Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1952, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Religious Notes
Compiled by Mitzi Asai
Emortld Roliyiout Now» Editor
Newman Club
Newman dub, the organization
for Iloman Catholic students, in
sponsoring a coffee hour Sunday
at 7 p.m. in Gerlinger hall. Lloyd
R. Sorenson, assistant professor
of history, will give a short talk
on ‘‘The Effects of the Reforma
tion on the Catholic Church To
day.” Students will meet tonight
at 7 for a skating party.
Westminster Foundation
Regular Bible class will be held
Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at West
minster Foundation.
Gail West will lead the evening
vesper service at 0 p.m. Speaker
for the forum which follows the
service will be Mohammed Chau
dri, foreign student from India.
‘'Islam” is the subjeet of his talk.
A social hour will follow the for
Canterbury Club
Father Evan Williams, Episco
pal chaplain at the University,
will deliver the sermon on Sunday
morning at St. Mary's church.
He has chosen as his topic, "Sheep
and Goats” and will discuss the
possibilities of grey hybrids.
Gamma Delta
Gamma Delta will meet at 1343
Mill street for a social evening
at 5:30 pm. Sunday. At 7:30 two
films will be shown at Grace
Lutheran church.
Wesley Foundation
Wesley Foundation will hold
open house this Saturday night.
Sunday morning at 9:45 the
Koinonia Klass (college-age Sun
day School) will meet at the First
Methodist church. Ken Peterson
will >ad the discussion of another
$ the series of “Pa'-ables of Je
/us.” Church services foilow the
4jass at 10:45 a.m.
A Thanksgiving program will
b< gin at the First Methodist
church Sunday evening at 6 p.m.
with a 4inner. Wesley Foundation
will provide a program, immed
iately following the dinner.
Reds Slay Whales
CP) - The Soviet press said Sun
day the Soviet whaling expedition
to the Antartic in 1951 netted
2459 whales and more than £5,000
tons of oil. It estimated the profit
to the state as 100 million rubles
(25 million dollars at the Soviet
exchange rate.) The newspapers
said Soviet harpooners have re
placed Norwegian harpooners on
Soviet Whalers.
FOR RENT: Nicely furnished 4
room, modern, clean, warm apt.
for students or working couple.
All utilities furnished. Tele,
privileges. $05. Call 5-5243.
FOR SALE: Sunbeam-Talbot con
vertible, $1,775. Edward Morton,
Law School 4-11-21
FOR SALE — Never been used.
2 pr. skis 7’ & 6’6” metal edges
$20 each. 2 pr. White Stag ski
pants, women’s size 12, men’s
size 32-30, $15 each. 1 woman's
skit boots, size 8, $10. $75 for the
lot. Good sitzmarking! Phone
4-2320 or call at 2015 Elk Drive,
Fairmount Dist., Eugene after
6 p.m. 11-21
WANTED to buy-—’32 to ’39 Ford,
Chev. or Plymouth for work car.
Not over $200, must be in good
mechanical condition. Ph. 4-2858
Alterations and sewing. 749 E.
13th, Apt. 3. Ph. 3-3178. tf
FOR RENT: Nicely furnished stu
dio apartment, near campus. For
married couple. Ph. 5-6889.
LOST: Navy blue purse. Around
noon Monday between Friendly
& Carson. Finder call 3-2711.
■ N,'xt Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. stu
OcntH will gather for another pot
hick dinner.
Wednesday at 4 p.m. and 0:30
p.m. two <c|| groups will meet.
I he groups will discuss personal,
national and world problems.
The chapel service regularly
held each Thursday noon at Wes
ley house and choir practice have
both been cancelled for this next
week because of Thanksgiving va
cation. Open house scheduled for
Nov. 28 and 20, have also been
Christian House
Sunday morning there will be
the usual 9:15 doughnut hour, fol
lowed by two classes at Christian
house, one on "The Psalms" and
the other on "How We Got Our
Bible." The regular evening fel
lowship will be held at 0 p.m.
instead of the usual 5:30.
Christian house students have
charge of the evening church ser
vice beginning at 7:30 p.m. Four
students from different countries
will hold a panel discussion on
"Things for W h i c h America
Should bo Thankful." Participants
ate June Nakata, Japan: Godfrey
Ibom, Nigeria; Elias Lavi, Iran,
and Gerry Van Doren, United
Special music will be given by
a student choir Jed by Mary Lou
Watts, with Pat Hartley as solo
Following the church service,
| students are inviting members and
friends of the church to an in
formal reception in the west wing
of the church at 8:30 p.m. Mary
Alice Baker and Martha Goodrich
are in charge of arrangements for
this part of the program. June
Fulco, Bob Adams and Mary Lou
Watts have charge of the evening
service itself.
Lutheran Students
Sunday at 5:30 p.m. a supper
will be held, to be followed by a
Thanksgiving program of singing
and worship.
An International tea is sched
uled for Tuesday at 3:30.
Dr. John Bird
London, England
Sun. 11 a.m. “THE REAL
TEST” KASH broadcast
7:30 p.m. “THE UNPAR
Sunday School - 9:45
Goal - 1,500
Broadway at High —
University Forensic Squad Left Thursday
ror Northwest Regional Tournament
ih'i University forensic squad
left Thursday afternoon for Pull
man, Wash., where they plan to
attend the annual Northwest re
gional forensic tournament Friday
and Ha tut day. Original plans to fly
lo Pullman were cancelled because
of heavy fog Thursday and the trip
will he made both ways by train.
Students on the travelling squad
include two men's teams: Bruce
Holt, fieshrnan in pre-law, and
Paul Ward, freshman in political
science; Phil Cass, freshm; n in
pre-law, and Don Mickelwait,
. ophomore in liberal arts, and one
women's team, Loretta Mason,
freshman in speech, and Elsie
Schiller, junior in journalism.
Three Teams
The three teams will be accom
panied by Herman Cohen, forensics
director, and Robert Kully, gradu
ate assistant in speech.
Cass and Mickelwait, accompa
nied by Cohen, will go on from
Pullman to the University of Den
ver to participate in the Western
Speech association tournament to
be held there Nov. 25, 26, and 27.
The Oregon squad will compete
with teams from four states,
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and
Montana, at the regional tourna
ment sponsored by the Washington
State college chapter of Pi Kappa
Delta, national forensic honorary.
It is the first competitive speech
tournament of the season for the
Northwest ami the University
squad's initial performance for
this year.
Fair employment practices legis
lation on the national level will be
the topic of argumentation at both
Kully and the remainder of the
-quad will return to Eugene Sun
Kobayashi to Show
Educational Slides
Bunji Kobayashi, graduate stu
dent in architecture sponsored by
the International Institute of Edu
cation, will show slides of Japanese
domestic architecture Monday at
7:30 p.m. in Architecture 107.
Kobayashi, an assistant profes
sor of architecture in Nippon Uni
versity, Tokyo, will show slides of
Japanese architecture ranging
from the Neolithic period to the
mh century. The slides will in
c lude Katsura palace in Kyoto.
The slide show is being sponsor
ed by the University of Oregon
chapter of American Institute of
Decorations, a national interior de
sign honorary. This show’ is the
fii st of a scries of two. The next
slide show will be Monday. Dec. 1.
when slides on Budhist and Shinto
architecture will be shown.
Dick Busey
f'<i$ Peddler
"th at Lincoln
ITI .il.t, 8c M'M DIM. b-\QU
Richard Todd - Joan Rice
Kita Hayworth - Glenn ford
Luther Adler
c°nie to
Ba lb
%/i 9 5
SleeP: study or U
and Harm in d , UnSe c^y'
Wi< close-knit briggans- 0f
soft and Jon! , C°ffon ■ • •
"assuift stretcbing' Suinklng,
sizes—14/20 *e'greenj