Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    Faculty Rank Titles Determine
Prestige and Pay During Career
By Elsie Schiller
Emerald Reporter
The titles of rank by which the
faculty of Oregon are known in
academic circles arc, in reality, a
• stairway of progressing knowl
edge indicating each succeeding
achievement in the field of educa
tion and collegiate teaching.
The four degrees of rank ap
. plied at Oregon, which ore stan
dard for colleges throughout the
nation, include in the order of in
creasing specialization, knowl
' :ge, and salary: instructor, as
; atari t professor, associate prb
'foHHor and full professor. The
teaching fellow or graduate as
'instant wotking on his master's
degree is also included on the in
structional side of college admin
jM ration but there is no standard,
graduated procedure concerning
their employment.
The Instructor
The instructor has usually com
.Dieted the work for his bachelor’s
•<r,d master's degrees and is work
ing on his doctor’s degree. The
-l 'niversity's general policy is to
hire only instructors thus quali
fied but- the master's degree is
’not mandatory at all institutions.
While working on a doctor’s de
gree, the instructor must do a
minimum of three years work, us
' ually two years spent in the class
room and one year spent on thesis
A thesis for a doctor's degree
is defined as an original contri
' fiction to the field of specializa
tion whereas the master's degree
.is a re-interpretation of knowl
edge already axisting.
The instructor is limited to low
'd division, introductory classes
for bis classroom work since he is
.generally considered to possess on
ly the fundamentals of his field
ami not the entire realm.
The Assistant Professor
The assistant professor has
-completed work on his doctor's
degree and acquired a fair body
of background material in his
K]"Cial interest in the field of
learning. His teaching work in
cludes some upper division work.
* The appointment to assistant
-professor also includes a clause
{fir continuous appointment which
USAF Offers
The United States Air Force has
issued an urgent call for young of
ficers with educational back
grounds in engineering, science and
technical fields.
4 In a letter received by H. K.
Newburn, president of the Univer
sity, from Fourth Air Force head
quarters at Hamilton Air Base,
Hamilton, Cal., the need for college
graduates in the fields of chemis
try, mathematics, physics and en
gineering was particularly stress
ed. Students who receive direct ap
pointments will hold the rank of
Second Lieutenant, Air Force Re
serve. All applicants are required
to formally request and be avail
able for immediate active military
service upon receiving their college
di gree.
To qualify for an appointment
an applicant must be 18, but not
older than 27, be of good moral
iiiaracter and physically qualified
for general military service. Appli
/xints may be either fnarried or
single and are not required to be
Further information about the
appointments may be obtained by
Writing to the Commanding Gen
eral, Fourth Air Force. Hamilton
Air Force Base, Hamilton, Cal.
Students should include in their
request for application forms their
flmjor, age and expected date of
graduation, according to the let
guards against arbitrary dismiss
al- The job is guaranteed until
retirement at the age of 05 un
less a good reason for dismissal
can be shown. The first appoint
ment to the faculty is made on an
annual basis but after three years
of employment, the assistant pro
fessor is eligible for these tenure
The next rung on the academic
ladder, associate professor, de
notes a scholarly ability of high
order in his chosen field. This per
iod of scholastic achievement is
used to establish the teacher’s
reputation through writing books
and by other methods becoming
well known for his specialized
knowledge. Services as a class
room instructor include upper
division and graduate work for
the associate professor.
Full Professor
The rank of full professor is
applied to the senior scholars of
any one specific field of knowledge
as determined by the degree of spe
cialization in that field. An out
standing thorough, and extensive
scholarship is denoted by the title
of professor. His classroom work is
reserved primarily for graduate
courses and also includes some
upper division instruction.
Although academic ranking is
designed for continuous advance
ment, that advancement is limited
by the comparatively few profes
sors on any campus faculty ' as
contrasted to the number of as
sistant and associate professors
competing for any available posi
tions. Vacancies in the rank of full
professorships occur seldom unless
the school is continually expand
ing. Often the associate professor
must move to another institution
to continue his academic advance
Degree of Care Varies
The degree of care and consider
ation utilized in employing facul
ty members necessarily varies
with the importance or rank of
the job open. The head of the de
partment with the vacancy con
fers with the dean of the school
and if no qualified teacher fs
available within their own organi
zation, they turn to their applica
tions from other institutions.
Once a competent successor has
been interviewed and accepted by
the dean of the school, his name
is recommended to the president
of the University for an interview
and final acceptance.
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