Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1953, Page Eight, Image 8

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    SU Currents
Barbershop Sing
Applications Due
Barbershop quartets may enter
the all-campus quartet contest to
be held in the Student Union ball
room at 8 p.m Saturday, Mar. 7.
A trophy will be awarded to the
organization sponsoring the win
ning quartet.
Application blanks may be ob
tained from organization presi
dents and must be turned in to
Dorothy Anderson at Chi Omega
or mailed to 1461 Alder st. by
The contest will be open to the
* * *
SU Chairmanship
Open to Petitions
Petitions are now being accep
ted for chairmen of the Student
Union movie committee, Don
Zavin, assistant chairman of the
SU board has announced
The position will become vacant
at the end of this term. Deadline
for petitions has been set for Tues
day. The petitions may be obtained
and returned to SU 301 or 310.
* * *
'Panic in Streets'
Sunday SU Movie
“Panic in the Streets" is the
movie scheduled for showing in the
Student Union ballroom Sunday,
at 3 and 4:30 p.m. Admission is
30 cents. The movie, which stars
Richard Widmark and Paul Doug
las, is a story of the outbreak of
plague which is caught before it
becomes a disaster by the fast
work of the Public Health service.
“The Black Rose,” which was
scheduled for this Sunday, was
shown last Sunday.
* * *
Trowbridge Talk
To Feature Poems
Hoyt Trowbridge, professor of
English, will present a program
entitled, “A Close Reading of
Some W. H. Auden Poems,” Fri
day at 7:45 p.m. in the Student
Union Browsing Room.
IDC Dance Set
For Straub Hall
“Lamplight Serenade,” the
Inter-dormitory council dance,
’'Will be held Mar. 7 at John Straub
Stall from 9 p.m. to midnight, Mark
fiewman, general chairman, has
Committee heads are Don Wil
son, decorations; Dick Morse, pro
grams, and Jim Miller, refresh
Decorations will follow a lamp
light theme, with one antique
style lamp above the clock in the
lobby of Straub which will go on
and off alternately, Wilson said.
Tables and chairs will be placed
on the roofed walks in back of
the hall. A French cafe theme
will be created, Wilson explained.
A dinner for dance chairmen,
IDC members, chaperons and hon
ored guests will precede the dance
at 6:30 p.m. at Straub.
FOR SALE: Auto Radios — new
and used for all cars. Eugene
Radio Co. 7th & Charnelton. Ph.
4-8722. 3-12
FOR SALE: '51 Packard 300, new
tubeless tires, fully equipped. See
Dot Dotson at 111 E. 11th.
IRL Slates Discussion
Of 'Backward Areas'
‘■The Development of the Under
developed Areas” is the topic of
the sixth annual conference of the
Oregon high school International
Relations league, currently being
held on campus under the sponsor
ship of the Oregon Education as
sociation and the University of
Niharranjan Ray, chairman of
the department of culture and art
at the University of Calcutta, In
dia, and E. J. Bell, a member of
the board of consultants to the
State department “point four"
Only Three Papers
Left Winter Term
The next edition of the Oregon
Daily Emerald will appear Wed
nesday, Mar. 4. Following that,
there will be two additional pap
ers on Mar. 6 and 12 before the
Emerald stops publication for
Winter term.
• Campus Briefs
0 Xo “Friday at Four” will be
presented to<Jay.
0 All petitions for spring term
business manager of the Emerald
must be filed in person by noon
Wednesday. The Publications
Board will select the new manager
that evening, Dick Williams an
^ Old and new living organiza
tion scholarship chairmen will
meet Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the
Student Union.
9 AWS representatives are to
turn in their AWS evaluation re
ports to Jackie Steuart at the Al
pha Delta Pi house before 5 p.m.
Monday, according to Miss Steu
art, president of the AWS con
gress. Representatives who do not
have the blanks can obtain them
at the AWS office, SU 305.
0 Amphibians, women’s swim
ming honorary, will meet Monday
at 7:30 p.m. at Gerlinger pool.
Election of officers for the coming
year will be held at that time.
0 Deadline for petitions for
Mom’s Day weekend chairmen is
5 p.m. Tuesday. They should be
turned in to the ASUO president's
office. Chairmen will be chosen at
I the ASUO senate meeting Thurs
day, according to President Pat
Dignan. Mother’s day will be held
in conjunction with Junior Week
end, May 8-10, Dignan said.
0 Sally Hayden, junior in busi
ness, and Jean Peterson, junior in
sociology, have been named co
chairmen of this year’s Easter
Sunrise service, sponsored by the
University Religious council. The
announcement was made after a
committee meeting of the council
Tuesday night.
Grapefruit rinds make good
cleansing pads for copper cooking
program, will be guest speakers
at the conference. Delegates from
Oregon high school international
| relations classes are attending the
i event.
| On the agenda for this morning
: are talks by the two guest speak
ers between 8:15 and 10:15 in the
j Dads’ lounge of the Student
Union. Bell will speak on “The War
Against Poverty,” and Hay, on
"Western Economic Aid Programs
in India and Their Implications.”
A conference luncheon and bus
iness meeting will be held in the
SU ballroom at 12:15 p.m. Fol
lowing this, roundtable di&cussions
will be held by the delegates.
Conference delegates will attend
a banquet tonight at 6:30 in the
SU ballroom. Oregon foreign stu
dents will address the group on
the subject of "Secondary Educa
tion in My Country."
Business sessions and panel re
ports will occupy the delegates
Saturday morning.
Plans Announced
For Duck Preview
Tentative plans for the 1953
I Duck Pieview to be held April 24
! and 25 were announced this week
! by co-chairmen Sunny Allen and
j Bob Summers.
A campus "Vodvil Show” will
highlight Friday evening activi
ties. The £how will be followed by
neighborhood parties at campus
living organizations.
I First scheduled event for Satur
‘ day is an orientation assembly in
the morning. This will be followed
by tours and exhibits on the cam
pus until noon. In the afternoon,
high school visitors will attend the
University of Oregon-University of
Washington baseball game. Ex
change dinners at living organiza
tions will precede a Duck Preview
dance to be held Saturday eve
ning in the Student Union ball
; room.
j All Oregon students have been
urged by Summers and Miss Allen
to invite high school friends to
the campus that weekend either
by personal letters or phone calls
during spring vacation Since ar
rangements for housing are being
made through the Duck Preview
committee, individual living or
ganizations are not allowed to
make direct requests to high
school principals. However, the
committee is sending invitations to
schools throughout the state to be
i distributed 'to high school stu
Hist. Prof to Speak
At NAACP Meeting
William Williams, assistant pro
fessor of history, will speak be
fore the Eugene chapter of the
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People at
8 p.m. Monday at Wesley house.
Brotherhood in the South—
1946” will be Williams’ topic. The
meeting is open to anyone inter
The speaker, an informed work
er in Negro problems of the South,
is author of the book, "American
Russian Relations ”
11 a.m.—“What Think Ye of Christ? Whose Son Is He?’’
(KASH Broadcast)
Lord’s Supper observed; New Members received
7:30 ppn.—“Genesis and Science” — Special Music
9:45 a.m.—University age Bible Class.
Fred Beard, Teacher
First Baptist Church Vance H Webster
Broadway at High Pastor
Draft Test Applicants
Face Mar. 9 Deadline
By Lrf*n Calvert
Emerald An jlant Mewl Editor
Students who plan to take the
selective service college qualifica
cations test must have their appli
cations filed by Mar. 9, selective
service headquarters has an
The test will be given April 23.
The results will be reported to the
student’s locnl draft board for con
sideration of his deferment as a
! student. _
ROTC deferments were reopened
; to students on Feb. 16, Col. E. L.
' Bruns, head of the military de
; partment, has announced. Accord
I ing to Colonel Bruns, up to 85 per
'cent of the freshmen men will be
eligible for military deferment.
Acceptable Work
Sophomores who are doing ac
ceptable work and are possible
candidates for the advanced ROTC
course will also be eligible for de
ferment, Colonel Bruns stated.
Junior and senior men formally en
rolled in the advanced course are
granted deferments.
Conditions of military defer
ments, according to Colonel Bruns,
include the students signing an
agreement saying he will apply for
and complete the advanced course,
if accepted. This will give him a
j military deferment for his sopho
more year. If accepted for the ad
vance cour se the student agrees to
accept a reserve officer's commis
sion with the proviso of a minimum
of two years active duty. The com
mission lasts for eight years,
starting the day it is granted.
You Can Retire
If the man decides to retain his
; commission and remain active in
the inactive reserves, he will be
eligible for retirement with pay.
The .size of the retirement pay
ments vary with the number of
years on active duty, Colonel Bruns
Also emphasized by Colonel
Bruns was the fact that if fresh
men sign the agreement saying
they intend to apply for advanced
KOTC and then do not the mili
tary department must cancel their
A. L. EUingson, counsellor for
men, said that military deferment
currently give students the best
chance of remaining in school for
four years.
Not Kougli
When asked about the num
ber of students who have been
drafted from the University, El
lir.gson stated that the draft
boards have not "been as rough
as was expected” on the students.
However, he warned that men who
have received orders to take their
physical for the draft must do so.
He explained that when a stu
dent receives his orders to report
for his physical he should request
a letter from the registrar's of
fice tor his diaft board stating
that he is enrolled in school and
giving his grades. The student
should also write a personal let
ter to the board asking for con
sideration of his student standing,
he said.
EUingson added that under the
present regulations set up by se
lective service, freshmen men are
eligible for one full year of col
Students with questions con
cerning their draft status should
contact the office of student af
fairs, EUingson said.
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