speak on Thursday Walter Dorn, professor of his tory, Ohio State university, schol ar of European history, and special advisor to General Clay on the German occupation after the last war, will speak on "Denazification of Germany, Success or Failure” Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Brows ing room. While here this week, Dorn will talk to several European history classes, according to Gordon Wright, head of the history de partment. -» Petition Deadline Today For SU Directorate Petitions are due at 5 p.m. to day for the ten Student Union directorate committees. They may be turned in to SU 310 or the petition box on the SU third floor. NORTH END Drive-In Theatre l