Religious Notes Compiled by Mitzi Asai Emortld Roliyiout Now» Editor Newman Club Newman dub, the organization for Iloman Catholic students, in sponsoring a coffee hour Sunday at 7 p.m. in Gerlinger hall. Lloyd R. Sorenson, assistant professor of history, will give a short talk on ‘‘The Effects of the Reforma tion on the Catholic Church To day.” Students will meet tonight at 7 for a skating party. Westminster Foundation Regular Bible class will be held Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at West minster Foundation. Gail West will lead the evening vesper service at 0 p.m. Speaker for the forum which follows the service will be Mohammed Chau dri, foreign student from India. ‘'Islam” is the subjeet of his talk. A social hour will follow the for um. Canterbury Club Father Evan Williams, Episco pal chaplain at the University, will deliver the sermon on Sunday morning at St. Mary's church. He has chosen as his topic, "Sheep and Goats” and will discuss the possibilities of grey hybrids. Gamma Delta Gamma Delta will meet at 1343 Mill street for a social evening at 5:30 pm. Sunday. At 7:30 two films will be shown at Grace Lutheran church. Wesley Foundation Wesley Foundation will hold open house this Saturday night. Sunday morning at 9:45 the Koinonia Klass (college-age Sun day School) will meet at the First Methodist church. Ken Peterson will >ad the discussion of another $ the series of “Pa'-ables of Je /us.” Church services foilow the 4jass at 10:45 a.m. A Thanksgiving program will b< gin at the First Methodist church Sunday evening at 6 p.m. with a 4inner. Wesley Foundation will provide a program, immed iately following the dinner. --\ Reds Slay Whales CP) - The Soviet press said Sun day the Soviet whaling expedition to the Antartic in 1951 netted 2459 whales and more than £5,000 tons of oil. It estimated the profit to the state as 100 million rubles (25 million dollars at the Soviet exchange rate.) The newspapers said Soviet harpooners have re placed Norwegian harpooners on Soviet Whalers. Classifieds FOR RENT: Nicely furnished 4 room, modern, clean, warm apt. for students or working couple. All utilities furnished. Tele, privileges. $05. Call 5-5243. 4-11-21 FOR SALE: Sunbeam-Talbot con vertible, $1,775. Edward Morton, Law School 4-11-21 FOR SALE — Never been used. 2 pr. skis 7’ & 6’6” metal edges $20 each. 2 pr. White Stag ski pants, women’s size 12, men’s size 32-30, $15 each. 1 woman's skit boots, size 8, $10. $75 for the lot. Good sitzmarking! Phone 4-2320 or call at 2015 Elk Drive, Fairmount Dist., Eugene after 6 p.m. 11-21 WANTED to buy-—’32 to ’39 Ford, Chev. or Plymouth for work car. Not over $200, must be in good mechanical condition. Ph. 4-2858 11-21 Alterations and sewing. 749 E. 13th, Apt. 3. Ph. 3-3178. tf FOR RENT: Nicely furnished stu dio apartment, near campus. For married couple. Ph. 5-6889. LOST: Navy blue purse. Around noon Monday between Friendly & Carson. Finder call 3-2711. ■ N,'xt Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. stu OcntH will gather for another pot hick dinner. Wednesday at 4 p.m. and 0:30 p.m. two