SU Currents Barbershop Sing Applications Due Barbershop quartets may enter the all-campus quartet contest to be held in the Student Union ball room at 8 p.m Saturday, Mar. 7. A trophy will be awarded to the organization sponsoring the win ning quartet. Application blanks may be ob tained from organization presi dents and must be turned in to Dorothy Anderson at Chi Omega or mailed to 1461 Alder st. by Monday. The contest will be open to the public. * * * SU Chairmanship Open to Petitions Petitions are now being accep ted for chairmen of the Student Union movie committee, Don Zavin, assistant chairman of the SU board has announced The position will become vacant at the end of this term. Deadline for petitions has been set for Tues day. The petitions may be obtained and returned to SU 301 or 310. * * * 'Panic in Streets' Sunday SU Movie “Panic in the Streets" is the movie scheduled for showing in the Student Union ballroom Sunday, at 3 and 4:30 p.m. Admission is 30 cents. The movie, which stars Richard Widmark and Paul Doug las, is a story of the outbreak of plague which is caught before it becomes a disaster by the fast work of the Public Health service. “The Black Rose,” which was scheduled for this Sunday, was shown last Sunday. * * * Trowbridge Talk To Feature Poems Hoyt Trowbridge, professor of English, will present a program entitled, “A Close Reading of Some W. H. Auden Poems,” Fri day at 7:45 p.m. in the Student Union Browsing Room. IDC Dance Set For Straub Hall “Lamplight Serenade,” the Inter-dormitory council dance, ’'Will be held Mar. 7 at John Straub Stall from 9 p.m. to midnight, Mark fiewman, general chairman, has announced. Committee heads are Don Wil son, decorations; Dick Morse, pro grams, and Jim Miller, refresh ments. Decorations will follow a lamp light theme, with one antique style lamp above the clock in the lobby of Straub which will go on and off alternately, Wilson said. Tables and chairs will be placed on the roofed walks in back of the hall. A French cafe theme will be created, Wilson explained. A dinner for dance chairmen, IDC members, chaperons and hon ored guests will precede the dance at 6:30 p.m. at Straub. Classifieds FOR SALE: Auto Radios — new and used for all cars. Eugene Radio Co. 7th & Charnelton. Ph. 4-8722. 3-12 FOR SALE: '51 Packard 300, new tubeless tires, fully equipped. See Dot Dotson at 111 E. 11th. IRL Slates Discussion Of 'Backward Areas' ‘■The Development of the Under developed Areas” is the topic of the sixth annual conference of the Oregon high school International Relations league, currently being held on campus under the sponsor ship of the Oregon Education as sociation and the University of Oregon. Niharranjan Ray, chairman of the department of culture and art at the University of Calcutta, In dia, and E. J. Bell, a member of the board of consultants to the State department “point four" Only Three Papers Left Winter Term The next edition of the Oregon Daily Emerald will appear Wed nesday, Mar. 4. Following that, there will be two additional pap ers on Mar. 6 and 12 before the Emerald stops publication for Winter term. • Campus Briefs 0 Xo “Friday at Four” will be presented to