SURPRISE Forty-niners Grab Babcock, Georgia End SAN tKANUlStU tao — me f,an Francisco 49ers disregarded the retirement of Quarterback Frankie Albert and picked a Oeorgia end, Harry Babcock, as I4ie fair-haired lad of college foot ball. The pro 49ers drew the bon tts-pick as the National Football league began its annual lottery to distribute the available college tal ent among its 12 clubs. General Manager Louis Spadia San Francisco drew the lucky (6-5) ....('. (6-7) Noe 26 111 Lawson (6-1) .(1... (5-11) Holland 25 11 Yukicevich (6-1) ..G ... (5-10) Wegner 8 1'SF roster—4 Jones, f; 5 Hayes, G; 6 Jensen, c; 7 Gannon, g; 8 Korte, g; In Law son, g; 11 Yukicevich, g; 12 Harrington, f; 14 Mullen, f; 16 Evangelho, c; 18 Walker, f; 10 Wielnisch, 1; 21 Lavin, g; 2.1 Bush, g. Oregon roster—6 Hawes, g; 8 Wegner, g: Id Stunt, f; 11 Byler, f; 12 Page, g; 14 Green, g; 15 Johnson, f; 16 Halberg, f; 17 Govey, g; 1!) Bonneman, c; 21 Farnam, f; 25 Holland, g; 26 Noe, c. SPORT STAFF Desk Editor: Ls-ry Lavelle. Staff: John Whitty, Gil Lieber man and Norm Steen. HOOKS TOPS Huskies Control ND Statistics; <> Ducks Second LOS ANGELES While Bob Houbregs, center for the Univer sity of Washington Huskies con tinues to increase his individual scoring leud over the pack in the Northern division, two other post men are crowding into the pic ture. In six games Houbregs has slapped in 176 points with 65 field goals and 46 free throws for 29.5 points per game. That gives Hou bregs a tremendous advantage ov PCC Standings NORTHERN DIVISION Washington ft 0 1.000 OREGON 3 3 ,500 Idaho .2 3 .400 Oregon State t 3 .250 Waihingtun Slate 1 4 GAMES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ( )rrK«ll Stale vv Malm at \I<,.( a, Ma Waaninoton ■.*. Wathingtuti Slate at Pull man, Waalt. SOUTHERN DIVISION California 5 1 .833 Southern California . 3 3 .500 UCLA ... 3 3 .500 Stanford IS .167 er the others, yet the next two high scorers are centers, too, Chet Noe of the University of Oregon and Hartley Kruger of the Uni versity of Idaho. Noe has a 17.3 per game average in six outings while Kruger has a 15.4 mark. Ken Wagner of th*- Ducks. 15.0 and Dwight Monison of the Van dals, 12.2, round out the top five, lialberg Second Iloubregs is also the top marks man in the division with a flossy 60.2 percentage on his floor shots. In 108 tries, he has found the mark 65 times. Ed Halberg. Web foot forward, has an even 50 per cent and Johnny Jarboe, Oregon State, 47.8. Wegner leads the free tossers with 78.4 per cent, follow ed by Houbregs, 75.4 and Morrison 75. Morrison is the number one remainder with 12.8 average per game, followed by Doug Mc Clary, Washington, 12.0, Hou bregs, 11.8, Kruger, 11.0, and Noe, 10.3. Best shots in the league are the Washington Huskies with a team average of 39.7 from the floor and 72.7 from the free throw line. The Seattle squad also leads in re bounds, while Washington State has committed the fewest fouls. Washington is the top scoring' team while Oregon State has al lowed opponents the fewest points. Games in Palouse Two top series are slated for the Inland Empire this weekend. Oregon State is at Idaho while Washington State hosts Wash ington. Total Scoring Houbregs, W. .. NOE, O. WEGNER, O. . Kruger, I. HOLLAND, O Cipriano, W. ... HALBERG, O. McCutcheon, W. Mullins, WSC. ... Rehder, WSC. .. FG FT PF TP 65 46 17 176 33 38 19 104 25 40 21 90 25 27 15 77 24 23 21 71 31 9 17 71 27 11 17 65 17 30 21 64 22 14 10 58 18 11 13 47 PCL Slashes Limit SAN FRANCISCO (.T*)—Pacific Coast Baseball league owners vot ed today to reduce the player list from 23 to 21 men. Players re turning from military service, however, will be listed as defense men. There may be one of them to every five regular players. The defense men thus will not be listed in the player limit. A team there fore can carry 25 players—includ ing four servicemen.