Webfoots Win Series Final, 73-63 MURALS Hale Kane Stuns Alpha Hall, 35-19 Hale Kane walloped Alpha Hall's “A” quint, 35 to 19; Kappa Sigma trampled the Betas 33 to 16; Pi Kappa Alpha's “B” quint overcame the Phi Kaps, 19 to 13; SAE’s junior squad decisioned the Delts, 20 to 14; and Pi Kappa Phi beat TKE, 24 to 12, in intra mural games Friday afternoon. Hale Kane (35) (19) Alpha O’Brien, 8.F...0, Neyers Frolen, 6.*.F.0, Feliz McElvery, 5.C.4, Ruecker Tom, 8.G14, Canningham Takanb, 6.G 1, Wah Subs—Hale Kane Fong, 2. Kappa Sigs (33) (16) Betas Talbot, 11.F.4, Wolfard Murray, 4.F.3, Forbes Dougherty, 4.€.6, Sogge Bassett, 1.G. .3, Lyon Sweitzer, 1.G....0, Martin Subs—for Kappa Sigma: Novi koff, 5; Steele, 1. Phi Sigs (13) (19) Pi Kaps Butler, 0.F.6, Schireman Karr, 2.F.5, Gumpert Marshall, 7.C.6, McMahon Wilcox, 2.G.0, Suiter Bliefernich, 2 G . . .. . . 0, Coleman Subs—for Pi Kappa Sigma: Swennes, 2. The Susan Campbell-Pi Kappa Phi track meet was changed from Friday to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb ruary 4. The Delta Epsilon handballers won on a forfeit bye. SAE (20) (14) Delts Carlson, 13.F.6, B. Adair Dignan, 2.F.3, Leslie Moss, 0.C 3, Gustafson Davis, 4.G.0, Morgan Miscu, 1.G........0, Ricketts Subs: SAE—Kittredge; Delts, J. Adair, 2, Barrow. Pi Kaps (24) (12) Tekes Marshall, 3..._.F.0, Markharn Greco, 4. F.2, Bradetich Wooden, 7.C.1, Easton Linder, 10.G.6, Lacy Surprenat, 0.G.3, Parul Subs: Pi Kapps — Kendrick; Tekes—Fowler, Allen. RON ROBINS Fifty-foot Bucket at Corvallis Rooks Edge Ducklings1; CORVALLIS — Oregon State’s unbeaten Rooks made it their 11th consecutive win of the current sea son, Saturday at Corvallis, as they nipped the Frosh, 52-51. A second half drive by the Frosh sent them into the lead only to lose it and the game in the final sec onds. / Big Swede Halbrook returned to the game, after sitting out the pace State in the final frame. It took the Rooks seven and a half minutes to catch up with Don Kirsch’s Eugene squad who held an eight point advantage going into the final frame. Jerry Crimins clinched an Ag gie victory as he flipped in a jump shot to make the score 52-50 \yith only 40 seconds remaining. Don Porter could hit only one of two free throws as the OSC Frosh stalled out their 52-51 victory. Halbrook led the scoring with 22 points. However, only 10 of these were made from the floor. High point man for the Frosh was An derson with 16. This was the third loss the Duck lings have suffered this season at the hands of the Rooks. Frosh (51) (52) Rooks McManus, • .F. 7, C'aroll Foster, 8 .F 12, Paulus Anderson, 16 .C . . 22, Hulbrook Hazel, 3.G. 3, Moya James, 8 .G. 8, Crimins Substitues for Frosh: Keller 4, Weatherford, Dorwin 6, Porter 1. For Rooks: Wilson, Stevens. Johnny Bomba bowled two per fect games in a row Jan. 10, 1950. His scores in six games were: 217, 225, 245, 221, 300 and 300. Campus capers call for Coke No matter if the big act goes wrong, you can’t beat a skating party on a winter night. Be sure there's Coke along ... for rejreshmenU BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. of EUGENE -*'£oirrgon State Washington State ND Standings 8 0 Jj'00 4 4 .5«ft I 4 4 , 1111 3 5 ..*75 1 7 .US RESULTS FRIDAY Oregon Stair f»7. (>KROON to Washington State 51. l Romanoff, f o o o Whiteman, f 4 0 ,8 Vlastelica, c 0 1 1 Toole, K 4 4 1 Tarboe, ^ 2 Suer tie, f 0 •Shir tel iff, f 1 Edwards, c 3 Hallif'an, f 4 Johii ton, x 1 I'atsel, t 3 7 0 0 2 4 3 8 4 3 11 1 0 2 2 6 10 0 0 0 Totals 21 21 63 ; OREGON STATE L „ , fK ft (P Romanoff, f 4 2 1(J Whiteman, f 1 2 4 | Vlastelica, c 12 4 28 Toole, g 1 3 S Jarboe, f 4 4 12 I Edwards g o u 0 Robins, g 113 Johnston, g 1 3 5 24 19 07 Totals Farnain, f Halberg, f Ilolaml, g W(•«HIT, fr Stout, f Honnenian, Hawes, g Covey, g Page, g Totals OREGON fg ft- tp 0 u u 6 2 1 4 V (» 24 1 1 4 3 7 12 2 0 4 f 0 0 0 1 s 7 O (I 0 0 0 0 22 21 65