Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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Grab Babcock,
Georgia End
SAN tKANUlStU tao — me
f,an Francisco 49ers disregarded
the retirement of Quarterback
Frankie Albert and picked a
Oeorgia end, Harry Babcock, as
I4ie fair-haired lad of college foot
ball. The pro 49ers drew the bon
tts-pick as the National Football
league began its annual lottery to
distribute the available college tal
ent among its 12 clubs.
General Manager Louis Spadia
San Francisco drew the lucky
<slip out of a cardboard box. and
he promptly named Babcock as
his choice. The pros attach con
siderable importance to the bonus
pick. No club can get it more than
once in 12 years, and the player
selected is supposed to be the very
best available—at least for the
team that selects him.
To get Babcock, San Francis
co passed over such highly re
garded stars as Oklahoma’s All
American Billy Vessels and Cal
ifornia's J o h n n y Olszewski.
“Johnny-O," as he is known,
was grabbed a short time later
—as the first choice of the Chi
cago Cardinals.
* Other Western players picked
in the first round included A1
Carmichael, the Southern Califor
nia back; UCLA line backer Donn
Moomaw; and Washington State
End Ed Barker. Carmichael was
drafted by the Green Bay Packers.
Moomaw by Philadelphia and
Barker by Los Angeles.
Fri. Jan. 23
3:5 ' Court 4«‘» Halt: Kane- A vs. Sigma Hall A
5 :5 * Court 45 Barrister Inn A \ s. Gamma
Hall A
4:55 Court 40 Alpha Hall A vs. Susan Camp
Bell A
4:35 Court 43 Lambda Chi Alpha A vs. Pi
Kappa Alpha A
5:15 Court 40 Chi Pm A vs. Sigma Phi
Epsilon A
5:15 Court 43 Sigma Chi A vs. Phi Kappa
Psi A
&UU ok ' '~r:
t&xt "PvuontU (cat
*7&e ’KcnfUetf
U ocktail and luncheon
napkins, personalized with
your name or monogram.
100 in attractive $■» -jq
gift box '
U of O Co-op
USF Hilltoppers Invade Igloo;
Webfoots Rated Slight Choice
Stepping’ out of the conference
for a crack at the independents,
the University of Oregon Webfoots
rate a slight edge over the fast
traveling University of San Fran
cisco Dons. The two teams clash
tonight in McArthur court -game
time, S p.m. Frosh squads from
Oregon and Oregon State meet in
a 6 p.m. preliminary.
Both Webfoot teams invade
Portland's Ice arena Saturday
night for a brace of games with
the Portland university Pilots
and jayvees.
After being bounced from pillar
to post during the early going, the
Hilltoppers have found the Cali
fornia Basketball association quints
to their liking and have won three
consecutive games from San Jose.
St. Mary’s and Santa Clara, plus
A Dun on a Mission
'Bama Coach Praises
Bonus Draft Choice
ATHENS, Ga. (AP)—Etui Harry Babcock of Georgia was
surprised to learn he had been the top pick hr the annual pro
-fodtoball draft of cullege players Thursday.
Babcock, chosen as bonus pick by the San Francisco 49ers,
told newsmen: “I’m looking forward to playing with the
4»ers very mucn. tsui lr sure
floored me to be picked over
■ such fellows us Billy Vessels and
Jack Scarbath. It’s quite an
honor and I appreciate it a lot.”
Babcock was named to the As
sociated press second-team All
America squad after last season—
a ranking- that didn’t please his
coaches. Head Coach Wally Butts
says Babcock is the best blocker
he’s ever seen but adds that his
blocking skill is often overlooked
because he is such a fine pass re
Coach Ked Drew of Alabama
calls the 22-year-old native of
Pearl River, New York, the fin
est end to cbme out of the
Southeastern conference since
Don Hutson. Georgia’s end
coach, Perron Shoemaker, says
Babcock is the finest all-around
offensive end he has ever seen.
Babcock is single and a mem
ber of the air force reserve. He
expects to play at least one sea
son of pro football before enter
ing service.
Empire Hails McGregor
SPOKANE (fP) — Jim McGregor
was named Inland Empire Coach
of the Year last night at Spokane.
The award was made a few hours
after he announced he was resign
ing as head coach and athletic di
rector of Whitworth college.
Seton Hall Cager
Top NCAA Scorer;
O'Brien Third
NEW YORK </PI—Big Walt
Dukes, almost basket high at six
eleven, is the individual basket
leader for major college basket
ball teams.
The ambling ace from Seton
Hall is credited with 501 points
in 18 games, an average of 27.8
per game, according to the latest
statistics from the National Col
legiate Athletic bureau.
The former scoring pace'maker,
Ernie Beck of the University of
Pennsylvania, is a close second
with 304 points in eleven games.
That breaks down to an average
of 27.6 per contest.
Third is little Johnny O'Brien
of Seattle who has rolled up 402
points in 15 games for an average
of 26.8.
The towering Clarence (Bevo)
Francis of Rio Grande college of
Ohio is not eligible for this list.
Rio Grande is not ranked as a
major school.
Former New York Yankee star,
George “Twinkletoes” Selkirk hit
five homers, in four straight games
in 1938.
an additional pair from the San
Francisco Olympic club and Fres
no State.
Sensing a possible Western
NCAA regional invitation, the
Dons will be making a "do or die"
road trip against the Ducks to
night. Seattle university Saturday
and Portland next week. Coach
Phil Woolpert’s lads are well-equip
ped to do some upsetting, too,
with an all-veteran squad that av
erages upwards of six-feet two
Junior Center Frank Kvangel
lio, six-foot, five Inch San Fran
ciscan leads the Dons’ scorers;
in one game Kvangelho, subbing
for the other post man, Dick
Jensen, broke loose for 27 points
and since then Woolpert has
lieen reductaiit to remove him
from the starting lineup. Evan
gelho is rated a good hook shot
artist, which is becoming a near
requisite for a respectable col
legiate center.
Captain and sparkplug for the
Pan Franciscans -is Guard Phil Vu
kicevich, senior, who has been a
regular starter for three seasons
on the hill-top. Vukicevich is left
handed and one of the better drib
blers on the coast.
Kebounder Casey
K. C. Jones, a six-foot, one-inch
Negro forward, despite his lack of
great height, is touted as a comer
and a good rebound man. Jones
stepped right out of Commerce
high in the Bay city and won a
first string job at USF in his fresh
man year. *!•
Another sophomore, J e r r y
Mullin, six-foot four-inch 195
poiinder from Berkeley, is the
other starting forward. Ills main
forte is a slick, one-handed jump
shot. Carl Lawson teams with
Vukicevich at guard unless the
ailing Cappy I.avin is able to
start. Lawson, a junior, does a
workman-like job on the hoards,
while I.avin, who first learned
his basketball from Pete Newell
back in 1948 is troubled with
arthritis, which caused him to sit
out tlic entire 1951-52 season.
Lavin, as a sophomore, starred
on USF's National Invitational
tourney championship team in
1949. The Dons, under Newell, de
feated Loyola of Chicago for the
title, after beating City College of
New York earlier in the tourna
ment. If in good health, Lavin can
be one of the classiest dribblers in
the game.
Northern Division
Oregon will have one eye peeled
on the action over in the Palouse
wheTe Idaho and Oregon State and
Washington and Washington State
will be at it. The forlorn hope of
a WSC upset just about went out
the window when stellar Forward
Pete Mullins twisted an ankle in
Webfoot Coach BUI Borcher
will stand pat with his starting
lineup of Farnam, Haltterg, Noe,
Wegner and Holland. The Ducks,
after a three-day pause, worked
out Thursday.
Swede Halbrook and the Oregon
State Rooks make their first ap
pearance at the Igloo tonight
against the Ducklings. Center Max
Anderson will get the call to
thwart the tower.
No No.
4 Jones (6-1) .F... (6-2) Farnam 21
14 Mullen (6-4) .F... (6-5) Halberg 16
16 F.vangellu> (6-5) ....('. (6-7) Noe 26
111 Lawson (6-1) .(1... (5-11) Holland 25
11 Yukicevich (6-1) ..G ... (5-10) Wegner 8
1'SF roster—4 Jones, f; 5 Hayes, G; 6
Jensen, c; 7 Gannon, g; 8 Korte, g; In Law
son, g; 11 Yukicevich, g; 12 Harrington, f;
14 Mullen, f; 16 Evangelho, c; 18 Walker, f;
10 Wielnisch, 1; 21 Lavin, g; 2.1 Bush, g.
Oregon roster—6 Hawes, g; 8 Wegner, g:
Id Stunt, f; 11 Byler, f; 12 Page, g; 14
Green, g; 15 Johnson, f; 16 Halberg, f; 17
Govey, g; 1!) Bonneman, c; 21 Farnam, f;
25 Holland, g; 26 Noe, c.
Desk Editor: Ls-ry Lavelle.
Staff: John Whitty, Gil Lieber
man and Norm Steen.
Huskies Control
ND Statistics; <>
Ducks Second
Houbregs, center for the Univer
sity of Washington Huskies con
tinues to increase his individual
scoring leud over the pack in the
Northern division, two other post
men are crowding into the pic
In six games Houbregs has
slapped in 176 points with 65 field
goals and 46 free throws for 29.5
points per game. That gives Hou
bregs a tremendous advantage ov
PCC Standings
Washington ft 0 1.000
OREGON 3 3 ,500
Idaho .2 3 .400
Oregon State t 3 .250
Waihingtun Slate 1 4
( )rrK«ll Stale vv Malm at \I<,.( a, Ma
Waaninoton ■.*. Wathingtuti Slate at Pull
man, Waalt.
California 5 1 .833
Southern California . 3 3 .500
UCLA ... 3 3 .500
Stanford IS .167
er the others, yet the next two
high scorers are centers, too, Chet
Noe of the University of Oregon
and Hartley Kruger of the Uni
versity of Idaho. Noe has a 17.3
per game average in six outings
while Kruger has a 15.4 mark.
Ken Wagner of th*- Ducks. 15.0
and Dwight Monison of the Van
dals, 12.2, round out the top five,
lialberg Second
Iloubregs is also the top marks
man in the division with a flossy
60.2 percentage on his floor shots.
In 108 tries, he has found the
mark 65 times. Ed Halberg. Web
foot forward, has an even 50 per
cent and Johnny Jarboe, Oregon
State, 47.8. Wegner leads the free
tossers with 78.4 per cent, follow
ed by Houbregs, 75.4 and Morrison
Morrison is the number one
remainder with 12.8 average per
game, followed by Doug Mc
Clary, Washington, 12.0, Hou
bregs, 11.8, Kruger, 11.0, and
Noe, 10.3.
Best shots in the league are the
Washington Huskies with a team
average of 39.7 from the floor and
72.7 from the free throw line. The
Seattle squad also leads in re
bounds, while Washington State
has committed the fewest fouls.
Washington is the top scoring'
team while Oregon State has al
lowed opponents the fewest points.
Games in Palouse
Two top series are slated for
the Inland Empire this weekend.
Oregon State is at Idaho while
Washington State hosts Wash
Total Scoring
Houbregs, W. ..
Kruger, I.
Cipriano, W. ...
McCutcheon, W.
Mullins, WSC. ...
Rehder, WSC. ..
65 46 17 176
33 38 19 104
25 40 21 90
25 27 15 77
24 23 21 71
31 9 17 71
27 11 17 65
17 30 21 64
22 14 10 58
18 11 13 47
PCL Slashes Limit
Coast Baseball league owners vot
ed today to reduce the player list
from 23 to 21 men. Players re
turning from military service,
however, will be listed as defense
There may be one of them to
every five regular players. The
defense men thus will not be listed
in the player limit. A team there
fore can carry 25 players—includ
ing four servicemen.