Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 02, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Webfoots Win Series Final, 73-63
Hale Kane Stuns
Alpha Hall, 35-19
Hale Kane walloped Alpha
Hall's “A” quint, 35 to 19; Kappa
Sigma trampled the Betas 33 to
16; Pi Kappa Alpha's “B” quint
overcame the Phi Kaps, 19 to 13;
SAE’s junior squad decisioned the
Delts, 20 to 14; and Pi Kappa
Phi beat TKE, 24 to 12, in intra
mural games Friday afternoon.
Hale Kane (35) (19) Alpha
O’Brien, 8.F...0, Neyers
Frolen, 6.*.F.0, Feliz
McElvery, 5.C.4, Ruecker
Tom, 8.G14, Canningham
Takanb, 6.G 1, Wah
Subs—Hale Kane Fong, 2.
Kappa Sigs (33) (16) Betas
Talbot, 11.F.4, Wolfard
Murray, 4.F.3, Forbes
Dougherty, 4.€.6, Sogge
Bassett, 1.G. .3, Lyon
Sweitzer, 1.G....0, Martin
Subs—for Kappa Sigma: Novi
koff, 5; Steele, 1.
Phi Sigs (13) (19) Pi Kaps
Butler, 0.F.6, Schireman
Karr, 2.F.5, Gumpert
Marshall, 7.C.6, McMahon
Wilcox, 2.G.0, Suiter
Bliefernich, 2 G . . .. . . 0, Coleman
Subs—for Pi Kappa Sigma:
Swennes, 2.
The Susan Campbell-Pi Kappa
Phi track meet was changed from
Friday to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb
ruary 4.
The Delta Epsilon handballers
won on a forfeit bye.
SAE (20) (14) Delts
Carlson, 13.F.6, B. Adair
Dignan, 2.F.3, Leslie
Moss, 0.C 3, Gustafson
Davis, 4.G.0, Morgan
Miscu, 1.G........0, Ricketts
Subs: SAE—Kittredge; Delts,
J. Adair, 2, Barrow.
Pi Kaps (24) (12) Tekes
Marshall, 3..._.F.0, Markharn
Greco, 4. F.2, Bradetich
Wooden, 7.C.1, Easton
Linder, 10.G.6, Lacy
Surprenat, 0.G.3, Parul
Subs: Pi Kapps — Kendrick;
Tekes—Fowler, Allen.
Fifty-foot Bucket at Corvallis
Rooks Edge Ducklings1;
CORVALLIS — Oregon State’s
unbeaten Rooks made it their 11th
consecutive win of the current sea
son, Saturday at Corvallis, as they
nipped the Frosh, 52-51.
A second half drive by the Frosh
sent them into the lead only to lose
it and the game in the final sec
onds. /
Big Swede Halbrook returned to
the game, after sitting out the
pace State in the final frame. It
took the Rooks seven and a half
minutes to catch up with Don
Kirsch’s Eugene squad who held
an eight point advantage going
into the final frame.
Jerry Crimins clinched an Ag
gie victory as he flipped in a jump
shot to make the score 52-50 \yith
only 40 seconds remaining. Don
Porter could hit only one of two
free throws as the OSC Frosh
stalled out their 52-51 victory.
Halbrook led the scoring with 22
points. However, only 10 of these
were made from the floor. High
point man for the Frosh was An
derson with 16.
This was the third loss the Duck
lings have suffered this season at
the hands of the Rooks.
Frosh (51) (52) Rooks
McManus, • .F. 7, C'aroll
Foster, 8 .F 12, Paulus
Anderson, 16 .C . . 22, Hulbrook
Hazel, 3.G. 3, Moya
James, 8 .G. 8, Crimins
Substitues for Frosh: Keller 4,
Weatherford, Dorwin 6, Porter 1.
For Rooks: Wilson, Stevens.
Johnny Bomba bowled two per
fect games in a row Jan. 10, 1950.
His scores in six games were: 217,
225, 245, 221, 300 and 300.
Campus capers
call for Coke
No matter if the big act
goes wrong, you can’t beat
a skating party on a winter
night. Be sure there's Coke
along ... for rejreshmenU
-*'£oi<e" If O registered trade-marfc.
Borcher Quint Bottles Vlastelica,
Takes Third in Row at Gill Coliseum
CORVALLIS—University of Oregon’s Webfoots tossed ;i
net over Tony Yhistelica, gained control of both backboards
and went on to conquer the Oregon State college Reavers for
the third straight time in < till coliseum, 73-03, Saturday night.
Kd Ilalberg, balding forward from l’ort Angeles, Wash., and
Oregon Rally
Fails; Orange
Take Opener
By Rick Tarr
Emerald Sporttwriler
Oregon State managed to
thwart University of Oregon's
wild last minute rally Friday night
to win the series opener 67-6.1. The
game was never close until the
last minute of play when the rally,
led by Chet Noe and Ed Halberg
with 11 and 8 respectively in the
final period, brought the Ducks
to within one point of tieing the
game for the first time. But two ;
free throws by Danny Johnston
put out the fire.
The twenty-four point effort
of Chet Noe, high scorer for the
Webfoots, was Overshadowed by
the brilliant shooting of Tony
Vlastelica. The Beaver center
duplicated his red-hot perform
ance against Idaho the prevfous
week by dumping in 28 points.
Most of these came on his pet
hook shot. His average from the
field was an even .500 with 12
for 24.
Both Slats Gill and Bill Borcher
came up with strategy changes
designed to get the opponent off
balance. Gill abandoned his tra
ditional zone defense for a man
to-man setup that held Oregon to '
a miserable .242 shooting percent
age in the first half.
Meanwhile, the Beavers were '
pasting Oregon’s new modified
zone defense for a hot .455 mark.
In the second half Oregon went
back to the man-to-man style
which kept the Beavers bottled
up somewhat.
The biggest surprise in strat
egy was the playing of Noe and
H a I b e r g at Offensive guards.
This didn’t pay off, however, as
the Ducks had collected only
seven points in the first eight
minutes of play when this in
novation was abandoned.
Bill Toole, OSC guard, played
a fine defensive game before foul
ing out in the last minute of the
third period. He collected four
personals in the first half. Jittery
Johnny Jarboe, the other starting
guard, showed a good eye on set
shots and tricky maneuvering un
der the basket to take second in
team scoring with 12 points.
Broadway-Hilyard Shell Service
East Broadway at Hilyard
Dr. Leland A. Huff
13 W. 8th Ave Ph. 5-3725
7th at LINCOLN
Barney Holland, stocky guard
from Coos Bay, gave the Bcvos
headaches and took charge of a
second quarter rally which broke
apart an 8-8 deadlock and enabl
ed the Ducks to take a 38-27 half
time lead. Halberg, who scored
nine points in the 10-minute span,
rebounded 15 times and tallied 14
points during the game.
Barney Dumped
Holland crashed to the floor ”
1:11 before the end of the game
after a collision with Ken Wegner.
Prior to the mishap, Holland had
posted 22 points 10 of them in the
second quarter, and totaled seven
field goals in 11 attempts. The
Duck guard suffered a fractured
nose, and a deep cut over one eye
and the bridge of his nose. Dr.
Washington .
I diho
< >rrgon State
Washington State
ND Standings
8 0 Jj'00
4 4 .5«ft I
4 4 , 1111
3 5 ..*75
1 7 .US
Oregon Stair f»7. (>KROON to
Washington State 51. l<laho
OREGON 73, Oregon State oJ
George Guldagor said Saturday
night that Holland has a slight
chance of playing in the week-end
series against the University of
Idaho at McArthur court.
Center Chet Noe, although
held to four points, kept Vlaste
lioa, the hook shot artist, well
bottled up. Vlasteliea, scorer of
28 points Friday night at Eu
gene, was able to tally but a
single free throw, a la Fete Mul
lins’ performanre for Washing
ton State against Idaho Friday.
The Webfoots shot into a 6-0
lead after two minutes of play and
Wegner drove in for a layup with
slightly less than seven minutes to
go in the quarter for a 8-3 edge.
The Ducks cooled off and failed to
score until Holland pumped one in
from the key at the outset of the
second quarter.
Slats Substitutes
Gill soured on his tall starters
and substituted freely to no avail
in the second stanza. The Ducks
opened up a 12-point lead late in
the second period, but a pair of
promising sophomores, Tex White
man and Ron Robins scored on a
hook shot and, the latter, on a
phenomenal two-handed 50-foot
push shot which he cast a second
before the half-time buzzer.
Coach Bill Borcher worked over
the Duck defense and used a fair
ly tight man-to-man defense, ex
cept to sag in on Vlasteliea, while
he was in the game. Wegner was
! more of a problem for the Bevos
| than he was Friday night when
the Gill men had his number.
Halbertf, f 5 4
Stout, f ] l
Noe, c 12
Wej'ner, p; 6 4
Holland, k 7 K
Ronncman, c 0 0
Farnam, f 1 0
Hawes, k 2 3
paKe, k 0 2
Covey, k 0 ” 3
Johnson, f (j 0
23 27
fu ft t|>
Romanoff, f o o o
Whiteman, f 4 0 ,8
Vlastelica, c 0 1 1
Toole, K 4 4 1
Tarboe, ^ 2
Suer tie, f 0
•Shir tel iff, f 1
Edwards, c 3
Hallif'an, f 4
Johii ton, x 1
I'atsel, t
3 7
0 0
2 4
3 8
4 3 11
1 0 2
2 6 10
0 0 0
21 21 63
L „ , fK ft (P
Romanoff, f 4 2 1(J
Whiteman, f 1 2 4
| Vlastelica, c 12 4 28
Toole, g 1 3 S
Jarboe, f 4 4 12
I Edwards g o u 0
Robins, g 113
Johnston, g 1 3 5
24 19 07
Farnain, f
Halberg, f
Ilolaml, g
W(•«HIT, fr
Stout, f
Hawes, g
Covey, g
Page, g
fg ft- tp
0 u u
6 2 1 4
V (» 24
1 1 4
3 7 12
2 0 4
f 0 0 0
1 s 7
O (I 0
0 0 0
22 21 65