Faculty Rank Titles Determine Prestige and Pay During Career By Elsie Schiller Emerald Reporter The titles of rank by which the faculty of Oregon are known in academic circles arc, in reality, a • stairway of progressing knowl edge indicating each succeeding achievement in the field of educa tion and collegiate teaching. The four degrees of rank ap . plied at Oregon, which ore stan dard for colleges throughout the nation, include in the order of in creasing specialization, knowl ' :ge, and salary: instructor, as ; atari t professor, associate prb 'foHHor and full professor. The teaching fellow or graduate as 'instant wotking on his master's degree is also included on the in structional side of college admin jM ration but there is no standard, graduated procedure concerning their employment. The Instructor The instructor has usually com .Dieted the work for his bachelor’s • / Hatiie« .• - JL ^ Arnold , A ^ivefS,ty ,« - ! PRODUC'i OF JZJ„. ^n&uzan, c/o^ojcco America’s leading manufacturer of cigarettes © A. T. Co.